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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/2020 in all areas

  1. Hi there! I finished my new composition. I was very inspired from all kinds of video game adventures when making this.
    1 point
  2. I missed that one. But I can still make a voting stage. Can you enable the option to download the song. Then I get it on ThaSauce, after that I can start the voting stage. Or just upload it to ThaSauce, I put it open again.
    1 point
  3. Hello Everyone, Best wishes for this year to come to everyone To start something this year as past years haven't been as full of musics as I wished, and following my nearly traumatic fanatism of Sonic the hedgehod themes, I've started what is for now Working-titled "Docto Ivo's Masterpiece" (Ivo being the quite forgotten firstname of our beloved "Eggman"). This is still very early WIP and requires a lot of polishing, even more regarding the recording (which will, to be honest, need to be finally handled by someone who can play better than me cause it's always easier to write than to record sur voluntarily "extravagant" piece of work). This is what I came as a first part and early wip. To be clear again, this is *meant* to be very extravagant, just as the title says it all, but not to be anyhow "pretentious". Think about it as being played by a frustrated aging Eggman. _______________________________________________________________________________ Regarding the principle of writing, i've just took a lot of my prefered and classic themes of Robotnik, trying to unify theme and rewrite them for piano solo with this kind of exercice in mind : - here is an extracted example for Final Zone (Sonic 1) so everyone get the idea straight immediately : Rewriting Oldies for Piano Solo - Final Zone (Sonic1) (rewriting starts at 00:15) _______________________________________________________________________________ About the source materials, it's unified and messed up from all the classic expected sources like, but not exhaustively - Sonic 3 & Knucles "Robotnik's theme" - Sonic 2 "Dr Robotniks theme" - Sonic The hedgehog "Robotnik's theme" - 2-Player Vs. - Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine [OST] - Sonic 1 Music: Final Zone - Sonic 3 Music: Final Boss - and so on... Any feedback will be deeply apreciated. So tell me everything I don't wanna hear !! (and everything i'd be pleased to if anyhow you're please too <3) _______________________________________________________________________________ Here is a private SoundCloud link to the WiP: Doctor Ivo's Masterpiece - Part 1 - Early wip (Robotnik's themes for piano solo) _______________________________________________________________________________ Edit log : - added some rudimentary marking as soundcloud commentary, may it ease commenting parts - inverted tags so they correctly appear in thread list _______________________________________________________________________________
    1 point
  4. Wow, this is a super underappreciated track! It's been stuck in my head for the last few days, and I'm really happy about it - super catchy and upbeat retro-flavored goodness! Totally nailed some of the classic WillRock sound here as well, haha. The guitar may be fake, but it certainly adds a lot of charm Absolutely love this remix, keep making awesome stuff!
    1 point
  5. An underrated soundtrack from a somewhat obscure game. The entire OST is golden, but I want to hear a remix of this track specifically: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHG41MOgxNU
    1 point
  6. Uhhhhh...I didn't get a chance to submit. Does that mean I'm SoL for this round? I posted my entry in Soundcloud T_T....looks like it. RIP.
    0 points
  7. So it's a double round then? Me and Dex choose a source?
    0 points
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