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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/12/2021 in all areas

  1. I got one finished so far. Sending it by PM, as I'm not uploading it anywhere public until late next month. Also, sorry about last year. A certain individual in my life really dragged me down without me even realizing it until it was too late.
    1 point
  2. Hey there, welcome to the forums! Firstly, thanks for posting feedback on other mixes too - it's always nice to give someone else a kind word when you're looking for feedback yourself. Cool choice of source tune - it's kind of a banger! I've never heard of this game, and I love to see people tackling more obscure games. Very interesting style you've chosen as well - it's got orchestral instrumentation, yet the drums sound very rock-like in their sequencing and tempo. Typically with orchestral arrangements, the percussion takes more of a back seat in the mix and is there for emphasis, but here you've got it front and centre. The kick seems kinda lacking punch, however once the strings and brass come in, there's a lot of low frequency content there which would be fighting with a more pronounced kick drum, so that actually works out ok. You know, listening a couple more times, I'm reminded of a track from Unreal Tournament on a 'D-Day' style level, where it uses a lot of orchestral elements, but also some prominent percussion. Have a listen here: That track's 22 years old at least, but I think the style really works there, incorporating some urgent percussion with some nice dynamics in the orchestral elements, and some tasteful synth work as well. Right now, I'd say your track is caught in two minds about whether it wants to be orchestral or rock, and it's not such a cohesive arrangement. The drums seem to be taking all the focus away from the other parts. Would you consider this track finished, since it's submitted, or would you be willing to revisit it? If it were me, I'd choose one style and go for that. Either rock, with bass and electric guitars to go along with the drums, or orchestral, and only use percussion for emphasis (timpani rolls, crash cymbals, etc). Anyway, cool track and I enjoyed listening!
    1 point
  3. Welcome to the Voting Stage! There are 8 entries this round. There is 0 Bonus entry(s) this round There IS no voter bonus this round! Nobody has a vote worth 2x. When Voting, if possible, avoid granting 1:1 covers top spot. MnP requires a bit of remixage after all. Don't vote for Bonus entries please. Do let me know if you have problems voting, and we can sort something out. Try and not make any comments about each entrant until after voting has concluded. Thanks! Participants may not vote for themselves. The winner of this round, will join the winner of the last round, in a Double Dose source off, for MnP129 Vote ends 16th November 1PM. Vote here: http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/MnP128
    1 point
  4. How do I put this... I would love to do a Christmas tune for a twelfth year in a row but that seems like an awfully big lift for me. ? We shall see.
    1 point
  5. classic tune here. also, you went with polygonjohn instead of polyjohn? missed opportunity filtered drums and some sfx start this track off, along a very bass-heavy bass and some quiet bells. the melody comes in at 0:35 with some nicely-sequenced gliding synth. this does a nice job sitting back on the beat which fits the background well. there's a silence break at 1:22, and a fade-out for the last 25 seconds of the song featuring a bit of noodling on the A section of the melody. aaaaaaaand...that's it. the melodic content takes up less than a minute by itself. so this isn't going to pass since there's nowhere near enough development here to call it. things that i liked included the general vibe of the drumloop (more creativity and fill use there would help a lot as the track's duration progresses past where it is now), the automation on the melody (i'm a sucker for glides), and the approach overall of a more relaxed version of the original track. i did not care for how bass-heavy this is. there's a lot of overlap between the bass synth and the chorded bell tones - those need to be squared off with an EQ so there's not so much mud in the low end. adding a bit more highs overall to both instruments would actually help i think - it's very low/low-mid focused, and while that can help it feel relaxed it also makes it harder to tell what's what. i also don't understand not including the B section of the melody on a track that is so short. even just a single run-through of that bit would have helped lengthen the track by 20 or 30 seconds, which is approaching what i'd consider the minimum. on the topic of arrangement, this definitely feels like a demo. mixing it up in instrumentation, chords, or style with a second run-through of the (entire) melody would add a lot to the track and help wrap it up into less of a demo and more of a finished duration. overall this is too short to really consider. there's some really nice ideas but it needs more content. NO
    1 point
  6. the opening is beautiful, but i agree with rexy that there's a lot of mic pressure noise (ie. you recorded wind contacting your mic instead of what wind sounds like) that needs to get cut out. the melodic presentation is competent and well-handled. the phrasing and instrumentation reminded me of some of the desert tracks from FFXII, actually, in terms of how they use melodic content and move through instrument groups. the brass that came in near the end of the first melodic presentation was also really nice, great use of contrasting timbres to keep it interesting. i agree with rexy that the entire rest of the track is original, or far enough removed that it doesn't matter. i'd pass this at 3:45 while complaining about the volume of the last minute, but it's not functional in this state. it wouldn't be difficult to add melodic content to the area between say 3:10 and 3:50, at least enough to make it viable at its full length. i will note that the track is again comically quiet after 2:30, and it's entirely possible to use compression to allow for a quiet tail that isn't utterly incomprehensible at normal headphone or speaker volumes. this is a consistent problem in rebecca's music and it's one that needs to get fixed here if it's to be passed at full length. NO
    1 point
  7. oh, right away i really like the slower pace. that's a really fun way to add some difference to this track. i agree with jive right away that the synths have little to no volumization to them - it's a lot of layering synths in similar ranges on top of each other. the first full hit at 0:48 immediately had me bobbing my head - what a great feel. the drums have zero low end to them, which is unfortunate, because i love what they're doing. jive's right that there's a ton of noise in the lower ranges in the synths that needs to be cut before the drums speak out and feel right. once you've isolated those middle synths, making the kick and bass speak clearer will be quite easy. the break at 1:38 was well-timed, and gave it a bit of time to breathe. i liked the build as well, although throughout i just felt that the backing synths were simply too loud. i get that - it you write a fun part, you want everyone to hear it! - but it's just too much. turn your volume way down until you can only hear one thing - if that one thing isn't the melody, you're likely doing something wrong from a mixing perspective. the drop into 2:25 was fun, and i liked the arp that's right in front. there's still not enough bass clarity here, but it sounds real fun. i like the liberties taken with the melodic line here, but the drums underneath dropping and doing more d'n'b stuff was actually kind of disappointing because i just couldn't hear what they were doing. i love the idea but it wasn't really executed well. the ending is fairly sudden but not problematic. overall i think the arrangement is fine - it's certainly not groundbreaking, and it didn't take into account some of the mid/later parts of the original, but it's recognizable and different enough to make it over the bar. i like the synth work itself, but agree that it needs a mastering pass before it really feels ballsy enough to have the punch that you're going for. filtering out the low end of most of those textural synths is a great place to start. i'd love to hear a resubmission but this doesn't pass muster just yet. NO
    1 point
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