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Everything posted by WesPip

  1. Just thought I'd mention, my copy arrived today, listening to it right now. Somewhere around half-way through the first disc. Well worth the under $20 Canadian. Good stuff.
  2. Said Oldie McOlderson from Oldsville.
  3. ... *collective groan*
  6. Neither Atma nor Arek has added me yet! Though I s'pose I've not posted my number in THIS thread yet, eh? So..uh... 4338-6037-7470-1168
  7. Got mine today, few little things about it: -Torn envelope, but it wasn't empty, luckily. The tear was a little too small for the button to make its escape -As others have said [those who DID successfully get one], it's so friggin' cute. All tiny and stuff. aww -Zircon's handwriting it pretty awful. Just goes to show bear + writing utensil makes for horrid penmanship That's about it. Though I feel a little ripped off, while Kanthos got art on his envelope, and I got a "KEEP LISTENING ^___^". But I'm still better off than a lot of people, I suppose, since my button was present and intact. So...I guess I can't complain. Thanks guys.
  8. Haven't gotten my button yet. Anyhoo, I bet, despite being stood up and whatnot [pretty uncool, to say the least], I'm betting this is their ultra-sneaky way of getting more "quality time" together. WINK WINK.
  9. ..wait, new Halo2 maps? I SMELL AN INFLUX OF ACTIVITY. Eventually.
  10. I was wondering about that. I remember making an account last time, then noticing Canadian shipping wasnt an option, so I ended up giving you the money directly and all that jazz. But I was pretty sure I had an account, so...I guess it's all wrapped up in a near little package.
  11. ninja I know it shouldn't, but that totally makes me think of Oogie Boogie.
  12. DONE AND DONE. Nice to see they added Canadian shipping now. Or...did you change stores?
  14. Yeah I wasn't being serious. I'm thinking the library. LIBRARIES ARE FOR NERDS. *erhem* Shame that Magic Land [next to the U of W] isn't open anymore. That would've been damn-near ideal. That wouldn't exactly be the safest area to be anyhow. Eh, it's right next to the university, so as long as it was during the day, it'd be fine. But it's all moot, since it's closed anyways. And Polo Park hasn't even had that arcade for the past, like, 10 years. So...any suggestions, anyone?
  15. Aw man, YOU DONT REMEMBER. Heh, can't blame you really. What I meant was, pay you personally [with a couple extra bucks since it's shipped to Canada instead of the US] instead of using the shop, so as to allow me a signed copy. YOU PROBABLY REMEMBER NOW.
  16. Ahha, suckers. Some of us who lack wireless networks bought a nintendo USB thinger for the DS. It took me a good 3 seconds to set up my Wii online. MWAHA. 'Course, it DID cost me about $40.
  17. Might we be able to have a redux of the last deal, IF YOU RECALL? I'm a total whore for anything "special edition" [esque, in this case, I guess].
  18. Made this for I,Medley, realized that since most people say the problem with it was the text, I just deleted it and made it general use. HOORAH.
  19. I don't see what's so great about FF12. I played it at a friends house a couple hours ago and got bored of playing it after a half hour You're broken. And yeah, WII.
  20. Yeah I wasn't being serious. I'm thinking the library. LIBRARIES ARE FOR NERDS. *erhem* Shame that Magic Land [next to the U of W] isn't open anymore. That would've been damn-near ideal.
  21. Uhm, yeah. FFXII=Halo-ADD. That's just how it works. And with the Wii launching on the 19th, I see no end in sight. Sorry. ;.;
  22. Clubs are gay. Especially that one.
  23. I think this is like, the third time I've agreed with this movement or started it myself. It could be, like, KEEP RAVING ON. I'm so creative.
  24. That was...kinda the point of the "oldskool" bit. So many kids would have grown up knowing her as Peach. *sigh*
  25. Cake is, like, SO crazy.
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