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Everything posted by WesPip

  1. This makes me think of the "let's unthaw now" line from Lover Reef.
  2. Personally, I only like the third, but...it's probly just the source.
  3. Aw, I would've joined, but I only just got home from work, and it's a little after 2am now.
  4. Shouldn't you be finishing that awesome bowser track or something by now?
  5. I haven't been on in Halo much, as I've been playing Wario Ware for the Wii, and still chipping away at some sidequests in FF12, but..I'm still alive.
  6. So, I don't have the technical ability to do it, but I think the middle part of Me Semper Maneas [that is, the middle part of the full version] could make for an interesting remix, as it sounds so very different from the rest of the song. Just a suggestion for anyone looking for ideas?
  7. Well what about Amor Mio, Caro Bene then, hmmmm? Rejected though it may have been.
  8. Ridiculous in what way? Weird Al? Shael Riley? Richard Cheese? INQUIRING MINDS NEED TO KNOW!
  9. But..I just BOUGHT a "new" SGX album like 2 months ago. I'M STILL PAYING OFF MY TV YOUR BASTARD. ;.;
  10. There's also a nice flatline one.
  11. Heh. Dolores. It was late and a typo. ;.;
  12. Could I get a title so as to save it competently?
  13. ^ I was about to say that one. I was ALMOST first to mention it. Never the less. The Last Saskatchewan Pirate by The Arrogant Worms Oh, I used to be a farmer, and I made a living fine. I had a little stretch of land along the CP line. But time went by and though I tried, the money wasn't there. And bankers came and took my land and told me fair is fair. I looked for every kind of job the answer's always no. Hire you now, they'd always laugh, we just let twenty go. The government, they promised me a measly little sum. But I've got too much pride to end up just another bum. Then I thought, "Who gives a damn if all the jobs are gone? I'm gonna be a pirate...on the river Saskatchewan." CHORUS: 'Cause it's a hee-ho, hi-ho, comin' down the plains. Stealin' wheat and barley and all the other grains. It's a ho-hey, hi-hey, farmers bar your doors When you see the Jolly Roger on Regina's mighty shores. Arrr, arrr. Well you'd think the local farmers would know that I'm at large. But just the other day, I found an unsuspecting barge. I snuck up right behind them and they were none the wiser. I rammed their ship and sank it and I stole their fertilizer. A bridge outside of Moosejaw spans a mighty river. Farmers cross in so much fear their stomachs are aquiver. 'Cause they know that CRACKER JACK is hiding in the bay. I'll jump the bridge and knock em cold and sail off with their hay. (Chorus) Arr, arrr, arr. Well Mountie Bob he chased me, he was always at my throat. He'd follow on the shoreline, but he didn't own a boat. But cutbacks were a-comin' so the Mountie lost his job. So now he's sailing with me and we call him Salty Bob. A swingin' sword, a skull-and-bones, and pleasant company. I never pay my income tax and screw the GST (SCREW IT) Prince Albert down to Saskatoon, the terror of the sea. If you wanna reach the co-op, boy, you gotta get by me. (Chorus) Arr matey. Get it..."metis"? Oh hey hey, that's rielly fun. You..y'know. Like Louis Riel? Well pirate life's appealing but you don't just find it here. I heard that in Alberta there's a band of buchaneers. They roam the Athabasca from Smith to Fort McKay And you're gonna lose your Stetson if you have to pass their way. Well winter is a-comin' and a chill is in the breeze. Pirate days are over once the river starts to freeze. I'll be back in springtime, but now I have to go. I hear there's lots of plunderin' down in New Mexico. (Chorus x2) When you see the Jolly Roger on Regina's mighty shores.
  14. Ducks are yummy. And also part of this song sounded quite duck-like. Thus, this song is yummy. I think.
  15. I don't think actual ATTACKS are delayed during Sandstorm/Ice Break/Pyromania. Everything else, including technicks, is. Sometimes I'm about to use a technick, then see the aforementioned stuff going off, so I change to a quick attack so I don't have to wait. This is on active, mind you. I dunno about wait. e: Oh yes, and I'm finding a lot of the last hunts to be such a hassle. King Behemoth and Pylraser are just unfriendly. Mind you, my strategy generally consists of hacking at shit 'til it dies, so that could be part of it...
  16. Yeah, I downloaded it a couple of days ago and have been asleep since. Good stuff.
  17. As awesome as the Gigas one is, I think I like the Amaterasu one better.
  18. Sounds right, 'cause that's how it's been for...a few games now, at least.
  19. You end up getting about as many Arcana as you do Pebbles. Ie: A whole lot more than you'll EVER NEED.
  20. So..basically EVERYONE EVERYWHERE HOLDS a bow/slingshot with their left and aims/pulls the string/elastic with their right? That's...weird.
  21. Lettuce is delicious. Especially phresh lettuce.
  22. It's been done. Well, groin. Who was that mix by again?
  23. Yeah, aside from adding some extra little touches here and there, this is a damned sexy mix. Just polish it a tad and it'll be...uhm...extra-sexy? Solid arrangement though.
  24. ^ A good part of that is true. I used to use Quickenings with my weaker characters plus two good ones [for a total of 4 quickening combos] to hunt marks. Now I just wail on them til they die. Quickenings are pretty much useless. Espers have been since I got my first one. Bah. If only you could also get more than one set of Genji Gloves...
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