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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. Well, the engine is used to superheat the sword, and when the person is slashed, the exhaust fumes are used to increase bleeding... Well that or it kinda looks cool.
  2. Please, I'm not in a ragged squatter corp, I'm part of TCF, and we pretty much control deklein. Before we all went to delve, if I saw one neutral or one red per night, it was a lot. Lets just say I do my mining and ratting in one of the best places in the universe. if all goes well, at 4 days a week, 2-3 hours per day, I should bring in over 500 million a month. Dunno what the hell I'm gonna do with that but hey, money is good right?
  3. Well, right now I'm spending some time in the front, we are hitting Kenny and Barbie quite hard. However right now I long for the simple days of a space miner, and my training for a real mining barge are soon to be over. I've been going back and forth between PVE, PVP, mining and trading. I basically play eve to relaxe and all, all this fighting is getting on my nerves.
  4. Portuguese, Spanish and Italian have had very similar and close by evolutions, so to the untrained eye, they may seem similar. (Sometimes, things look the same only to the trained eye, like English and German.)
  5. no seriously, what the hell is this?

  6. Agreed. I'm 26 years old and I've been single every year... Fuck that day. I tink the first time I last through a Valentine's day, I'm marrying the girl.
  7. But VARY THEIR ABILITIES! Its never fun to have Warrior with a sword, Warrior with an axe, bad warrior with daggers nd light armor and Mage 1 Mage 2.
  8. Exception: Secret of Mana. But it was a form of warning about misusing natural resources...
  9. Breath of Fire did not hold any punches when it came to storyline. Genocide, murder, everything was there. Same with FF6 when you think about it. Villains are not always "cool but dark characters" you need to realise that they are irredeemably evil. There are also some conventions that, although we hate them in some ways, work: Orphans with special powers (BoF1, BoF2, FF4's Rydia and even Cecil, FF6's Terra). Headstrong princess (BoF 1 and 2, FF4's Rosa (not technically a princess), Half the cast in FF5) Strong Silent type: That big dude in BoF2... Sabin, hell, even Umaro These conventions became conventions because they worked.
  10. I think this project needs an elevator ride back to the top.
  11. I am disappointed that no one has claimed Wily Machine... It is seriously one of the best pieces of music in that game. (Well, behind Plug Electric and We're the Robots...)
  12. Agreed on the most part: Wily Machine had so much fucking potential, and then they just drop the ball. So many times you think it will pick up and be all guitar kickass and it fades back to boring.
  13. Registration for this class is gonna be zerged...
  14. It will be a DVD extra I think. As for the ending, the means by which it happens is not important, what matters is the cost and how it worked.
  15. Well, he didn't link to this place from SA, but he linked SA from this place, what gives... I have an eye on you dude, you better shape up.
  16. Heck, get all the megamans as they come out. My dream is to have a page of only megaman games, and it is slowly becoming a reality.
  17. 5.54 days to be precise. Sorry to all those confused, it's in metric time and well, metric time is not the forte of some people...
  18. Hmmm well, so its a zelda game, this or something else. So far 2 out of 3 seems like good news.
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