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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. So, we've started punching people or are we still at sarcastic posting?
  2. Well, it sounded like a recording over the live performance from my end.
  3. JETS N' GUNS. Sadly, I cant install it on my laptop, I need a good free shmup for my laptop, and I morally object to emulation, got suggestions?
  4. I'm sad my MSpaint design got no love
  5. The first 2 trailers were for people who have read the comic. This one is for the rest of the world.
  6. Email Nintendo then... we never know.
  7. It ain't no Scorched Earth 3D
  8. Yes, his toes are extremely impressive. I caught a glance of his naked foot once, and well... lets just say that boner has not gone down ever since.
  9. Poor guy, I hear there is no actual cure for marriage... Congratulations nonetheless.
  10. We know of at least 2 Ridleys, if not 3 or 4 really: In Zero Mission, we have Ridley 1, the original biological Ridley. You also have robot Ridley. The following event, Prime 1, had Cyber-Ridley (With ZM's retelling, I like to think the cloning division and the robot crafters had a meeting and decided to just mix what they had left of Ridley 1 and robot ridley and make a whatever the hell it was. Skipe prime 2 In Prime 3, Ridley was entirely biological, but was also Phazon infused.Phason alters the biology, so even if mecha ridley, being re-healed in an entirely biological creature, he would not be clonable from a phazon altered Ridley. I think at that point, the pirates decided to screw it and just start cloning Ridley. Skip metroid 2 He came back in Super Metroid, fully biological and much closer to his Zero Mission level of ability. He was defeated mere moments before the planet was blown up. It was implied that no space pirates could have escaped the destruction of Zebes. In fact, Metroid 3 was the end of the space pirates. Mother Brain was blown up, their super secret secret home base along with the ground under it was vaporised. Ridley's body was seen frozen in Fusion, but it could not be dead, since X mimics living organisms. Also, when was the first time the federation in contact with Ridley? Prime 1, on the frigatte that was attacked by the pirates... a federation frigatte, cloning gigantic murderous creatures (parasite queen?). On the frigatte, it was a Ridley that also happened to be fully healed. The first contact between Ridley and the federation. The second time was in Prime 3, during the battle, but that Ridley did not die until his later incarnation. But again, how was Ridley present on a federation base once more? Also, at that point, the Federation must have gotten data on Metroids, I suspect their involvment predates the larva incident simply because federation ships have been found on 3 planets where metroids had been brought by Samus, one of which wasn't blown up to bits. In fact, thanks to Prime, we can safely assume the pirates have other Metroid study facilities. Also, would the space station in Fusion be the only metroid research center? Finally, who had the idea of using Metroids as power source?
  11. It's a bit more complicated than that. They were Zebesian pirates, but they weren't native to Zebes according to the latest lore we have. But Zebes doesn't matter, X was on SR-388, and then brought on the station. The pirates never officially went on SR-388, or less they would have more than the metroids they've stolen. They never clearly stated that X could replicate creatures not infected on the station. In fact, X never replicated creatures that weren't on the station. Also, now Samus carries the Metroid heritage, but also the X heritage in her body, so she holds 2 deadly races in her body, as well as the Chozo's secrets.
  12. You know how some people need sarcasm tags? I think you need [not sarcasm] tags, because I cannot for the life of me figure out if you are joking or being serious.
  13. You people forget the most single important event, the most significant moment in Fusion: There were space pirates and Ridley on the station. The federation controls the space pirates. They never went on SR-388 for X to infest them and clone them, and Ridley, after Super Metroid, was supposedly dead on a blown up planet. So the federation has a ridley production plant somewhere.
  14. Bleck, he might be one of these freaks that loved the third movie. I have to say, I caught the last hour recently and it was somewhat enjoyable...
  15. They can probably clone him, or travel back in time to get him to the ER though...
  16. If I may suggest: Journalistic integrity in videogame reviews/review websites.
  17. The system in place around here seems to favour good music, which in turn favours good reviews. Now if some of my stuff got posted, you would see negative reviews.
  18. I hate what's become of the one day devoted to fear and terror (well, other than mother's day at my parents' place anyway.) Apparently, now sexy replaced scary, and well, it sucks. Unless I wear a sexy nurse outfit because that would be down right scary.
  19. First game to really make me want a PS3.
  20. Can't wait to get this for Christmas. I think I'll listen to the album while I play Duke Nukem Forever on my Phantom.
  21. Well... I don't mind XP, Vista, or W7. The only thing pissing me off are the FUCKING MAC ADS. When will this stop? We get it, if you make up BS, you can attack any company... Hopefully, W7 will still outsell any Mac OS and one day Apple will realize that Microsoft is doing that without bombarding with ads.
  22. I think some drop rate stars are messed up. I should not get 6 times a 5 star glyph without getting a 4 star item.
  23. The game is good, I'm up to the last 15% of the last level, I decided to sidequest a bit, and I'm only missing a [something] for Tom, a gold ore, and a diamond, as far as I know. Dunno where to get both the diamond and [something] and the gold ore is hard to get... oh well. I really love this system though, the magic is interesting, somewhat of a better way to do Soma if you ask me.
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