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Everything posted by BardicKnowledge

  1. Wow. I never would have thought someone could get pick up girls playing Castlevania music, but I stand corrected. I'm reminded in some places of Final Fantasy 3's Eternal Wind, which is a good thing. Holy cow, this is good, and OCR needs more of this and you -- submit this one!
  2. Damn, this is amazing. I wish that I played something that helped you out. Good luck finding someone, and if you do this style again and want a high quality recorder sound, I'd be glad to play for you. Edit: Just heard your Civ IV wip, and you obviously don't need woodwind players...
  3. Too bad you couldn't have combined the two experiences, and spent three weeks with a girlfriend...in Costa Rica.
  4. This definitely comes as a shock. I really enjoyed his acting, and was looking forward to this summer's Batman sequel. It'll definitely carry some macabre feelings with it when I see it now...
  5. The extra channel to the Zelda main theme is definitely worth hearing if anyone hasn't before. Both Zelda and Metroid are much more interesting with the extra definition to the sound effects (Link's sword beam especially comes to mind, as does the tune that plays when Samus collects an item). Thanks a bunch for the update notice -- keep up the good work!
  6. That's amazing -- if only. Still need Mega Man in there too... Edit: I can't do quote tags! awesome.
  7. I just started listening to the track, and the album makes me want to jump on the RO bandwagon again. This is great work -- congratulations!
  8. I hate useless, ultimately non-descriptive terms. With that said... Think of Phoenix Wright as a tribute to all of the text-adventure games you've ever played. I would go so far as to say that it is functionally this generation's "Monkey Island". It is intelligent, makes you think, and manages to be absolutely hilarious while doing so. Admittedly, the first case of each game babies you, but by the time you reach the end of game 1 case 2, you'll be hooked (or you'll know that you won't like it, but that won't happen, right?) Anyone who has played the first (or second game) and hasn't finished the third must do so _now_, by the way. 3-5 is an amazing way to end Phoenix's trilogy.
  9. Some good 2-d platforming in case you haven't seen it: (thanks to GeckoYamori). http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=14244
  10. This is why a 360 looks more appealing to me by the day (especially since SSBM got delayed...again). Holy cow, that's amazing.
  11. Just played through that demo, and it's awesome. I love how they even wrote in a proper ending to the demo! I can't wait for AA4 any longer now...
  12. Bahamut, assuming that you enjoy gaming and free food, I may shoot you a note the next time I'm down to UIUC for a weekend. And I _will_ go to MAGFest next year after all of the crazy stuff I've seen online...
  13. This current handle comes from a D&D session where my group had absolutely no idea what to do next, and I asked the DM if I could just flirt with enough bargirls to get the information we needed. Someone asked why "Gather Information" wasn't under Knowledge (Bardic) instead, and we all laughed -- in addition to the obvious humor, I had just applied to be a double major in computer science and music, so it seemed to fit. When that's taken (or sadly, when it's too long) I go as MasterTenor on sites where it wouldn't sound terribly presumptuous (online gaming, etc). I'm good, but certainly not good enough to warrant the "master" in music circles. Originally I started as "Cyan86", a mix of Cyan Garamonde from FF6 and the mob term "86", as in to kill someone. It worked very well for all of my Diablo days (though I'm now MasterTenor on modern B.net).
  14. Megaman ZX Advent was pretty good, as was the (slightly old now) Castlevania duo for DS (heh). Kirby Squeak Squad's gimmick of combining powers was pretty cool (I really enjoyed ice bombs), but I agree that we need large movesets in a Kirby game. I see 2-d platforming re-emerging via WiiWare and Xbox Live Arcade -- or at least, I'd like to. EDIT: Great minds think alike, eh?
  15. Gadget?! People are stupid. Purple haired Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell (the SAC version, obviously) is attractive, as is Eclair from Kiddy Grade (I thought the AMV Hell spoof of KG was hilarious). On topic, what about the Darkstalkers cartoon, and more importantly, the original animated Batman? And even though they're slightly newer, let's not leave out Dexter's Laboratory and The Powerpuff Girls -- they're really good (yes, PPG is good...shove it).
  16. I'm from Illinois, and my younger brother is at UIUC. It's one of seven I've applied to grad school for, and my top choice (in music technology / composition). Edit: (to prevent an annoying double post) DC13 is responsible for getting me involved here, actually. I watched him poke around on the site before I joined myself. missed his new year's LAN this time around because he had to have it a week late (stupid magfest). Still can't believe how much facial hair he's sporting lately...
  17. ^^ March 9th, according to the website. edit: Rats -- I stand defeated, Atma.
  18. I agree with the vocal critiques that Pixie had earlier -- especially Helena Bonham Carter. I do wish that the Anthony/Johanna relationship was fleshed out more, but that would have required casting a girl that wasn't completely forgettable, and a better tenor for Anthony. With that said, I think that Depp and Rickman both did extremely well. In any musical production, there are ultimately two kinds of players -- actors who can sing, and singers who can act. It's obvious that both of the aforementioned are actors first and foremost...but their singing was more than adequate alongside their acting to make the characters believable. Overall, I think it's the best musical-movie rerelease for quite a while, and it's definitely worth a single viewing. If you enjoyed the movie editions of Phantom, Rent, or Hairspray, put this one on your list.
  19. I recently bought the Captain N series on DVD, because I loved it as a kid. As an adult, I've gotta admit that it's pretty terrible, albeit in an awesome nostalgic kind of way. MacGyver, however, is still awesome.
  20. It's a trick question. Po's poem has no title -- Po, the poet, can be found next to the Hermit's Mountain in Chapter 3. His poem gives a hint as to how to finish the chapter. I _am_ a game master, at least as far as Startropics is concerned. EDIT: Also, I'm unhappy with the delay of Brawl -- I was really looking forward to it. I wonder how much (if at all) this will hurt sales...
  21. I'm going to wait on a separate topic until the US release, but having just seen the intro movie to the Japanese version of FFIV DS, I can honestly say that nothing this whole season has made me love gaming more than that movie. The game looks phenomenal (I've only played through the prologue, because I can't read Japanese...) and I can't wait for it. Anyone who can, go watch the intro sometime.
  22. I've entered -- thanks again for having the contest!
  23. I'm at Iowa State until this fall, when I will start grad school....somewhere. My hometown is currently O'Fallon, Illinois -- the southern end of the state in the St. Louis metro area.
  24. This album is the best put-together group of tracks I've ever seen out of a fan arrangement -- ToF will be the first OCR album that I'm going to actually print the labels for instead of just burning it at my desktop. Thanks to everyone that's put time into making this happen, especially over your Christmas / MAGFest seasons, and thanks for the awesome New Year's present!
  25. I've been saying that we need to see some StarTropics love in Smash Brothers since the first one came out -- it's good to at least see a VC rerelease. I'd love to see Nintendo revive the franchise somehow...
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