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Guy In Rubber Suit

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Everything posted by Guy In Rubber Suit

  1. I saw it last night and had a blast! Planet Terror is easily my favorite film. I love how they 'cut' out a large part of the story. Apparently Tarantino has a film like that where a large chunk of the story is missing and that adds to the mystery of what's going on. Great splatterflick. Death Proof, I had hope for this one and I thought it was going to be a slasher flick with a car, meaning more than two car chase scenes with more than just a small group of girls being killed. If they just edited down the dialog, then I would've been ok with, oh and maybe add something to Stuntman Mike, like why he's doing this or something it could've been better. I'm extremely glad that Robert Rodriquez is going to make Machete, the first fake movie trailer, as a straight-to-DVD movie. Man after seeing that, hell any of the trailers, I wanted to watch them. I haven't gotten excited for a movie like that in a long, long time. Finally, it's fun to go to the movies!
  2. This is exactly what I was wishing for future Guitar Hero installments. I enjoyed the GH games but for some reason, despite how awesome they were, always felt like they were lacking something. This game sounds like it's going to be the answer for everything. So what bands do you hope they get? I hope for more Megadeth (Holy Wars and Tornado of Souls please!), old Metallica (Orion or Fight Fire With Fire would be sweet), Slayer (Raining Blood!), more Pantera, more Jimi Hendrix, some AC/DC, and if they can some Death but I doubt that.
  3. I really, really want a Samurai Shodown collection. I can't get SSII to work on my emulator and I would just love to have that game. Online play please too!
  4. Convert them to WAV/MP3 files? Or is there an application to install on the iPod to play them natively?
  5. Just as long as well agree that metal > than all other forms of music, we can get along just fine. Seriously though, I hate music elitism, but I do have my fair share of it, mainly when it comes from mainstream sources and generally stems from modern R&B, pop, hip hop and modern rock. Sure there are bands that I enjoy that have sold millions, but those are outnumbered by the bands I enjoy from the underground. Of course, there is a shitload of garbage in the underground as well. If I like it, I like it.
  6. Oh good. Now I won't have to go nuts searching for the songs thinking they're VG ones. Good luck on the project!
  7. What do you mean by 'prank'? It occurs worldwide, but not all countries observe it. Just Wiki it. Thankfully AZ doesn't go into this bullshit. Though I'll miss that aspect whenever I move out of state.
  8. The second one reminded me of Animal Crossing, particularly the intro, but it's not it. The third one sounds very familiar but I cannot put my finger on it.
  9. I won't get the PS3 because it's too expensive and there aren't any games that I want thus far. A cheap Blu-Ray player? Well it's competing with HD-DVD so who knows how long that war will last and how long Blu-Ray will be around. I don't want to make some sort of wasted investment. Sony has a bad habit of supporting the wrong technology, or being very strict about it. So yeah when it's around $200 I might consider it. Otherwise I'd love to get a 360 because there are a lot of games out for it that I want.
  10. Sure a parkour guy to do the stunts. The actor doesn't necessarily need to know that. And if anything they might do wire stunts.
  11. I don't have an MP3 player. Though in my master playlist I have 10,737 songs. I hope to get an iPod soon.
  12. I think that's where the corrupted one showed up and/or it was a different version.
  13. You're missing out on a lot probably. I don't have too many, stuff like Gitarooman and this collection of NES music from HAL, most of them I never heard of but I really dig this medley that comes from Eggerland. I can't find the original game for it and the NSF that I have is corrupted.
  14. Final Fantasy VIII and VI have some amazing soundtracks. My personal favorites from the FF series.
  15. Shit COOP you just have that list laying around for situations such as these don't you? Hmmm...I'll have to check out some of those games myself.
  16. A shame you don't own a PS2 at least, many, many great games you have missed on both the PS2 and PSone. For Sega CD, definitely Snatcher. That's the game that made me want a Sega CD (I got the CDX to save space and it sounds cool). SNES, I see a glaring omission of Earthbound, Tetris Attack, Kirby Superstar, Actraiser, Demon's Crest, Metal Warriors and many more I'm sure.
  17. http://youtube.com/watch?v=3KvR0Wkbs6k Well there finally is a trailer for this. I thought that Gary Coleman was going to be in it. Well, it looks better than the other video game movies Uwe Boll has directed, certainly not saying much but the fact that this is a slapstick action comedy gives it some leway. I personally won't see it for the fact it's Uwe Boll and I really hate poorly done, idiotic comedic movies.
  18. Viggo Mortensen would be fantastic as well. I loved him in LOTR and History of Violence.
  19. Well the producer has been on a variety of projects (Dark City, Blow, Thirteen Days, Boogie Nights, Ghost Rider, Zathura, Blade II and many more) so this could definitely go either way. I think this has the best chance of being good because MGS itself is very cinematic and could easily translate onto film. As long as they don't restrict CODEC moments to just the talking head portraits. So, who should play Snake? I say Hugh Jackman. This guy is a great actor, action star, bad ass, and with some costume design and makeup, he can look like Snake.
  20. The only way I'd really buy this is if it took GBA carts. Because I really wouldn't want to have to pay download games I already own. It'd be very convient to have a cellphone and GameBoy in one, but I'd like to put in my own games that I own.
  21. People are way too fucking sensitive. What were they expecting from Prince anyway? Every other song he writes is about fucking. His acts are very sexual in nature. And as for that Snickers commerical, it was hilarious and nothing different than what has been done before in TV and movies.
  22. That mock up certainly isn't as sexy as the iPhone. Shame too.
  23. There's a metal band called Battleheart that has lyrical content about pirates. I believe 3 Inches of Blood also has some pirate themed songs.
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