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Everything posted by friendlyHunter

  1. I tried to multitask by reading posts with the music playing, but had to stop what I was doing because the music was too epic
  2. I've never heard the original song (thankfully), but I thought this video with HuskyStarcraft was pretty amusing: I imagine the original sounds something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvmIzxO0-n4&feature=related
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYfrYto7BJg "Remembuh me?" But yeah, the rest of the soundtrack isn't too memorable for me either... despite it being the only DKC game I owned, hehe. The others were just rentals or playing at other people's houses (and I believe I played a DKC2 rom at one point), but the DKC 1 and 2 songs are some of the best on the SNES.
  4. I'm trying to think if there's something quick I can finish in time that'll still be entertaining. I think all my ideas are too ambitious so far >< [Edit]All two of them.
  5. I like how the creator's comment on his own video is "Slo-mo manboobs!" Truly he is a master of... whatever it is
  6. Oh my.... the videos I've made with OCReMixes in them are quite a bit weirder than most of these. If you're familiar with youtube poop, you should enjoy this a lot! If not... welcome to a wonderful world of and and... . If you choose to watch it, I ask that you please don't skip any of it... It really does have a plot, and the jokes will make no sense (err, LESS sense) if you start skipping parts =)The remix used is Intense Color by Sephfire and SGX, which is more or less Weegee's theme throughout. Err, the second video requires even more explanation. It's "youtube poop tennis", where person A posts a video which person B edits and posts, then person A edits that video and posts the result, person B edits that video, and so on until the video no longer contains any semblance of logic or meaning. This is the 5th video. The remix is Strip Mine. Beatdrop himself says "Wow. This must be what going insane feels like."
  7. AAAAAH awesome! I have the best idea already! Can we do TWO entries??! I know usually I say I'm going to do one and then don't, but this time I'll say I'll make 2 and then actually make 1 [Edit] Wait I just said I'll make 1, that means I'll make 0 again. ...I'LL MAKE THREE!!
  8. Not sure if I'll be able to finish something in time for the deadline (maybe I should do something less ambitious for #3, and then do my original plan for #4?)... but I have a BIG favour to ask of someone here. My apologies in advance for totally derailing the thread >_< You may remember me mentioning in the previous thread that I wanted to finish a trilogy of 3 videos before I start on my music video. Now the first 2 videos are done, and I'm working on the 3rd - but there's one 6-second live-action shot that I'll need someone to record for me. The shot contains one character (Chef Gordon Ramsay), who can also double as the camera-holding-guy (and only needs to show his hand and/or arm). No acting skills are required, and the audio for the scene is already 100% complete. However the scene requires a "prop" of sorts to be made... a large (or medium??) bin/container/box with something written on it (or just written on a paper that's taped to it), containing [spoilerS]a piece of spaghetti (preferably cooked, but raw is ok too)[/spoilerS] (I don't want to spoil the scene for someone interested in helping ) The video is a comedy, and the amount of silliness in it is... it's very very silly. If the shot looks totally amateur and really really bad, it will fit right in In fact, if you so desire to make things bad on purpose for comedic effect, go for it That said, even when I add bad special effects and bad drawings to my videos, I always make sure it's as easy as possible to follow for people watching it. If it's so bad that you have to think for three seconds "wait, is that supposed to be Chef Ramsay?", then you'll be too confused to get any jokes. If you really want to put effort into this 6-second shot (accurate clothes, good acting, multiple takes, appropriate location, etc) then by all means do! I should be finished a big chunk of the video later today or tomorrow, so if anyone's interested in helping, I can PM a link to a private WIP video to show the context of the scene (which contains a badly-drawn pre-vis version of the 6-second shot itself) For anyone who's curious about what I'm working on, here are all the videos in the series so far. Anyone who's familiar with should enjoy them =D Over Nine Thousand Toasters: Spaghetti (Part 3 of 3)... is the video I'm currently working on
  9. Nope, but I very often find myself rushing with 6 to 8 roaches, doing something very similar to that build. (I don't attack with my queen or drones though). Good against Zerg unless they start getting more roaches than you, and fantastic against Terran if you can break through their wall (and sending zerglings through the wall basically ends the game). I can't recall how it generally goes against Protoss, but a forcefield on the ramp will completely ruin everything. Actually FF on a ramp generally will ruin any attacking ground force (especially if it splits up the army and simultaneously prevents retreat).
  10. Ohshit I thought it ended yesterday, time to start drawing for me too!!
  11. Fixed... ...?
  12. I wonder... Blizzard may be able to tell whether or not people are cheating using third party programs, but can they tell whether they're using these programs for multiplayer (specifically ladder) or for just single player? If they can't tell whether someone's cheating in multiplayer specifically (or if it takes additional time/resources/investigating to tell), then that's quite a different story. In any case, hopefully the people banned unjustly will get a chance to appeal. You're not supposed to have more than 1 BNet account per person, so you can't even make a new one and PAY for the game without blatantly breaking the rules. (Unless you can buy a second SC2 license on your banned account, which seems a little unlikely.) A couple weeks ago I was going to download a program called SC2Gears, which lets me see my per-race stats and stuff like that. I think I'll investigate whether or not it's considered "cheating" before I use anything like that...
  13. I definitely won't finish before the viewing party, but I might make it for OCRVMC 3. Don't know if I intend to attend the viewing party...
  14. I saw that... Was that match played on a pre-patch version, or does it still do that after the patch? Guess I could just load up the ol' map editor and see for myself... [Edit]Oops nevermind, didn't notice they released a second patch.
  15. Awesome! Those Zelda ones made me laugh (except for #4, because there's nothing funny about CREEPY GHOST ALIENS ABDUCTING COWS wait actually there is... but it's awesome anyway!!
  16. I can play, as long as the chess client thing isn't super time-consuming to set up.
  17. I think I found it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irvBy3GDLa0#t=226 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSkGbPIHJGw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYLow_vHSAI Watching... [Edit] [spoilers] Haha, even the best can be ultra-harassed by Banshees. I HATE those things >.< [Edit] That game was INSANE! Wow, thanks!! [/spoilers]
  18. If you've done all that research into what the movie's about and you still aren't sure, why don't you go see it? Oh right, then you'd just feel ripped off by shyamalan again.
  19. Oh, I meant actually moving the tournament operations to the competitions thread, so we don't have to deal with low character limits, and getting annoyed when we want to check page 2+ of the thread and stuff like that [Edit] ...Unless that forum software update is coming soon. Is it?
  20. Just quoting part of my post from the social group thread why not:
  21. Didn't start yet, won't finish D: but I'm done the first of those 3 videos I was talking about earlier, and am almost done the second. Expect me to be ready for OCR Music Video Challenge 3
  22. Man, this is the most confusing mod edit EVAR!!! =D Someone makes a thread relating to StarCraft 1, but puts StarCraft 2 in the title, and then the thread is merged here... making 2 of the 3 first replies no longer make sense due to lack of context! But seriously, unmerge please; this has nothing to do with StarCraft 2, and if there was a SC1 thread, it would hardly belong in there either, as it isn't something that only SC players would want to read. If the thread was about a university course for a game I've never heard of, why the heck should I have to go to the [game I've never heard of] thread to find out about it? At LEAST put a mod edit note on tweek's OP saying that a thread called "Get a Degree by playing Starcraft 2" has been merged into this thread.
  23. Ok, I remembered what my favourite sidequest was, and got an awesome idea for an entry. It might not require much artistic skill to make this time, but it's going to be fun as hell! (In other words, I'm actually REALLY going to enter this time! FOR REAL.)
  24. I like how the articles show only screenshots and artwork from games that are clearly not StarCraft. Even the thread title is wrong!
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