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Everything posted by friendlyHunter

  1. YAY! Hope this game gets finished ^__^ Haha, I typed up most of a post, but then got sidetracked and Bean posted most of what I was going to say =p Here's my post anyway: Awesooome!!! The image of Sigma in a suit and tie is just too cool :3 As for the remaining mavericks... there should probably be one for people who "don't like" vg music or remixes because they're vg music or remixes, even if they really like the songs themselves before they find out they're vg music. Prejudge Sheep? Hmmmm... something Sheep... [fake edit] Midi-rip Chimp! I love it =D
  2. It is pretty kick-ass I hope I find time to enter this time, I got an idea that's too awesome to pass up. Something that should be fun to draw too, and not too challenging. Can't wait!!
  3. Haha, youtube "recommended" me this solid Earthbound tune: I mean, just in case you didn't hear fresh prince enough times already.
  4. Hmm.... if I ask you to mention "spoilers" next time, would that make me some kind of spoiler-nazi? But I guess I can only blame myself for not playing Mother 3 yet But by far the best one I've seen is: except there's a surprise loud "NO" near the end. Oh well >< Actually, someone else re-uploaded it with the stuff at the end removed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fpgBpkCFfo&NR=1
  5. Nice theme! =) But will I actually enter this time?? Only time will tell! I think I said I was going to do 2 "Heroes vs Villians" entries, but I only ended up doing one... I wonder if I can remember what the other one was? Ah, now I remember. Strangely, it's hardly a "Roll Reversal" at all.....
  6. Haha, I wonder who won the first round of votes! ^__^ Congrats!
  7. Yesterday I managed to SOMEHOW survive through level 3's mine jumping part, and then was quickly shot twice by the boss and died. Today I figured out a simple strategy to get through the mines pretty nicely, and after getting to the boss a couple times, learned how to beat its first form very very VERY easily. Took me a few more gameovers before I actually beat the game. Nice game, but now I think I know all the tricks and could beat the whole thing no problem on the first try... I can already plow through the first and second levels without dying I love the parts where you have to shoot the red things on the wall to make them turn yellow. And the second boss was crazy intense on my first play through it, all those surprise attacks from every direction! Those purple bats confuse me though... it's the easiest thing in the world to just NOT shoot them, and if you're bored and try killing them, you just end up getting hurt. Same with the dragon/snake things. Those UFOs-in-a-line things were kind of boringly easy too, but that just makes it a much bigger slap in the face in the rare occasions when you get hurt by them =P
  8. Got to the crazy mine jumping part in level 3 once, died twice. I like the difficulty so far, but I agree a turbo button would be really nice. Then again, I wouldn't want to be holding the button down all the time. What if holding down the button shoots 2 or 3 stars as fast as possible, but shooting so many stars in such little time forces a "recharge" period where you can't shoot? Similar to how Megaman can't have more than 3 bullets on the screen at a time (only, it wouldn't matter what's on the screen; instead it's all time-based). I agree it doesn't look authentic old-school 8-bit, but I like it. It looks indie, and modern, but still pretty cute.
  9. I went back in time to March 2nd, but it wasn't far enough and I missed the voting deadline will I get another chance to vote? [Edit] Awesomesauce I love these entries!
  10. Well that's just what I needed to get me to enter. Thanks!! =D
  11. Right. Pacific time, I believe.
  12. What's all this then?
  13. There was something wrong with the original traslation?? Also a little disappointing that the new music isn't as good... I heard a few clips of the new music a year or two ago and they were pretty bad =/ Might be buying this for Curly Story.... Clearly someone who's a fan of the Kool-aid guy.
  14. I wonder if we're allowed more than one entry per person? Guess we'll have to wait until bonzai! gets back.
  15. I'd love a key as well. It'll be fun to see if I got good at a game I've never played just by watching too many beta replays =P Can't wait to experience the matchmaking system too... SC's BNet is a waste of time for me (hard to find games, even harder to find games that are even close to being evenly matched), and I've found ICCUP to be too difficult for my casual play-style. Yet somehow I managed to win the OCR Starcraft tournament... we should hurry up and have another one before SC2 comes out! Also if anyone has a beta key they can lend me when the map editor comes out... I would be eternally grateful. I have some big plans for the map editor (VERY ACHIEVABLE plans mind you), and wouldn't mind getting a head start. Without revealing too much, I plan to make a graphics mod that will make the gameplay much much easier to read (the original SC's team colours and palette and death animations and projectiles and attack animations are vastly superior to SC2 in this regard), bring back the unique styles of the original SC's Terran and Protoss and Zerg sprites (I'll also borrow from SC2 cinematic art, concept art, fan art, SC1 cinematic art, etc.), and substantially improve the quality and realism of the graphics. The first version of the mod will strictly avoid any model-editing of clickable objects (units, buildings, etc), in order to keep the gameplay, technically, EXACTLY the same. Later, I'll edit the unit/building models themselves (not just the textures and death animations and unclickable particles), and won't quit until no SC fan could possibly like SC2's original unit/building models over the new ones. The only problem is, when I'm finished, SC2's weak-ass sound effects and Protoss voices will no longer fit with the graphics I'm also planning a simple(ish) yet very deep multiplayer murder-mystery-ish type map/game that will hopefully become popular, and eventually, Pyramid Escape 2. Can't wait
  16. YES it is just FILLED with Engrish, and it's hilarious I've only beaten the first island so far, but the dialogue never fails to amuse. Play this game if you can! I won't say the Engrish is the BEST part of the game, but.... actually yeah, it was the best part of the game so far :3
  17. Looks like SOMEONE didn't catch the way I super-subtlely pointed that out in my post. I can't blame you - the page break made it nigh imperceptible
  18. One of my favourites is the ending to Ninja Gaiden on the NES. Most of the game has laughable English dialogue already, but the REAL Engrish starts during the credits:
  19. Didn't get to comment yesterday...... WOW! I really loved the paper Mario one... awesome sense of humour :3 And I loved how you left the milk out of the fridge the entire time you ate. And did everything backwards. And the Wolverine hair! (p.s. I did not love the shirtlessness.) (And what was the part you forgot to edit out?? Or is that just a clever joke? =D) And I was a tad sceptical about game montages (or, videogame-movie montages in this case), but that video was awesome all the way through, even with youtube's disappointing video compression. And I've never even played FFVII. That creepy guy, uhh, was..... .........damn what the hell. 3/5 niceworks for disturbingness :nicework:
  20. Well, there's no way I can miss this one. There are two things I want to draw from past competitions, plus one other thing that happens to be more ambitious than the other two... let's see what happens.
  21. Starting today. This is going to be AWESOME!!! Step 1: contact the remixer. In other words, I've been too busy, count me out. Maybe next time. But the viewing party thing will still be AWESOME!!! Can't guarantee I'll be there, but I can't wait to see the videos either way =D
  22. I like how "NO VOTING" is one letter away from "NOW VOTING" DJ Mighty has the power to extend the theme another month, right? Not that I wouldn't mind a new theme... That sucks. So what did you draw? My guess is Earthbound.
  23. Haha, I think I know which game you're doing. Don't worry, mine is probably 4 completely different people (though I guess I'm the one who should be worrying...) Also with only TWO DAYS LEFT, I might not even have time to draw it
  24. Do you have a beta key? Even if you do, there's no telling at what point during the beta you're going to get the email invitation from Blizzard.
  25. Well normally I have enough trouble drawing one person... so far my ideas are: - 4 people - 1 sci-fi astronaut and aliens - 1 person and monsters They simply won't be recognizable unless I include more than 1 person or thing from the game. And then there's the background. Arrgh! Hey.... anyone want one of my ideas?
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