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Everything posted by friendlyHunter

  1. I'll give you that. I can't think of a more technically (mostly graphically) impressive NES game. (Get Ninja Gaiden!) "Nintendo Wii" thread is now "favourite NES games" thread.
  2. I wouldn't classify Ninja Gaiden nor Zelda 2 as particularly "nice", but you could definitely say they have "a degree of challenge". If by "degree" you mean "buttload", and by "challenge" you mean "this game is ridiculous". Having beaten both, I can say that I highly recommend either. But I think Ninja Gaiden was better. Only get Zelda 2 if you have a lot of free time. And patience. Alternatively, Megaman 9 and 10 is a good investment of Wii points.
  3. If by "favourites thread" you mean "popularity contest based on quantitative data", then yes. Yes it is.
  4. Not Prelude? I count 9. 12 if you count the mixes of other songs that include Prelude.
  5. I was mentally "humming" a rendition of Gerudo Valley in my head as I read the thread, and upon reading your post it seamlessly transitioned to the middle of Wily's theme and several seconds went by before I even noticed ><
  6. Two winners??! =O Guess I'll PM Keiiii and we can come up with something! Also, a related classic from possibly my favourite web comic:
  7. If you're reading the thread linkspast, I think you voted publicly in bonzai!'s "visitor messages" instead of via PM. I did that once too >< I like number 2 :3 My initial idea for this theme was very similar, only it was Duke Nukem and an alien playing Scrabble.
  8. Exactly like the original contra =) What saves the game from breaking though is that it's very hard to get that fireflower in World 8. That, and his jumps aren't as easy to control as Samus's, Link's, or Megaman's. However there is no plus side to using Simon. Simon is Hard Mode. Also the underwater levels are a joke with megaman - slide along the bottom and you're invincible ><
  9. Yep.................... You know.......... it looks unfinished....... but that's ok.......... because if you ever feel like reviving the Sky's The Limit / Photoshop Fun thread that would certainly do it.... What is she holding up there? A guitar?? A motorcycle??? The possibilities are endless!!! OMG OCR-Tan motorcycle :3 Binjovi get on it naow
  10. Any official re-deadline announcement? Don't want to start finishing it and then suddenly be too late to re-submit
  11. Hmm, I just realized that my entry may be bending the rules a bit too much... oh well =P [Edit] Scratch that - I just started drawing it and decided to follow the rules more closely
  12. That's the spirit Coop! =D (by the way you should play some zelda games... I'd recommend A Link To The Past, Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask) And the responses in this thread only show that clowsui knew the best place to ask
  13. I vote for a new thread - this one was started waaaay back when they announced the game. That's more than 4 final stretches ago!
  14. Fifth'd It's dangerous to go alone! Take 10 characters.
  15. I don't remember much about this game(s), but is it X-COM?
  16. Including your meals, it seems ^ I don't know what that is, but it looks delicious
  17. You can't not-procrastinate everything But yeah, I wanted to either do a really good job, or none at all. At this point I'm still mentally storyboarding exactly what happens at exactly which points in the song - it's hard because I have to listen to the song to find out whether or not the "choreography" in my head will work (and then rework it if it doesn't), but I'm happy to say stuff is falling into place.
  18. Nah, just a little unofficial wager, in case anyone wants to bet against me ^__^
  19. Will YOU do a monkey flip for me? :3 I haven't forgotten, LAOS!!
  20. Hmm, I might just do that.... also ten bucks on me winning said tournament
  21. 3 days... that's tomorrow!! I'm gonna have to start soon and hope nothing else comes up XD
  22. I have 3 other unfinished videos that I want to finish and post on teh internets before I start on this one. And I'll be busy with other things for a couple months before I start working on any of those. 4 months is perfect for me ^__^
  23. I got worried when I saw this thread... until I read: YEEEEEEESSS!!! After horribly missing the last contest's deadline (because I didn't start), I will definitely be making it this time. Even if I don't start until August (which is quite likely), I'll make sure to have something good =D
  24. Or maybe Flaming Croc, haha
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