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Everything posted by friendlyHunter

  1. I've yet to disprove you, but I'll trust Bleck for now! [Edit] Uhh, maybe somebody forgot to vote for second and third place.
  2. Ah, so then 2nd and 3rd combined. Any two others combined. Any S + S[j] s.t. i != j. I'll shut up now.
  3. Buh? I think I already have an idea for this Wheee now I have two ideas ^__^
  4. Becuase Link's just been running around constipated since he got his tunic, and never had time to roll in dirt. I totally agree, 99% of fan made costumes look like cheap Halloween costumes. And I agree that Ganondorf's face could have been quite a bit darker, but it is not too green. Heck, if you (not you specifially Rama) think that that OOT official fan art is Ganondorf's "real" skin colour, then they got the pale-ness and un-greenness just right in the trailer. If you're going to complain about colours, complain about Link's unnaturally bright blond hair! [Edit] And if you want to complain about bad Ganon interpretations, complain about these: [Edit]arg, spellcheckerrr!!!
  5. You mean... everyone else combined??! =O
  6. CAN SOMEBODY TELL ME WHICH PART OF HIS FACE IS GREEN?? Is it the pale greyish-brownish part? Or do you think his makeup magically turns lime green when they LIGHT THE ROOM WITH GREEN LIGHTING??? Y'all are colour-blind. That colour-scheme they have going on there is 100% OOT Ganondorf. Well, maybe 96%. The only lime-green Ganondorf is the one in the IGN trailer, and that's because that trailer sucked. At least this new one doesn't have a lime-green Ganondorf with massive goofy hair, and a Zelda who's so pale she looks like the undead.
  7. Hmmm, I actually think it's a bit of a stretch. Doesn't help that the songs have two completely different feels. I like the Elecman and Street Fighter ones though And since this hasn't been posted yet: Romeo & Juliet theme (1968 ) vs Ninja Gaiden (The song is at 6:34 - 7:19) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e23LwxQolpc
  8. Ahaha, oh, now I get it! In that case, I'm a girl too why not.
  9. Whaaaaat? I thought the exact opposite. The April Fool's trailer looked incredibly dumbed down to me, nothing but pretty visuals and OMG Triforce OMG Gannon OMG Zelda! On the other hand, this new one looks like the movie might, MIGHT have a somewhat deep story that actually has something to do with the original games. I certainly won't get my hopes up though =p In before the "srsly guys Zelda games dos not have a deep story" post.
  10. WHAT NINE THOUSAND?!! I didn't know that most of the girls in this thread are girls, but the only one I'm surprised about is Bleck =o Results soon? [Edit] Well that answers my question =D
  11. Worse? The characters look WAY better, and the settings look fantastic. I think what they failed at was making a good trailer. Most trailers for movies of this kind are more like teasers - they give you very little and leave you wanting more, but at the same time show you very little actual content on which to judge the movie (for better or worse). I think these guys tried to show too much, and so created a bad trailer. They crammed in WAY too much dialog, the trailer's editing looked rushed (they DID have a deadline), and the special effects didn't always look professional. But I think this may end up being a good movie (but who knows?) They have an earlier trailer on their website, which I think I like better (despite using the official "this is an epic movie trailer" song). Even though this movie is real and IGN's April Fool's movie wasn't, this one looks like it would make a better movie (albeit far less professional and epic looking). I just hope this movie will have a sense of humour - even the darkest of Zelda games have their share of laughs. I couldn't watch a full-length fan-made Zelda movie with no humour in it (even if it's just self-referential humour)
  12. Hahaha, I'm sure that wasn't on purpose Bleck =p
  13. I haven't started yet, looks like I have to sit this one out =( I might make it later though, it was a pretty good idea Xo Is it Christmas/holiday/winter/Decemberween?? I can't wait!
  14. Haha, sorry for the confusion - I meant that rush is a flying dog, not a a flying dog. As for Roll's acting - really, she's a robot! I think she acted like a robot very nicely =D Also, feel free to be a jerk and post "OLD!", but this scene wasn't in the thread yet: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=H6SyQ8wSUj4&feature=related
  15. At first I read this line as "That's exactly how I'd picture Uwe Boll directing a Megaman movie." Then I read "I really want to the full movie now" and my head exploded. I really want to the full movie now too. Rush isn't until Megaman 3, sorry. Even then, he's not really a a flying dog. But seriously, I really would like to see this movie. It makes it look like it's actually taking place in the year 20XX, instead of a cartoon fantasy world =)
  16. Haha, I didn't know that
  17. Most atmospheric, really? I can't think of any place in the game that's all that atmospheric, especially compared to Super Metroid and Metroid Prime 1... but it was your first Metroid game so I see how it'd seem really atmospheric. Or maybe I just thought the atmosphere was severely lacking because I was comparing Zero Mission places to the corrosponding areas in the original Metroid =p It's hard to beat Kraid's lair with a black background and the NES Kraid's Lair theme. It's also hard to make an area that's more atmospheric I second this "Wut?" *looks it up on google* Ah, I see - it has nothing to do with (>'.')> Here be kirby dots:
  18. Zero Mission is still my favourite Metroid game of all. The first time through it was nothing special, but the low-item and/or speed runs are epic!! While all the Metroid games have some sort of prize for beating the game differently (item percentages, speed, and... *ugh* scans), Zero Mission seems like the first (and only) game in the series to be made specifically for these runs. There's a prize (a picture) for 100% items in (I believe) under two hours in hard mode, several pictures for < 15% item acquisition, and several others. Such a short game, but SOOOO replayable and challenging, and the bosses are the most fun I've ever played. My point: I REALLY hope the next 2D Metroid game does this tons-of-ways-to-beat-the-game / sequence-breaking approach, whether it's a short game or a long game. In fact, that would be great for a 3D Metroid game as well (if there ever is another one). While the low-item run in Prime 1 was really fun, it was virtually impossible in Prime 2.... and if someone can do a low-item run in Prime 3, I'd like to watch them beat Dark Samus =O And personally, I think Metroid Prime 3 is by far the most linear. If you try to get any of the special ending prizes in Zero Mission, it's not linear at all. I'd usually end up beating Ridley before even entering Kraid's lair =p
  19. I've barely read anything in this thread, but: Thank you for posting this! This has to be, hands down, the BEST manga I've ever read. It also happens to be the only manga I've ever read. And also the worst. It looks like there's more to it that hasn't been translated yet - Is there anyone here who's read the Japanese one who could give me the gist of what happens in the rest of it?
  20. Hmm, last day is the Sunday the 23rd..... I have a great idea for this one, I hope i can find enough time to finish it...
  21. I just got an idea that's so simple, even an idiot could have thought of it! 1. Buy this shirt: 2. Scan it. 3. ??? 4. Profit!! [Edit] Also I downloaded the PSD - couldn't quite get it working 100% =/ [Edit] Also I like that cover BlackPhantom posted.
  22. It's a trap! Do a barrel roll!
  23. Well, it didn't turn out too bad: http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/4843/ocralbumsg9.png Also I found some smaller CD covers here: http://nfernov2.deviantart.com/art/OverClocked-ReMix-Album-art-89949911
  24. Hmm, I'll think I'll give it a try. I'll quit if it takes too long though =p
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