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Everything posted by friendlyHunter

  1. I wouldn't mind an extension either, I'm just about to start. In the mean time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POhGCEC4gN4
  2. You could submit it to Bonzai and ask her..? I didn't start my entry yet, but I had a dream that I started it and it kicked ass! Usually in a dream you'd think the thing I was drawing would be completely different than the idea I had in my head, but no - it looked exactly like what I was planning to draw IRL! Except some guy painting across the table from me somehow got the drawing covered in orange watercolour paint without me noticing, and it had 2 other signatures besides mine on it.... I'm probably going to start it tomorrow.
  3. Yes, and yes! The deadline is this Sunday... so that means we get all Sunday (until 12:00 midnight) to work on it, right?
  4. I was going to post my original idea for the xmas contest, but those entries inspired me to sketch it up instead ...eventually
  5. Maybe I missed something, but.... don't videogame characters usually have clothes? Try drawing some clothes...
  6. I'm going to try something this month that I've never done for any of the other months! First person to guess what it is gets me a day of servitude from Bonzai! You don't even have to guess correctly! Assuming he doesn't get banned...! I expect great things.
  7. ....pics plz. Except you have to do it in the costume that Rambo is talking about. And then enter it in the contest for relyanCe. The prize will be "Rambo pretending to be a pancake."
  8. Yeah, I posted it here because it's one of my fa- ntastic remixes by Darkesword that I have downloaded. Yes. Not one of my favourite remixes at all >_>
  9. Someone a while back got the idea of having a two-month deadline. I'll probably enter this time, but as always I'll probably start late and end up with something rushed... but this time I think I'll focus on a "rushed" kind of style, seeing as how I'm unable to manipulate time.
  10. Not quite sure what you're looking for, but off the top of my head: Beatdrop - Strip Mine Star Salzman - Duck And Cover Very relaxing, but a good beat nonetheless: DarkeSword - Torvus Clockwork Quite possibly too intense for your purposes: Prophecy - Chekan Winter Not sure if you're looking for trance either, but: bLiNd - Snowbound (has a calm part at the end though) bLiNd - Jade Catacombs aaand anything else by bLiNd.
  11. Never heard of it, what's in it? It sounds strange, but some day I'd like a sandwich named after me... I've always been jealous of Reuben, Dagwood... Sloppy Joe. Anyway, I'm doing- wait, are the entries still "secret until the voting is over" style? I don't care either way, but I'd like to see the artists and score tally at the end
  12. I always wonder what that character on his back says...
  13. Falcon Kick can be pretty fast (but don't use it too often), and his backwards air move is fast too (but don't use that too often either). The knee is great, but you'll never hit your opponent with it if you use it too often. Also: I have a hard time with SONIC because he's so damn fast, but I feel like his moves are so slow. The contrast kills me. [Edit] On second thought, I'm pretty bad at Brawl; take my Falcon advice with a grain of PAUNCH!!
  14. I got the impression that he was instructed to act overly excited. But then when the Probe was scouting, I can imagine the Blizzard guy was thinking "ummmm, you're doing it wrong. Calm down." Are you talking about the rather large Firebat units that were already removed, or are you talking about the Marauders (the infantry ones that are even bigger than the big firebats), Vikings (even bigger than goliaths), or Thor (bigger than... everything)?
  15. Samus in Brawl. Every character in Guilty Gear (only because my opponent is always better than me).
  16. [insert Zerg joke here]
  17. So the theme is "chicks who are badass in some way", right?? Could this include: - Curly Brace from Cave Story? (Disqualified for being a robot?) - Fully suited Samus? (Disqualified for being badass in EVERY way?) - any female fighting game character ever? Hope we get a lot of entries this time (and we're still waiting to see the Christmas entries too, right?) Good luck not getting banned!
  18. Final line after the credits for Ninja Gaiden for the NES: "Thank you for playing. And see you next." Every line of dialogue from the CD-i Mario and Zelda games. Especially: Link: "I can't wait to bomb some dodongos!" King of Hyrule: "After you've scrubbed all the floors in Hyrule, then we can talk about mercy!" Zelda: "Stop looking at yourself!" Mario: "You know what they say: all toasters, toast toast!"
  19. Not to start an argument, but... Do we have the same Campaign Editor?? It's reasonable to call Warcraft 3's scripting interface "deep", but SC's was, er, a hassle to use, and not powerful at all. Haha, perhaps we just differed in what we wanted it to do =p You'd think someone with programming experience would have an easier time fliddling with the Campaign Editor's limited language, BUT NO!! Hmm, I can say some IDEs are getting close to this (which is a good thing IMO), but frankly the phrase "it'll be just like making StarCraft triggers" makes me laugh... I have no idea how many hours I've spent reordering actions to get things to work properly, and wrestling with those darned scrollbars!! I eagerly await whatever editor StarCraft II has to offer. In closing: I'm afraid SC map editor scripting has no real application other than making SC maps =]
  20. L-L-L-L-Look at you, Dedede. A p- pa-pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting and sweating as you ru-run through my gourmet race. How can you challenge a perfect eating machine?
  21. Thank you so much for posting this! I read them all a couple days ago, and I don't think a web comic has ever made me laugh that much... or a non-web comic, for that matter. 128 comics sounds like a long read, but most are really short and the good ones are SOOOOO worth it!!! ^___^ I'll have to draw some more kirby(s) for this thread again too. I have to admit though, after Giygas and Tingle, the quality of my Kirbys has gone downhill...
  22. It's easy to see that they're trying to get attention by using the triforce symbol, but at the same time I never thought it would be a Zelda announcement. Mainly because it wasn't on a Nintendo website (but also because something as big as Zelda announcement probably wouldn't have a timezone-staggered countdown). I wonder how extensively (if at all) the triangle feather clock will be used in-game...? My guess is it might be akin to the Wario moustache bomb graphic in Wario Ware games. Thinking about Zelda is NEVER a waste of time! We'll figure out that darn timeline if it takes all the Clocks Of Time in Hyrule!!
  23. Stars, missile expansions; what's the difference? =p After renting Trauma Center: Second Opinion and finding it very challenging (and I LOVE difficult games), it sounds like New Blood would be too difficult for even me >< I did like the story and gameplay though - I'd recommend it. I second Mega Man 9, whether or not you've played the originals. And I'd better look into getting a copy of Okami World of Goo.
  24. It's not dead, it's just.... temp banned.
  25. I think he meant $17 to see it multiple times, and then rent the DVD and then buy it, and then buy it on bluray, and then find $50 on the street so it evens out to about $17. Ummm, some of your facts are a little wrong, especially this one. He ate Texas three times, at least.
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