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Everything posted by friendlyHunter

  1. They're not THAT big. But back on topic: I will probably buy this game when it comes out. That is all.
  2. What do Pokemon trainers do when they lose a battle on the show? Whatever it is, he'll probably do it. Either that or he'll explode. In the classic Smash Bros fashion of course. EASIER SAID THAN DONE....!!!! >=L No. Grabbing Ike's sword would be pretty dumb. That would be like being able to grab Wario's bike when he's not riding i- o wait... Actually, it would be more like grabbing Link's bombs before they- oh, you can do that too. Actually, it's more like grabbing onto peices of Samus' suit and- oh hmmm.... Now, if Kirby eats Ike and gets his hair and his sword, and then Ike grabs Kirby's sword, can Kirby then make another copy of Ike's sword, and repeat until you have infinite swords? I think almost definitely yes.
  3. Quick, compile a list of games that have a stopwatch!! I'll start: - StarTropics - Legend of Zelda - Super Mario Bros. 2 ...if that stopwatch does indeed stop time, perhaps Peach's final Smash (or rather, stopping time/putting everyone to sleep) is not as overpowered as we might think? Or, at least less advantageous than it was in "previous installments"? ZOMG Stopwatch stopwatch stopwatch STOPWATCH....!!! =O
  4. I got something in and voted, so I'm less ashamed. ... of self! OH AAAAGH that was awful, but it had to be done. The pun gas was building up in my system, I had to belch out a big one before it was too late. But you've got to admit, that was quite a PUNch line, no? Eh? EH!?? uhmm..... I'm so sorry Oh yeah, here's LAOS's etch-a-sketch pic too. I took the liberty of shrinking/sharpening/contrast-adjusting/image-shacking it. http://img187.imageshack.us/img187/784/robo2zc0.jpg
  5. Woah, you're right. That explains why they haven't announced Ganondorf and Game & Watch yet. And Pichu, Dr. Mario and Young Link, we all know they're gonna be in. ... ......BWAHAHAHAAAHA!!! I also just noticed that Capt. Falcon and Ness were NOT unlockable characters in Melee. Food for thought. Personally, I'd be disappointed with a Capt. Falcon dojo update, unless there's something awesome to go along with it like a stage, movie, song, or final smash. Although.... wouldn't it be 10 times more awesome if Falcon's final smash was shrouded in mystery until you see him do it on your own TV??? I can bet the first thing I'll do after unlocking Falcon (assuming there's no Dojo update for him) is do a Falcon vs Falcon match with Smash Balls on highest. Much showing of moves would ensue. ....anyone else have the Fire Emblem song stuck in their head all day? It makes for a badass national anthem, but it gets tiring after a while. Especially after playing the Temple stage in Melee too much =/ [Edit] I can't remember if I asked this before, but I'll ask it now: did the Brawl demo have crouching and walking at the same time, like they kept showing off in the first and second trailers?
  6. And plus, it's Fox. I wouldn't want Fox on MY planet... would YOU?? Polluting the land with his Landmaster, decreasing airplane safety with his barrel rolls, reflecting things with his reflecting thing, being fast... he's a menace I tells ya! there are 2 many MIDI tunes!!!!1!1 jsut because there is 1 more that is not a midi does not mean that their r still 2 many that r midis although a slightly smaler percnetage of the songs revealled on the dojo so far r mi-*SMACK* That's not to say I'd prefer more songs that are recorded live. I definitely enjoyed that FE one, and the live orchestra and vocals can really create a dramatic atmos-*SMACK*
  7. It took me a few minutes to convince myself, but Airwalker's right - Japan Time is now an hour earlier for us daylight savings time nations. That is, unless Japan has some sort of crazy double daylight savings time. But who cares, tonight's update is going to be late anyway. The Ridley mascot in the corner of the screen tells me this one's gonna be big... ...and late.
  8. I can't remember if it was 99 lives or something closer to 50, but in SSB 64 I played with 200% damage, items on "very high" with only bob-ombs, mines, and bumpers. And I think it was on Peach's Castle. Needless to say, it was great fun. I can't remember if we played all the way to the end though...
  9. Aww, thanks alternate accounts! I mean... ... o shit.
  10. Heh, I was just about to ask who Alice is too, but I just remembered she's the hero from "Balloon Kid". You might even say she IS the Balloon Kid. Or, perhaps the Balloon Kid's sister...? Anyway, I hope she's in Brawl. Or even better: a Balloon Kid level with remixes of all the Balloon Kid tracks!! ... ... =( Stupid fish, dashing my hopes. The best thing I can hope for now is SOME of the Balloon Kid tracks remixed in the Ice Climbers stage. And, anyone know any specifics about the water? Can you "meteor smash" characters down through water? Can you attack while swimming? Can you jump, double jump... infinite jump? Does it slow you down? Can you skip across the surface? Do you float? Does the lava in Norfair act like water? Can you make water in the stage editor? Do items float? Does rock Kirby float? What is he like? It's not important. Particle man. Is he a dot, or is he a speck? When he's underwater does he get wet? Or does the water get him instead? Nobody knows, particle man.
  11. "everyone"? Oh geez, does that mean you guys are going to start posting Galaxy spoilers without mercy after Feb 10th? No matter - I probably won't have time to look on the internet because I'll be playing Brawl. And speaking of TV: they'd better make another Smash Bros. commercial with big mascot costumes...
  12. It may not be the best Mario game of all time, but it's a pretty good Star Fox game, the best Sonic game in a while, and hands down the greatest Ice Climbers game ever!
  13. Maybe so, but the enemies are slow, dumb, and weak compared to the likes of OOT, and not even comparable to any of the 2D Zelda games I've played. What's the point of doing fancy moves when you can kill any enemy just as quickly with the move that's simplest and easiest to do? Usually it's FASTER to kill enemies without using your special sword techniques, and much less risky too. And when the enemies are total pushovers, the only thing that matters in combat is speed - because I want to get the "fight" over with as fast a possible, because it's pointless and boring. I'll admit some of the more difficult enemies were fun, like those lovably frustrating ice-based enemies, but for the most part all the enemies were harmless victims. That icy dungeon really made me think "wow, I hope the rest of the game is this hard!", but from there it just got much easier... And my "the story sucked" comment was based mostly on my expectations - I got my hopes up because of all the raving fanboys on this site, claiming "OMG it's the most epic Zelda story ever!!!", or "The story's not that great, but it's still the greatest Zelda story ever!!" Curse you, fanboys! Curse you, Sages! Curse you... Link! And now, back to our regularly scheduled Brawl thread.
  14. 4 posts in a row without anyone caring, it's a new record! Don't you just love the contest subforum?? I thought I'd post my entry, maybe it'll help generate some discussion...
  15. Voting start today? I'm curious to see how many entries this time.
  16. Fixed. But in all seriousness, I think it's kind of silly to think that ANY Wii game is old enough to assume that everyone who plans on beating the game before things are spoiled for them has already beaten it. Confusingly long sentences aside, TP is not an old game. How would you feel if you picked up Super Paper Mario yesterday, and then some guy carelessly spoils the ending for you in the SUPER SMASH BROS. BRAWL THREAD??? But like DuskyFerret said, the game's age isn't really a factor. It's not hard: put the damn spoilers in white text, or just give some kind of warning. TP had some pretty bad gameplay though (or, rather, mediocre gameplay with sub-par combat), so I think the story was a pretty big highlight. I mean, if the game had no story to look forward to, it's likely I would've stopped playing before the end. But since the story sucked too, I'm thankful for the nice atmosphere and music, and crazy characters. Man, no wonder I didn't like that game much =/ Nonetheless, if Midna is a Brawl character, her Final Smash is a no-brainer: Fused Shadow transform, of course So, any guesses as to what King Dedede's Final Smash is? I'd bet there's flying involved... And yeah, his neutral-special move probably involves sucking players up. Ooh, just thought of another question for the mighty and all-knowing Player of The Demo: Anything new or different about Yoshi's special moves? I found all of them (except B-down, and on one occasion B-neutral) to be particularly useless in Melee. Same story in Brawl, or is he good again?
  17. No kidding. The developers are probably having a laugh at all the random internet webcomics and such that blame Sonic for the delay. Say what now? By the way, Midna and Wolf Link would make an awesome character! I can see Midna as a good assist trophy though... maybe teleporting people around, or grabbing them with her hair. And while I beat the game a while ago, I'm kind of annoyed by the merciless posting of spoilers with no warnings. On that note: The thing that really bugged me about Wolf Link in TP was that Midna is 10 times more powerful than Link, but aside form teleporting bridges and opening doors in temples, she never actually uses any of her powers to help you. And why is it that she can lift and teleport massive bridges weighing 10 tonnes apiece, but you need the help of a random people and a CHICKEN to get where you want to go? And then there's that one chasm with a missing bridge, where instead of Midna helping you build a bridge out of, say, any one of the hundred giant rocks lying around Death Mountain, Link has to single-handedly raise money to get one built?!?? And the parts where Midna hovers around, and you press a button to make Wolf Link jump ridiculous distances towards her... what the heck is that all about? Midna kind of made a joke out of the gameplay, but is still a fun character. Also, am I the only one annoyed by the fact that characters (especially Midna) make the exact same sound and animation every time something happens? For example: every time Wolf Link runs she makes that "Oh!" noise like she's totally surprised, as if Wolf Link has never run before. I mean, that kind of shoddy and repetitive character interaction was OK back in the day of Ocarina of Time, but now it makes the characters seem "wooden"... not that they already aren't wooden, but it sure isn't helping. Phew, this TP rant is over.
  18. The contest ends at the END of today, right? I'm almost done my entry... [Edit] Damn, drawing Crono is a LOT harder than it looks - I've found new respect for the artists for Dragon Ball Z. I wonder how many man-hours it takes to make an entire episode? Regardless, my entry should be done in a couple hours. ...OA, you around?
  19. 1) Implemented as an assist trophy, the power glove punches random players. 2) As an item - the wearer becomes more bad. 3) Upon defeating the Master Hand, it returns wearing a Power Glove. 4) Doomed to obscurity as a plain ol' trophy, or worse: a sticker. Or, in a tag-team with Peppy. His Final Smash would involve Fox flying in from above and shooting all the players, at which point Peppy exclaims "Do a barrel roll!" Actually, if he's in a tag team with Peppy, you'd control Peppy, and Slippy would just be a punching bag that yells for help. And of course, he'd warn Peppy whenever he walks towards mines, and Peppy would say something like "Thanks Slippy! I couldn't have done it without you!" "Aww, thanks Peppy!" "Do a barrel roll!" The thing about this guy - he'd make a phenomenal assist trophy, doing one of his crazy big moves. Not saying he wouldn't make a better playable character, but I'm not getting my hopes too high. ...PLEASE MAKE HIM A PLAYABLE CHARACTER!!! ..... Mike Jones on the other hand (from Star Tropics), while he'd make an amazing playable character, he'd be a pretty mediocre assist trophy.... what would he do, slowly walk up to someone and hit them with a yoyo? If there's a Star Tropics assist trophy, I'd hope for one of the bosses or enemies, or The Snowman Doll item that freezes everyone. If I recall correctly, was there not a Snowman Doll item in Paper Mario 2, or perhaps Super Paper Mario? That would make a great Final Smash for Mike We can add him to the "fruitlessly hope to see" list though, it seems nobody's heard of that game. Hard to believe it's on the same system as Ice Climbers.......
  20. Nice! Once again I'm bested by superior art, and superior etch-a-sketchry... I'll just have to hope that my crazy gimmick is crazy and gimmicky enough to win some votes =p
  21. Teehee! It's him! I'm pretty sure it's pronounced "dee dee dee". Up until a couple years ago, I followed the damn "silent e" rule and thought it was "king de-deed" Kirby's been seen using a new aerial hammer move in Subspace Emissary (one that actually looked useful)... but was that his new sideways-special move, or was it stolen from Dedede??? I'm personally hoping that Kirby has no hammer move (unless it's stolen from Dedede, or other Subspace baddies), saving his side-special move for something more interesting. Bombs? Sword? Fire? Electricity? ....WHEEL??!!?! It would be awesome if Jigglypuff kept her spinning move (or, a less suicidal and more fun variation of it rather), and then Kirby could steal it and turn into a wheel
  22. When the game comes out, Sakurai will make a correction on the website: Did I say 3 minutes? I meant 3 days! You see, in my job, days seem like minutes, and minutes seem like days. Basically, I salivate at the thought of speed runs. How on earth do you do that? When I play, more than 1 KO in the first minute of a match is pretty rare. Do you play with stock set to 1? And bob-ombs, motion mines, and hammers set to highest? I greatly prefer drawn-out matches. I'm not sure how long stock matches usually take for me (normally with 5-7 lives), but when I play timed (which is rare), it's usually 7-10 minutes. Hmmm... re-reading the Dojo announcement... it seems to maybe suggest that you can only SEND 3-minute replays? Perhaps it means to say that you can only record 3-minute long replays, but can record as many of these 3-minute replays as you want. Three minutes total just seems..... weird. Actually, I think it's better. Previously, each character could only play 1 stage. Now, each character can play FIVE stages!! By the way, I'm not being sarcastic. Each stage-character combination will be a completely unique speedrun experience! That is, if you're trying to get a decent time...
  23. But now you can piss yourself again and again! =D I have to say, I'm very happy about this update. It looks like there are 5 "break the target" maps in total (as opposed to 5 per character). There are probably too many characters to make a whole new target breaking level for each Also, more generic target levels will let you be a lot more creative, rather than following a pretty-much laid-out path (though there were exceptions in the previous games... I don't think I've actually played much of Melee's Break the Targets though). In SSB for the 64, Luigi was unlocked by setting records in those little stages, no? Was he unlocked this was in Melee too? If I recall, Falcon was unlocked in SSB by beating single player mode really fast. For anyone who's itching for a Falcon update: wait 'till the game comes out and then beat Supspace Emissary as fast as you possibly can! Whether they have a website update for him or not, he's guaranteed to be in there. And saving replays?! =D I wonder how that will work... I hope you don't have to play short 3-minute matches if you want to save something that happened at the start of the match.... perhaps you control what is saved from the pause screen? (e.g. when you pause it, you can save the previous x seconds of the match). Probably not though, because then it would need to store game states, as opposed to just the inputs... unless it stores state data temporarily... or something..... Oh yeah, remember the first Brawl trailer revealed a "walking while crouching" thing? Can you still do this in the demo? If so, does Samus turn into a ball? Ah curiosity, you captious trickster. I'm also curious about DK's Final Smash... in the video I saw, it looked pretty weak (probably the guy didn't know what he was doing, or simply couldn't hear the music over those cacophonous crones.) Ah thesauri, you frolicsome tomes.
  24. On that note's note, it looks from the demo like star-KO's are back. Wario's mighty WeEEIeeiEHHhh!!! will not go unheard! Also, yes, that's almost definitely the Fusion suit colors in that video. The "getting suit back" FS doesn't look much like the Crystal Flash... can anyone confirm whether it actually heals Samus or not? If not, for all we know the SSBB team doesn't know the Crystal Flash exists =p
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