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Everything posted by friendlyHunter

  1. LOL, the [MP3] for "Moonlit Grotto" is STILL the version with half the channels muted Please tell me you'll get around to it eventually...
  2. Just a reminder, the first post wasn't updated yet A longer link name might bring it over the character limit though =/ Will it be necessary to make second new thread?
  3. You're right, I haven't even heard the other F-Zero remixes yet.... I will commence shutting up.
  4. This such an insane soundtrack, it's hard to complain, but.... Only 3 songs from F-Zero GX??! And they're not nearly the best ones either... and they didn't even use the Port Town song, even though there's a Port Town stage FROM F-ZERO GX... =/ I guess all those amazing F-Zero character themes aren't exactly "fighting" songs though. And, taking the best songs from GX's incredible soundtrack would seem a little... "selfish" of Brawl =P I own the game (F-Zero GX) and somehow I've never listened to Captain Falcon's theme (which is AMAZING) until just now. Now I'm off to listen to Dr. Stewart's theme for the billionth time =D (For anyone who's never listened to this soundtrack, here's a taste: http://smashboards.com/fzero/music.php) And I'm so glad that particular Metroid Fusion song is in... if it wasn't, I would have had to request it at the Freshly Baked ReMixer Challenge 2008!
  5. Once you follow the link, the "You can't link here" page contains a "Click here to listen to/download the requested file" link to the midi. Does it actually save them bandwidth? Who knows!? But I'm really posting to comment about the quote in your sig I'll phone up Weird Al and tell him to make that song.
  6. Sorry to be a bother, but the "Moonlit Grotto" MP3 linked on page 1 totally has half of the instruments missing. An mp3 with all the instruments can be found here, titled "AGES ~ Level 3, Moonlit Grotto (Shadow Hag)". However it downloads very slowly and is VERY LOUD for some reason, so turn your volume down to listen to it! http://www.sound-test.org/soundtracks/the-legend-of-zelda/oracle-of-ages-and-seasons/
  7. Hah, maybe that's the reason they delayed the American release date. (I know it's not, but still..... I can't give up hope!!!)
  8. Oh, I hope it doesn't look like I'm requesting more than one remix - I mean to say that the remix I'm requesting can contain either song A or song B, or a medley with one or both included. Since the songs are short, it may be difficult to expand on only one source tune... but that's for the remixer to decide.
  9. Game: Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages Songs: Either "Dungeon 3, Moonlit Grotto" or "Crescent Island", or both - plus any other songs from the game (in addition to one of the previous ones). This game has many songs that are very short, and quite catchy. Source: http://www.zophar.net/download.php?file=gbs/zeldaooa.zip (My version of ChipAmp cannot play Game Boy music for some reason, so I do not know the exact track names) Midis: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/gameboy/index-gr.html "Level 3 - Moonlit Grotto" is a very inaccurate midi. "Level 3 - Moonlit Grotto (2)" seems to be accurate, but has drums added on top that completely change its mood. "Crescent Island" is inaccurate. "Crescent Island (2)" sounds accurate to me. "Tokay's House" - this song, along with the two themes I have requested, plays on Crescent Island; and this midi happens to sound accurate as well. I'll provide MP3s if needed.
  10. A few people have asked here: "What's the first thing you're going to do when you start up the game?" I am going to turn the music volume up [Edit] Also, WW Link used his giant leaf as a fan to blow enemies away from him - that would have been a VERY powerful Smash Bros move. Maybe TOO powerful, hm?
  11. It's Yoshi vs Game&Watch (who does his Final Smash) at the scrolling DK stage, quite an entertaining match (especially at the end!). It looks MUCH better than the Melee Ice Climbers stage, and you can hear some faint DKC music in the background. [Edit] Holy crap R.O.B. is awesome!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhlB_R4Gd_E [Edit] Wow, the Dojo has Spoiler alerts now! [Edit] Hah, the stage builder looks great, but I wonder if it'll be as fun as it looks: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yfz2q0_wWu4 "Nothing can be as fun as that looks..." (Except the one human player in that video looked like he wasn't trying too hard... but maybe the computers were have fun ) Ok I'm done now.
  12. Let me know how that goes. OH WAIT..! On topic: After watching that Dojo video, all the "problems" with the roster seem so trivial. "Why did they add Wolf??" "Why is there only one Metroid character??!" "LOL landmaster!" Upon being reminded how much other stuff there is in Brawl, I couldn't care less about the roster. But... that's exactly what they WANT me to think!!
  13. Yeah, you're right. Anyone know how many of the confirmed characters were NOT unlocked via Subspace Emissary? If all of them are unlocked in that mode (which seems likely because there are Subspace cutscenes with all of these characters, I think), then there's more hope for an even bigger roster.
  14. With all this info abound, I'm having trouble finding out what any of the new Final Smashes are, and ANY info about moves in general. [spoilers] Falco probably does something in an Arwing, Gannondorf probably transforms into a giant pig guy (at least there's a Ganon Pig Guy screenshot), Captain Falcon hopefully does an epic massive punch (but maybe he just runs people over in his car?), Toon Link is anyone's guess, I don't even know what Lucario is (he's a Lucario, right?), Game 'N Watch... well, there was a screenshot of a Game&Watch Octopus..? R.O.B - we don't know about ANYTHING he does!! Jigglypuff will almost definitely sing everyone to sleep (I wonder if they kept her "rest" move the same???) Ness will hopefully be Rockin' And then Luigi.... C'MON MR. L TRANSFORMATION!!! [/spoilers] I must be really spoiled to want all this information already... but I find it a little strange that people care so much about which characters are in, and then don't care what their moves are. For all we know, all of these new characters could be hideous clones. Man, I can't stop thinking about how much it would suck if Wolf is the last character, and a clone of Fox and Falco. For all we know the last guy could be Pichu, or Megaman, or Ridley or CAPTIAN OLIMAR OMGLOL!!1111 Also the Port Town stage looks nice - that was one of the more memorable tracks in F-Zero GX since it was so unique, and had awesome(er) music - plus it's a fun race to relax and hunt down your rivals The F-Zero GX soundtrack is absolutely amazing... I wonder if that composer made anything for Brawl? Time to check the list...
  15. AHH MY EYEEEES!!! On a completely unrelated note: Woo! YEEEEEAAAH!!!! That had better be the song that I think it is...! YEEEEEAAAH!!!! Wow, all those are all menu/cutscene songs... I must REALLY like menu songs. I learn something new about myself every day...
  16. From the comments on that page: [spoilerS] The pudding is a participation almost decision by the matter of the example. Falco is slight. Has the size changed even into Ridley as for Orimar because the original and the size are different? Isn't there Ridley because it is unexpectedly true? In the problem of the size, even Kuppa is that size though is larger in reality. It is believed more at least by concealment than Catherine. Child link, Pitu, and Muuts Especially, Roy who did not have being sure to know to everyone or who expected it at that time? What I want to say is not goes out to X and a natural character)(a little Ridley excellence of Bibitsu such as the puddings and Falco. It thought you should put neither the character nor the stage that was able to be surprised more to make us believe. [spoilerS] Haha, it's just like the ol' Brawl thread! And Purin = pudding, that's priceless
  17. Is... it certainly LOOKS like it's "him" there Rockin' He seems to be an assist trophy?????? Also: ZOMG Falco's gone confirmed!!
  18. LOL, look what Snake does on the post-fight screen where they announce the winner. Does he do that in Metal Gear games as well? (By "that", I mean point his ass at the camera at every possible opportunity)
  19. ZSS's down-special move appears to be some kind of weird aerial dive, much like what Juste Belmont can do in Harmony of Dissonance... could the whip-wielding ZSS be - gasp - a Belmont clone??? Or maybe they just wanted to put a Belmont in but couldn't, so they gave all his moves to Samus???? [Edit] That move I'm talking about is in the Dojo update, right after Zero Suit Samus is revived.
  20. Simply awesome - every third word he says sounds like Kermit the Frog, but all the other words he says sound not at all like Kermit the Frog. That Wii thing was pretty nice too. But, you know what Nintendo's going to do with this, don't you? Wario Ware and Mario Party minigames where you have to shake you head as fast as you can. Then 6 months later you'll have to order a new head from Nintendo. Actually, I think it's a really good idea, if done right. The Wii remote seemed like a good idea if done right, but... there are so many games that use it badly, and so few that use it well. I really do hope there are games that will use it though. I haven't played Umbrella Chronicles, but I could imagine how that kind of thing could really enhance the mood. And isn't there some Wii development kit coming out, or that's already out? Heck, if that guy makes that demo into a Wii game, I'll buy it. He could make it a game where the targets start flying at you and you have to hit them with your head Or.... Zidane's Total Rampage Arena - with Wi-Fi!
  21. For a second there I thought Kirby had eaten the punching bag from Smash Bros., and then got angry. Actually I tried to make the Tingle one kind of Windwaker style (Tingle is a little less repugnant in that game, and the fact that he lives in his own spinning tower makes him almost awesome). I used Photoshop for everything, probably using a combination of both mouse and stylus. [Edit] Err, by "stylus" I mean "Wacom tablet" This model, to be exact. I'd recommend it, it's pretty inexpensive too.
  22. And then here's my old ones from the previous thread, just because there's nothing stopping me from being an attention whore:
  23. The first screenshot has Pikachu, Pokemon Trainer, Lucario (probably?) and Jigglypuff in a row. The second shot has Ness, and what looks like Peach. Anyways, this is awesome: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-CZ1GFbUv4&feature=related
  24. Not sure if this was mentioned here yet, but the Dojo now has EVERY special move listed on the character pages. Those sneaky goons, updating the Dojo behind our backs! Hmm, from all the Demo footage, combined with the Japanese TV commercials and Dojo screenshots, it looks like we already knew what all the moves were after all! Well, except for maybe the Pokemon Trainer's unannounced moves, but those were pretty easy to guess.... http://www.smashbros.com/en_us/characters/pokemon_trainer.html Oh wait, Wario's up-special "Corkscrew" is news to me. I wonder what it could be...?
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