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Everything posted by friendlyHunter

  1. So it's a board flooding, eh? Two can play at that game! I always listen to remixes regardless of whether I've heard the original or not!
  2. No kidding. I got to him with almost full energy, [minor spoilers]I kept getting hit with those super-fast fireballs until I was almost dead, and then I finally realized that you need to use the Crystal Flash before you can hurt him. After that he's kind of easy, but hitting a moving target with bombs is pretty tough when you get there without Spring Ball.[/minor spoilers] True story.
  3. I don't mean to get into two arguments, but... That video makes it look like a game where all you do is run around and shoot zombies like "WHEE let's see who can kill the most zombies!!" These ones look a bit better: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/24567.html http://www.gametrailers.com/player/24559.html Seems as if they wanted zombies that run at you so you have to gun them down immediately, rather than slow zombies that you have to pump full of bullets. I guess so you have to watch your partners' backs way more carefully, especially when they're "reloading!". The atmosphere looks like crap though. And System Shock 2 is possibly the best game you will ever play. Even if it's not, it will probably create one of the best gaming experiences you will ever experience. I like all the "new" stuff too, and sometimes SS2's graphics are so bad that it's comical... but when you're playing, you don't even notice what it looks like. Also those geniuses managed to make the audio way better than most games today. Actually, the graphics are pretty much the only thing in SS2 that's NOT better than most games today. Don't even think of looking at screenshots to get an idea of the game. (Actually stay away from SS2 screenshots altogether, they generally have spoilers.) I've only played SS2 in single player, but I've heard very good things about co-op. I might just have to download those patches and play through it again... I'm wondering, how do the patches cause decreased difficulty? (and please no spoilers in this thread!) Is it something that upping the Difficulty Level can't fix?
  4. Aww, reading the wikipedia page made it sound like an incredibly innovative game, but that gameplay video throws it all out the window (for all the reasons you said). Looks like a typical Quake/Unreal multiplayer shoot 'em up, except everyone's faster =(
  5. Google search for "metroid magna" in quotes yields TWO results. The top one: This amuses me to no end. So does that cat.
  6. Yep, everything syncs up to the story in the Metroid Prime instruction manual. Also, I remember that Chozo guy is in a cutscene or picutre somewhere in Zero Mission, and also kid Samus. I think it's safe to assume it's canon. Regardless, the portraits it paints of the Chozo and human societies are quite interesting. Wow, I sure like wasting time today =D And yeah, it's annoying to read there, especially without any "next" and "back" buttons. Good luck getting a printed copy in English though - seems the guy took screenshots of the Flash version and replaced the text. [Edit] And Gafgarion, no offense towards your sig skills, but.... that's about the worst drawing of Samus in the whole magna (which is completely excusable, seeing as how you made the thread so you could actually FIND the rest of it). Also it's a really big square. (But with the sig I've got now, I shouldn't be one to talk....) LOL I just did a Google search for 'metroid magna'; the sixth result is me talking about it in this thread XD Thanks Google you've made my day!
  7. I don't really know what IS canon for Metroid, but every detail seems to be in line with the Metroid universe. Well except for this one panel where 3-year-old Samus and this Chozo guy turn into Beavis and Butthead.
  8. Why is that? Also, English: http://www.mechadrake.com/metroidmanga.html Hmm, my Metroid lore is hazy, but wasn't the Mother Brain more of the "I can control an army of Metroids with my gigantic brain!" guy than a "leader" guy? I think I read it in one of the instruction manuals. Maybe the English Magna with shed some light on that.... [Edit] Volume 2 was pretty interesting, now I'm making my way through volume 1. To anyone else reading it: remember to read the bubbles from RIGHT to LEFT, or you might get a little confused!
  9. Hah, talking Ridley! The dialog here reminds me the Ninja Turtles cartoon http://mdb.classicgaming.gamespy.com/reader.php?m=c&d=sm/np_comics&i=8&s=false Anyway, when we had the Metroid Fan Art competition, I saw the Metroid page on Wikipedia had a link to this "Official Japanese Metroid manga" (in Japanese), which is almost definately what eternal Zero is talking about. I can't read it.... but it has sound effects and animation!! and judging by your sig, you've probably already found it...? http://kodansha.cplaza.ne.jp/e-manga/club/manga/metroid/vol01/ Wow, they made talkin' Ridley look so badass!! oh, here's volume 2: http://kodansha.cplaza.ne.jp/e-manga/club/manga/metroid/vol02/
  10. I think it's because it's a thread about Brawl - that counts for about 60% of the posts. But then people keep posting here about Melee because there's no Melee thread - that's another 30%. And then there's the people who make posts that have nothing to do about Smash Bros, and only talk about how ridiculous and epic the thread has gotten - another 8%. The remaining 2% are about topics that are not directly related to the ridiculousness of the thread, and may or may not be related to Brawl in some minor form. Such as this one: I can't not love Snake-Kirby, but I was really looking forward to Wario-kirby with a Wario nose and 'stache. That image will amuse me to no end. Well, time to get photoshoppin'! Also it appears Kirby does not get Dedede's hammer... and we know that Kirby still has at least one hammer move, but not whether it's a special move or a regular move. So... we just got the "Kirby: Special Moves" update, and yet we know almost NOTHING about Kirby's special moves. But the Snake picture makes it SOOOOO worth it Here's hoping for the rest of Kirby's moves tommorow... or Samus' moves, or Zelda's moves or Final Smash. It looks like Snake's head got cut horizontally in half, and then each Kirby swallowed one of the halves.
  11. That article is MUCH better, thank you. It should be added to the first post, so people looking at this thread can read what actually happened. The article above uses "'Mortal Kombat' Death" as no more than a headline; so if you see or hear "Mortal Kombat killing" in the news, you'll immediately know what they're talking about. But really, here's what I think the issue is: They were doing an activity, which to them seemed completely normal and innocent. Was this idea brought on by violent media? Was the idea that it's completely innocent influenced by violent media? I won't deny that years of regular exposure to violent media might have influenced them in some way. But to say that a single video game is what influenced them to do this is really quite far-fetched - again, "Mortal Kombat" here is merely the catchy headline. So you've got an "innocent" but somewhat dangerous activity - combine it with unsupervised drinking - suddenly people assume the initial activity is to blame (and by "people" I mean the dumb-ass who wrote the article in the first post). Driving is an innocent and somewhat dangerous activity. Combine it with alcohol, and it can be extremely deadly. Do people then assume that it's bad to drive? Do people start blaming media that depicts people driving? Blaming Mortal Kombat for this death is like blaming Grand Theft Auto for a drunk driving death (which I wouldn't doubt has been done before). People can be dumb or ignorant like that, but really, any intelligent person who takes a moment to think rationally about the situation will realize that Mortal Kombat is not to blame. (obligatory comment about Jack Thompson not being an intelligent person)
  12. Umm, so what's so bad about this item? 90% of the time I turn just the recovery items off... but frankly, this looks like the best recovery item they've ever come up with. (Well, maybe second-best, after Diddy's peanuts.) Just think about all the strategy involved: 3 on 1? Don't have any teammates? Well then you'd better get to it as fast as you can and throw it off the cliff! But dang, your opponents are crowding on either side of you, to throw it past them you'll have to devise some sort of strategy- OHH NOES A STRATEGY, THIS ITEM SUCKS! Free for all? Well, if you're the type to pick on the guy that's winning, how about throwing it at the guy that's losing? Playing a timed match? Throw it at someone to save their life, preventing another opponent from getting a kill. And just the thought of an item that you TRY TO INTERCEPT IN MID-FLIGHT is pretty freaking sweet. Ever played Football? Ultimate? Soccer? Countless games are based around passing an item, what could possibly be bad about having an item like that Smash? Hell, Smash Bros. could have a "keep away" or "capture the flag" mode and it'd fit right in. Hmmm, makes me wonder what that soccer ball item will do.... [Edit] AHA, another FFA strategy: pick up the item and lure some sucker into a trap of motion sensor bombs and Pitfalls. Or lure a 2vs2 opponent into a trap when they go to intercept the item. Combined with bumpers and explosives, the possibilities for fun are endless!!
  13. So you think no one here cares about games that are 10 years old? And that no one here cares about games that aren't released yet?? Well then WELCOME to the OverClocked ReMix forums, the place where people give a shit about things!!! Wow, sorry about that man, I was all out of gum. [Edit] Sorry to automatically assume that you're a man, but given what it says in your sig, I think it's safe to assume. Or is it?? ....... O__o
  14. Question: Do they keep putting the worst Mother songs in Smash, or just the ones that I happen to think are the worst Mother songs? The Mother 2 (Earthbound) soundtrack alone is FULL of amazing material, yet so far they've managed to avoid putting a single good Earthbound songs in a Smash Bros game. Same with StarFox and Pokemon... am I the only one with these woes? What does "woes" mean? And I already knew the Smash team was completely unable to translate a 2D Metroid room into a 3D Metroid stage, but how can they fail at translating a 3D Metroid room into... hmm... THE SAME 3D Metroid room?!?? I don't remember exactly what the Pirate Frigate in Metroid Prime looked like, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't ugly as sin. Worst colour scheme ever. And oh yeah, it flips upside down. .....WHY??? If they put Ridley in the game, they'll probably make up something dumb for him to do like fly at the camera to block everyone's view, and then stomp around on the ground shooting ice lasers from his eyes and nostrils. Actually, that sound hella cool. Or, at least it would, if I knew what "hella" is supposed to mean....
  15. Haha, the pokemon trainer has an alternate costume with green hair! Is that costume from a Pokemon game or cartoon, or was it made up just for Brawl? Oh wait that's a green hat Anyway, it looks like the 3 pokemon have alternate colour schemes as well. They still have some moves updates I've been waiting patiently for... If they have any major new characters up their sleeves (Megaman!!), it'd be pretty anticlimactic for them to release the game before they reveal the character on the Dojo. And especially anticlimactic to anyone in Europe.... What day is the Japan release again??
  16. Once you rescue Peach and start all the purple comet levels... it will get MUCH more fun. And some of the purple comet levels are quite a bit less "hand-holding" ish than most of the game. But really, I don't think the lack of exploration is a fault, because I really didn't expect any. And to be honest, there are enough "hidden" stars that lie off of the path to make it interesting (perhaps you haven't found those yet?). But yeah, I REALLY wish the first 70 or so stars were a lot more challenging, and the bosses too. Seems like they went with "let's make the game so easy that ANYONE can beat it, and then make all the hard stuff optional, and only accessible once you've played the game for 10 hours!!". That's been the philosophy for just about every game Nintendo has released in the past 4 years that I've played (excluding Wii Play)... I do not like it! >=[ But really, the first play through wasn't that bad. I just started the second play through the game though... I'm afraid the first 60 or 70 stars are going to be even easier and more boring than last time... Are they??
  17. For the Luigi Purple Coin level: Spin after EVERY jump, and you'll be able to get a lot of coins without landing on the platforms under them. Also, do long jumps to get those big strings of coins. I found the most helpful strategy was leaving as many platforms as possible near the entrance untouched. You don't need to get those coins at the beginning, so no need to risk ruining those platforms and screw yourself at the end. By the way, that happens to be my favourite level. I really hated the hard ray-surfing one though... until I attempted going REALLY slow, and beat it on the first try in 1:30. You do NOT need to go fast in that one to get the star! The key to the bubble one is patience - do NOT rush!! And the key to the ball one is.... don't take any risks. Hmm, I guess the key to all 3 of those levels is pretty much the same "slow and steady" rule... Another random tip: Mario's homing stomp (spin in the air, then immediately press Z) can pretty be useful in some of the longer levels where you want to avoid falling in the hole at all costs. For example, if there's a purple coin perched precariously on a ledge, you can jump above the coin and do a homing stomp, and you'll land directly under the coin (and get the coin too of course!)
  18. Motion Mines? Why hit one cart when you can hit ALL of them, with a Final Smash! Being Gigi Bowser or Super Sonic will no doubt be funny on that stage, at least for a little while. Or using the Landmaster, or Mario's final, or Pikachu's And am I alone in disliking Mute City? I hate how the platforms always disappear from under you, especially when they're not on the screen. This stage is a welcome alternative =)
  19. Hmm, I don't think any of the top picks were any good. "Truthiness" was definitely a good choice though. Oh weird, the article specifically mentions the obscure spelling of "w007" for some bizarre reason. And "w007" is only one character away from "2007". Arg, that must have been their justification for choosing it over the other equally-crappy words. Now I'm sad... Was "word" the word of the year yet?
  20. Multiplayer races could be fun if everyone's the same character, and with enough hazards and chaos so the guy who gets in front at the start doesn't stay in front the entire race. Even then, it'd probably be not as fun as Brawling. Although... there's sure to be abundant races towards the Smash Ball! A Mario Galaxy stage could work incredibly well, if it's one of the many levels with "normal" gravity, where down is always down. If there's a Mario Galaxy stage, my money's on Honeyhive Galaxy. That place is pretty much the embodiment of the whole game. And I just LOVE those bees! If Megaman's 20th anniversary really IS Monday, then I finally have some reason to get my hopes up. That, and the fact that it's nearing the Japan release, there's one missing newcomer slot on the Characters page, and still at least one new franchise icon left. ....I-Is it all too good to be true? Only time will tell! Sshhh! It's helping forum members learn their maths!
  21. 99 me not know :[ you should ask doctor ONE HUNDRED MORE POSTS TO GO!! To celebrate this superficial occasion, we must put the number of posts left at the top of each post, as I have done. ... Go!
  22. THOUGHT EXPERIMENT!! 1) Imagine you and 500 random people are in a room, gathered to play some game that involves around 2-4 players. Chess, Halo, Smash Bros, whatever, you're all there to play that one game. Now you want to play "the game" with another person or group of people, it could be anybody... why not the random guy beside you? The first thing you'll ask this would-be opponent (or that they'll ask you) is something along the lines of "are you any good at this game?" And why? Because if you're really good, and they're really bad (or vice versa), it's not gonna be very fun. If you've never played the game before, you don't want to be stuck playing against some amazing [insert game here] master. If you've played the game for a while, you don't want to play a beginner, and chances are you'll still want to stay away from opponents that will destroy you before you know what happened. 2) Now imagine 500 random people in a room to play a game, same scenario as before. But this time everyone has their mouths taped shut, and are wearing identical uniforms complete with identity-hiding masks. And since you can't ask would-be opponents if they're any good or not (non-verbal communication is forbidden), all you can do is play with random people of random skill. Welcome to Brawl "With Anyone" mode. Granted, if you consider the first scenario, chances are Atma would be there continually yelling "BALLS" at the top of his voice the entire time... so you really can't win either way. What's needed is a balance between the two. Brawl's online mode would be 100 times better if you could choose your freaking skill level, and change some of the options...!! Try playing StarCraft on Battle Net. Even the games that say "Newbs only" are really pros pretending to be newbies so they can raise their win percentage. It's a fact.
  23. Wow this is the greatest update EVER!!! I thought Bonsley was going to be playable but now I know for sure he or she is in the game and look its SUPPER POWERFUL!!!!1 "Bonsly’s body is made up of rocks and stones." Stones AND rocks?! Oh Sakurai, you are the master of redundancy
  24. I'm having trouble using the site's search functionality. I'm using Firefox 3 BETA 1, Windows XP. And now for a detailed bug report: I try searching for games titled "zelda", I get a page that says: But no games are listed. Composer field also broken: No composers are displayed When I search using the "remix" field for, say, "zelda", it says "remixes 1 to 50 of 86", but shows only 36. When I go to the second page it says "remixes 51 to 86 of 86 previous page", but shows the same 36 remixes as page 1. Searching for remixer has the same behaviour as composer search: No remixers are displayed. As long as I don't use the search, it works perfectly fine though. Good job =)
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