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Everything posted by friendlyHunter

  1. Oh my, I did not like that update one bit. Admittedly it's funny, but so very disappointing =( I was wondering what kind of update they'd make for Christmas day... possibly same old same old, maybe some special Christmas related assist trophy or song... maybe they'll reveal the REAL online mode! Personally, I don't like the idea of replacing players with a CPU. I'd like to play online mode for fun. But I don't play against CPUs, because I don't find it fun (they're just too dumb). So, if I choose a mode that was specifically added so you could play against other PEOPLE, why would I want them switched with CPUs??? If they're still as dumb as in Melee, you WILL be able to tell when a player drops out. It's when they start randomly jumping in the hole and failing to notice every move that takes more than 2 seconds to execute, while magically countering all of your fast attacks the frame before they get hit. Oh yes, and they'll ignore that extra fraction of a second called lag, and mystically locate Smash Balls and Golden Hammers that aren't even on the screen. If all these AI issues are addressed, then I'll be quite pleasantly surprised.
  2. Somehow I don't think a Melee level would lag on the Wii...
  3. I think Bomberman's definitely popular enough to be playable. If it weren't for Smash Bros, I'd wager he'd be more well-known than Ice Climbers, Kid Icarus, Fire Emblem, and Earthbound. Possibly... Why not? Computers have feelings too! Especially when you're fighting a team of 3 Bowsers. If you start winning by too much, you'd better watch out!!! Hmmm... if the pity smash (which I will hereby refer to as "loser ball") is customizable to the point that you can make everyone but the first place player(s) get a loser ball, it could make for some interesting matches.... Only motion mines and Bob-ombs on highest, 300% damage, loser balls turned to max, 4-Wario free for all with 50 lives each... top that off with a custom stage that's shaped like a funnel and blasting "hip" beats, and you've got yourself a fun time filled with impressive bike jumps. WOW I finally grasped just how customizable this game is going to be Wait, wait, I'm getting something.... Gigantic level shaped like slanted girders with ladders... Gravity set to max... fixed camera, only barrels on highest... WAIT, and some hammers too.... 3 Mario's with 300% damage vs 1 Donkey Kong with 0% damage... DK arcade remix..!!!! WOOOAAAOAAOOAAHHOHHH!!!!!
  4. Reading through the update, my first thoughts were "aww how cute, Nintendo's trying to do online! I'm not totally disappointed though. The worst thing for me has to be the fact that you have to wait for people to join... and with no invites and no voice chat, I'd better get a longer chord on the phone, or a sofa on rails that glides between the TV and the computer with the push of a button. Preferably both. I have some serious complaints though: GOOD: BAD: Put your numbers in a damn grid, people! Is it that hard?! I don't have time to needlessly scroll back and forth through all those numbers! THIS IS NOT NEW TECHNOLOGY!! Not everyone who owns a Wii has their own Wii remote to point with! We have to type in TWELVE painful digits for each friend, even though you've already implemented an adequate grid system for typing in your FOUR LETTER NAME?! Final Fantasy VI is, what, over a decade old now - they had FIVE letter names, and you type them with the letters in a NICE GRID... is it so much to ask??? These guys must be working on zero sleep to make mistakes like these. Either that or Sakurai's running out of things to show, so he has to put up screenshots of crappy unfinished GUIs. Gosh! Nice support for the colour-blind, "Skrai", if that is your real name. Did you know that 1 out of every some number of people is colour-blind?? You can take your fifth letter and shove it up your item hole. Ahem... And on a lighter note: *attempting to post image* ... ..... >=[ Four images my ass!! Is it that hard to make it five, or can those raging dunces not reach the number five on their linear keypads??! THIS IS TOTALLY A MINOR ANNOYANCE!!!
  5. They're talking about which Gannon should be in Brawl. Really, there can be only one, Gannondorf, and one Gannon/pig guy.
  6. Hell YEAH it’s a sideways-sliding shoulder tackle! This final smash does not disappoint =D
  7. 1. Eat Garlic 2. Wario-Man! 3. ??? 4. Profit!!! [Edit] Alright, top of the page!!
  8. In the previous Smash installments, when you first see a secret character such as Jigglypuff, it'd say "New challenger approaching!" It'd be funny if they changed it to "Jigglypuff Confirmed."
  9. Wow, he uses four screenshots to show us exactly how (and how not) to set the wide screen display option for people who do not know if they have a widescreen TV or not. Priceless. It's official. We can now make up joke updates like "I-Is that the title screen?!", and then see them come to pass some time in the near future. Love the song, good to see there'll be a variety of not just normal music, but some "completely different" stuff as well.
  10. Nice typing! Not that there's much that's new about the update... but what is new is good. I'm REALLY glad that you can turn off jumping with up. Those screenshots make me wonder how customizable the controls really are... regardless, I'm totally going to use platformer style controls, jumping and attacking with the right thumb. The "test" button is also great, I'd hate to not have a test button. Wow. I hate to say it, but they really have thought of everything. Then why did you say it??! Geez...
  11. Normally I'd think this isn't that weird, but.... "Our mission is to prove that this music is not disposable or merely background, but is as intricate, innovative, and lasting as any other form"...?? I mean I haven't played any FE games or listened to their music, but if I was to do this with with a game like Mario Galaxy, Super Metroid, or Resident Evil 4, it'd kind of botch the game's mood. ...but now that I think about it, me as a kid playing Super Metroid while my brother blasted Nirvana in the same room made for some pretty epic memories of Maridia Then again, I could still hear the Maridia theme at the same time... But back to business - I have some questions about the Brawl demo, and I need some answers, NOW! Air Smashes: Are they in? Crouching and walking at the same time: Is that in? Does Samus turn into a freaking ball? Yoshi's side-special move: Is it useful now? Link's bombs: Back to their SSB 64 glory? Link's arrows: Can you charge them quickly now? Footstool jump: Anyone actually try it? Air dodges: Are they too awesome now? Easier grapple recovery: Has everyone stopped whining about it yet? Music: Does the game have that superb rendition of Nobou's Brawl theme from the Nintendo World trailer (possibly as the menu theme, or in the Battlefield stage)? Could you even HEAR the music?? Shrieking sea-witches: Did they get beaten to a pulp yet?
  12. Yesterday's update didn't disprove anything (such as selectable Zero Suit Samus, or Ness costume for Lucas). Daisy costume was in one of the screenshots in a recent update. uhh I don't think so. They need to do a Zelda moves update, pronto. And her Final Smash too. My best guess is that Sheik is an unlockable character completely separate from the new Twilight Princess Zelda, but no one can be sure of anything at this point...
  13. Not sure who was the one who called it. But I would've been disappointed if there WASN'T a costume update sooner or later. About 6 different costumes is good news! I've never played a Metal Gear game, but the picture of three Snakes checking each other out makes me laugh. Anyone know if Samus has the Phazon Suit (black with red lights) from Prime 1? I think everyone can agree that those are the coolest Samus suit colours to date. I wonder why we (by which of course I mean "I") haven't seen any Zero Suit alternate colours yet...? Anyone ever seen the DK TV show, the 3D animated one? It totally had a Yeti character that looked like DK with white fur, but his name escapes me at the moment.... it rhymed with "yeti", I'm pretty sure...... "Eddie"?
  14. Do you have any idea how difficult it would be to have a "watch matches played by Joe Blow" option? Let's say Joe Blow's a hardcore player, and plays an average of 10 online matches a day. Now, suppose 20% of these matches are recorded and sent to Nintendo. So, every day, the "search for matches played by Joe Blow" option would have 2 new matches for you to watch. Now, multiply Joe Blow by tens of thousands of Smash players - that replay data would quickly build up into an absolutely MASSIVE amount. Now let's say Nintendo only keeps the replays for, say, one week, or maybe one day. So on any given day, you'd have maybe 5 or 10 Joe Blow matches to watch, several of which you've probably already watched. However you tweak the numbers around, you'll always have either have too much stress on Nintendo's (for their FREE SERVICE), or a minuscule amount of replays to watch. I'll shut up if anyone can show me a widely played game out that has this same feature and does it well. If you want to watch matches by Joe Blow, TELL HIM TO SEND YOU HIS REPLAYS! If you want to watch only CPU players fight each other, YOU ARE VERY EASILY AMUSED! The broadcast is like a TV station. ONE TV station. The Brawl channel. Brawl Broadcasting Corperation, if you will. Sure, it might be nice to have more than one channel, but really, do we need more than one? Just because it's a great game doesn't mean it needs everything you want. Again, Sakurai's chosen more of a "TV" philosophy here, rather than a "YouTube" one. Plus, betting would be impossible if it wasn't "broadcast" style. I'm just wondering if this betting option will nudge people towards (or away from) gambling addictions?? I'm sure Jack Thompson can't wait to hear about it...... I will admit, their method of random "data collection" looks unbelievably lame. Why is there no "submit" button here?? Why would random matches be more entertaining (or more fun to bet on) than ones people specifically submit to Nintendo??? Bah, if they decide to make the broadcast show replays that people sumbit, it'll probably delay the game another two months. ...Wii games can get patches, right? =D That's a good question. I'm really hoping they have a "choose your skill level" thing - without it, online play would be pretty awful. Really, the only reason I'd want to play with people I don't know is when the people I DO know are a different skill level than me. If half of my online opponents are either way better or worse than I am (which is bound to happen if there's no skill levels or ranking), then, well... my time might be better spent betting on anonymous Brawl players or playing with stickers.
  15. <.< >.> .....Shameless self promotion!! http://friendlywarlord.deviantart.com/art/Chrono-Cereal-69890973
  16. What are you expecting, a new character every day? This is over a minute of music, and an explanation of not just three, but FOUR moves. Anyone posting just to complain that the update is "boring" is just making the thread boring. So, about that update..... yeah, it's pretty boring. 'night!
  17. WHAT NINE THOUSAND?! I sure hope they go overboard and make each "account" have not just 3 custom taunt phrases, but 3 custom taunt phrases per character. Then you could come up with such in-context taunts as: "I am under a box!" "Oh. A fairy." "I'm curling myself in some sort of new stretch." "I give a shout on the spot."
  18. HAH!! That is the description of every classic cereal commercial that has ever existed!! I can see if now: "Nice work Shael Riley, but our mission is to prove that this cereal is not disposable or merely background, but is as intricate, innovative, and lasting as any other cereal."
  19. Amen. And it seems this thread's post count has reached yet another milestone value. Assuming each post has, on average, a power level of 1, and that the total power level of the thread is the sum of the power levels of each of its posts, we can therefore assume that the thread's post count p is approximately equal to its power level p'. So without further ado, I'll cut straight to the ceremonies: Vegeta! What does the Brawl thread say about its power level?
  20. Alright, who's the joker that told the Smash Bros. dev team that Metroid games are about acid and lava going up and down and falling all over the place? Let's recount where moving lava/acid appears in the Metroid series: Metroid I - Nothin' Metroid II - The main area has stationary acid at the bottom that blocks your progress. The acid level goes down when you kill metroids, making new areas accessible. However, you never actually see the acid go down. Super Metroid - Maybe 2 separate occasions in Norfair where the room shakes, and you must escape before the acid/lava rises to the top. This must be where the two "Brinstar" levels came from - ironic, as Norfair is in no way part of Brinstar. - About 3 rooms scattered around the planet where acid/lava gently and predictably goes up and down every 10 or 20 seconds. I'm pretty sure none of these are in Brinstar. Metroid Fusion - I can't remember any, but there could have been some... granted, it doesn't take place on a planet. Metroid Prime - Magmoor Caverns has a few places in the background where lava pours down out of tubes or something. This looks like the inspiration for the whole "lava wave" deal in Brawl. Metroid Prime 2 - Nothin' Metroid Prime 3 - "Fuel gell" tamely pours down from the ceiling in a few areas. After the atrocities that were the Metroid stages in the first two Smash Bros, Norfair is a huge improvement in the accuracy department. Hell, they actually used appropriate colours this time, and gave it the correct name. The closer background makes it look a bit more claustrophobic too, though it still looks way more open than some of the other Brawl stages. The colour of the lava looks very non-Metroid-y, but all that contrast is needed to warn you of impending "EEEEEEEEEEK!" From the screenshots it does look really "non-liquid" though, whereas Metroid lava has a distinctly watery/liquid look... bah, I'm just being too picky now. Aww, I can't stay mad at you! But I have a question for anyone who played this stage in the demo: is the whole "lava wave" mechanic actually fun? And what happens if two people get locked in the tiny room - do they still get to attack each other? Can Sonic use his B-up to jump over the lava wave completely? Does the lava kill you instantly, or is it more like the glowing chicken soup in the SSB and SSBM? Do you get a decent warning for the lava that pours down from the ceiling? What I'm getting at is: is the lava a pain in the ass hazard that's hard to dodge (even when you're not fighting), or does it add a fun dimension to the fight? Also: If there isn't a "Red Brinstar" stage in Brawl (particularily, that one really really tall corridor), I'll have to build it myself. The stage editor had better have destructible walls though... And if that song isn't in the game, I'll turn into the Hulk.
  21. Ever since the first Japan Time, this has been the only thread that I read practically every post in. The daily updates just make this thread... addicting. If I didn't read it, I'd feel like I'm out of the loop like those guys who periodically pop in and say "DID YOU KNOW SONIC IS IN THIS GAME???" It's like a place where I get to yell random crap, and all the other Brawl addicts have no choice but to listen. It's like the Super Bowl. Except I care about it.
  22. Just looked on Gametrailers to find out what the XBox360's 9.8 rating was. Anyone know if Galaxy has any form of multiplayer? For a single-player game to get the same score as Halo 3 (and higher than Bioshock), it must be as good as I hope it is =) (Though I have yet to play any of those games, so I really don't know what I'm talking about)
  23. 9.8?! That's like 98 out of 100. Or 9800 out of 10000. It's over NINE THOUSAAAAAAND!!!! Man, you'd better delete your post before someone quotes it. [Quote has been edited to preserve surprise ]
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