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Everything posted by friendlyHunter

  1. The announcer from the 16-bit Mortal Kombat games (not sure which ones, maybe all of them). The voice just has so much kick, it sounds so creepy and malevolent compared to the comparatively-tame MK announcer voice of recent generations... plus he laughs at the players, and every one of his lines became instantly recognisable classics. Even his laugh is iconic. If we're talking "greatest" here and not necessarily "best", then, well.... thread over? And obligatory nomination for WORST announcer/narrator: guy from Smash Bros. Melee. "Dunkey Kong, mersus, Bww-zer." "Brick, the tergets." "Training, Moe." "KAAMARAAAAAH!"
  2. I'd download StarTropics a lot quicker if I hadn't have beaten it 100 times as a kid =P One of my favourite games back then, along with Megaman 3 and Mario Bros 3 (and, er, Zelda 3 and Metroid 3). If they revive the series, they should send letters to people who bought the game, and you'd dip the letters in water to get news about the a new StarTropics game. Even better if these letters are disguised as junk mail: "Congratulations! You won an all-inclusive trip to C-Island!" Ahh, I'm a viral marketing genius.
  3. OH LORD, 24 things on the screen - SURELY the Wii cannot handle an unprecendented TWENTY-FOUR Pikmin at the SAME TIME!!! Wait - 28 things including the four Olimars, and maybe even more things if there are some items...! I hear there's a Wii game with almost FIFTY things at the same time - apparently it runs at 5 frames per second on the Wii, but the PS2 version it can sometimes reach 18 FPS! I kid. But really, those things are so low-poly, the N64 could probably handle 60 of them just fine. In Pikmin weren't there hundreds of those guys? And if you're talking about 4 Olimars online, that's another story. A story which ends with: "And the 4 anonymous Olimars played happily ever after for two minutes, with no noticeable increase in lag whatsoever. The end." Hopefully yes, but... the Dojo update already said otherwise: Waaaaait... he didn't say that you don't ALSO copy their other moves!! (>'O')>
  4. Hmm, with the recent and extreme drop of quality in this thread, and with school picking up, I'm going to have to say goodbye to this thread. Good night thread! Good night bed. Good night head band that's tied to Snake's head. Goodnight Olimar. Good night salad bar. Good night person who posts what the updates are. I may not check here for a day, maybe for a week, maybe never - but don't worry; every time I look up at the Dojo, I'll be reminded of this thread - and maybe people all over the thread will be reminded of me as well. Good bye!! *Suddenly he does a great jump!* Goodbye everyone!! *Choppa-choppa-choppa!* Goodbyeeeee...!!!!! Yep. He makes his exit.
  5. Wooooooowwww.... I really loved the Duck Hunt album... could someone provide a link to this "Recapitated" project as well? [Edit] Nevermind, it's right here: http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=recapitated&btnG=Google+Search&meta= Or, uhh, here rather: http://icecap.ocremix.org/ Ice Cap, eh? Ho, I'm not gonna be able to listen to the whole thing all at once....
  6. I made some mistakes in my post, it's now fixed Use the "P" in "Parutena no Kagami" [Edit] And now that the site has exactly 12 newcomers and 12 veterans... I'm guessing that they're not going to announce any new characters on the site, so we'll have to wait until the game's out (or at least until the information has leaked).
  7. Superb song by the way! I've never played Pikmin, but this is the best update in a while The Pikmin icon is #22, so: 15 - Dōbutsu no Mori (Animal Crossing) 16 - Meido in Wario (Wario Ware) 17 - Metaru Gia (Metal Gear) 18 - Hikari Shinwa: Parutena no Kagami (Kid Icarus) 19 - ??? 20 - Sonic 21 - Nintendo DS (not in alphabetical order) 22 - Pikmin (not in alphabetical order) Alright, crazy theory time! As established before, icons 15 to 18 are PROBABLY in alphabetical order by the English spellings of the series' Japanese names. Which means icons 15 to 20 might ALSO be in alphabetical order. If so, Rockman fits in to #19 perfectly, as was the theory. With 21 and 22, the alphabetical order is broken - this may suggest that the list of icons was made BEFORE they decided to add a DS stage and a Pikmin character (or, at least before they decided they were definitely going to keep them). If Rockman's in the game, he's a MAJOR character - they most likely would have started development with him early on (or, at least sealed the deal with Capcom early on). So, if Megaman is in the game, I'd be willing to bet he's #19. Anyway... I still have hope for Megaman!! Not tommorow though... Th-They wouldn't do two surprise newcomer updates in a row, would they?! [Edit] Ooops I bolded the wrong letter in Kid Icarus =p Fixed.
  8. I bet NOBODY expected that! (waits for flood of people saying "I told you so!!!")
  9. Oh yeah? Discuss THIS further! http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/alot I'm sorry... but the thread must live on!!
  10. 2. True. Doesn't mean I can't criticize every aspect of the GUI though 3. I haven't heard the music, because apparently the GameCube version doesn't have these remixed tracks for some reason. There are only a few remixes that you can hear on the GameCube, which you unlock by beating the games... upon hearing them again, I'd say they range from "enjoyable but simple dance remixes/covers" to "very bad". 7. It was worth the money, but still.... it would've been more convenient to download the NES roms and play them with a keyboard where the Jump and Shoot buttons aren't reversed. It takes longer to turn on the GameCube and start playing than it does to go find and download an NES ROM, and start it up in the emulator. That collection has sure hasn't saved me any time... what with making me type all these long whiny posts and all....
  11. Ahh, *those* "good feelings"...... .... you're talking about Ness, right?
  12. Someone must realize that these stages are going to play completely differently in Brawl than they did in Melee, right? They've undoubtedly removed the things that made these stages bad (or, worse than they could have been). I didn't like Rainbow Cruise because of the ridiculously high gravity in Melee, and because several of the characters (such as Kibry) can't move horizontally fast enough to escape the screen scrolling. In Brawl I can see this being an extremely fun stage (especially the dangerous parts!) I hated Yoshi's Island because Melee characters can't fight on sloped surfaces, and the high gravity and several other factors make the hole in the center kill you (and by "you" I mean "me") instantly without warning. Now it looks like it'll be one of the more fun and interesting stages, with destructible floors that will actually effect gameplay =) And let's not forget Corneria, where both players being in the air makes the camera pan up so far that you can't see where the ground is, the ground that you're about to LAND ON in a quarter of a second (or, er, NOT land on and subsequently die). That, coupled with getting shot with ships that were never on the screen, and the sloped ground, made it a pretty lousy stage. Hopefully it's now back to its SSB64 glory!! (or, at least a smaller version of it...) And Brinstar wasn't that great because it was too small... but now half of the stages in Brawl are that size, it's not so small anymore =D [Edit] Lol I read "awning" as "arwing" about 5 times before I read it correctly... you had me really confused! On that note, I liked the part in the Brinstar level where you could ride Skeleton Crocomire.
  13. Don't get me wrong, the originals were amazing, and I enjoyed the collection. I'd say that maybe I just notice the crappy design of Collection's features because I'm software developer, but my little brother caught all the annoying stuff too. For example, let's look at the save "feature". Here's how it works: Whenever you get to the password screen, you have to wait about 5 seconds for no reason. Then an ugly box slowly grows until it covers most of the screen, giving you a message to not turn off your Gamcube because it's saving. It takes about another 5 seconds for it to save (HOW LONG CAN IT TAKE TO SAVE A FREAKING MEGAMAN PASSWORD!?!??!?), and then the box slowly shrinks into nothing. Then you can FINALLY go back to the stage select screen, or start copying down the password (because that "saving" box covers up the password for 15 seconds!!). Also note that the password song in each Megaman game is probably the worst song in each game. So, wasting 20 seconds for something completely pointless after each 5-minute stage... that's not that bad, right?? WRONG! It saves after every Dr. Wily level too, but when you load it, it starts at the FIRST Wily level ANYWAY!! The worst part is, if you start playing the first Wily level with 5 energy tanks, and then get to the last level with 1 tank, and you have to stop playing - guess what??! The next time you start playing, you're at the FIRST Wily level with ONE energy tank!!! And you can't turn the save "feature" off!!! If they can't do something as simple as that right, they shouldn't have done it at all. And since this thread is all about remixes.... I'm still not sure which stage remixes you're talking about. Can you actually make specific mp3s play for specific stages? Or does the game actually have a simple on/off option to toggle between the original songs, and their Capcom-remixed tracks? In the Gamecube version you can only listen to the original ones, and every 3 minutes the song FADES OUT in the middle, and after a few seconds of silence it starts at the intro again. This is the OFFICIAL ROCKMAN collection, how do they get away with this shoddy music worksmanship??! Oh yeah, and that annoying ringing sound when you get health pickups, and when the boss's powerbar fills up; they actually made it LOUDER. I guess you don't realize how annoying that sound is until it's twice as loud as everything else in the game. The Gamecube version has about 5 remixes, which you can only listen to in the "Bonus Features" menu. All of them would get instant-rejected here, and dwell among the lower tiers of VG Mix. I'll admit the remix that plays during the menu is alright, but... it takes forever to choose anything in that menu, because some moron decided that you have to make cartoon Megaman PHYSICALLY WALK to a DOOR to do anything in the Menu!!! If you want to play Megaman 6, you have to walk past the doors of Megaman 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, each of which have a 5 meter gap between them! And then after Megaman 6 loads for 20 seconds, you realize that it was actually Megaman 5 you wanted to play, so you have to walk through 2 more doors, and then go past 1 2 3 and 4 again! Just shitty design all around. You should be able to put in the disk and start playing Megaman without delay, without interruption, and without the pause button randomly doing something different than it normally does. And yes, do not say "techno" here, unless you actually mean the precise style of music officially called "techno". I believe "electronica" is the term you were looking for
  14. Haha, I was reading the Metroid page on wikipedia (don't ask), and, well... the last line caught me by surprise. I just thought that was pretty funny. Are there a bunch of people who go around putting fake Brawl info in Wikipedia all day? I'll bet there's a bunch of poor souls who go around REMOVING fake Brawl info from wikipedia all day =P Hah, the guy didn't even capitalize the name of the game
  15. Replacing individual tracks - what system is this for? I have the Gamecube version of Megaman Anniversary Collection, and every single feature on the disc that's beyond simple emulation of the original games is utter shit. (Well with one exception: the ability to use L and R to switch through weapons... but they even did that badly because you couldn't switch it to Rush (the dog, the most commonly used special weapon).) I could write pages just complaining about how bad that collection was, and how they managed to make the games worse than the original in ways you wouldn't think possible. The disc even has "remixes" that you can unlock... except every remix was worse than the original (even when they chose to remix an original that wasn't very good in the first place)... some of the remixes were just plain annoying to listen to. The UI is slow and unintuitive (and by "slow" I mean it regularly makes you wait for NO REASON AT ALL (no, it's NOT loading anything!), and by "unintuitive" I mean it makes no freaking sense). It has to be the best example of why not to rush game development that I've ever seen... Anyone else buy this game too?
  16. Sorry, I didn't mean to say that you only listen to OCR - I'm saying, you'd benefit from finding more music that's BETTER than what OCR has to offer. I'd recommend checking out the "free music" thread somewhere here, some people have recommended some very good stuff in my opinion.
  17. Back then this was a thread about Melee, and then someone renamed it. (I think...?)
  18. Hmmmm.... watching a video of System Shock 2 gameplay without having played it is like watching two people play chess when you don't know the rules. "Ok, you they move the pieces around a board, so what's so great about that?". The shooting element of SS2 is like moving the pieces on the board - it's completely necessary for gameplay, but aiming and clicking really isn't what the game's about. The game's more about being in an incredibly realistic and engrossing world, where enemies could be around any corner and pop up at any time. Even the story is frieghtening, and the way it unfolds around you is brilliant. If you're wondering what the "challenge" is, it's basically trying to survive and advance at the same time... to survive you have to constantly search for weapons and ammo, upgrade your abilities however you want, research alien organs to find their weaknesses... all kinds of crazy stuff. To advance you have to do some seemingly simple tasks (e.g. bring object A to point , but the forces that have taken over this ship make it an absolute nightmare. The whole time it feels like you're being either chased or watched - the game never pauses when you look at the map, manage your inventory, or listen to chilling audio logs from crew-mates, so really you're never guaranteed safety. And the villain is simply one of the greatest ever. But now that I think about it, probably everyone I know who's played SS2 co-op has probably beaten the game solo first. So maybe co-op right off the bat isn't such a good idea. Get you and your friends to try it in single-player, and then you'll be able to have a blast with co-op =) And yeah, Smash Bros. Brawl is a pretty obvious choice for co-op (or any other kind of multiplayer).
  19. We confirmed in this thread that that "confirmation" from the Megaman guy was not actually a confirmation, but a "playful statement that neither confirms nor denies Megaman's appearance in Brawl". On that note, Skeleton Crocomire as playable character confirmed.
  20. I can definitely sense sarcasm in the "ya" comment, but yeah.... for your own good, go get some good music that's NOT from this website!
  21. Oh sorry I must have the Canadian version of Super Metroid. The one with the "controversial" Samus picture at the end. ( This symbol indicates a wink, in that I am winking a wink which is directed at you ;-)) I'm pretty much 100% sure Luigi and Falcon are in, 90% sure for Jigglypuff and Ganondorf, 30% for Sheik, 25% for Ness, and, erm.... 10% for Megaman, 2% for Geno. Of course, these figures are pure speculation. Although I do have VERY convincing evidence that Sakurai rolled a 10 sided die to decide whether or not to include Megaman.
  22. Yeah, I'd imagine SS2 videos must look awful - the FPS elements are pretty basic, and definitely not the game's highlight. Actually, watching someone else play through it with no input would probably look pretty boring too. I don't like RPGs very much, but there are a TON of RPG elements and inventory/ammo management that make it great. Aside from the fact that it's scary as hell, the highlight for me was the how insanely open-ended and exciting the exploration was. But I can't blame you for not listening to random people on an internet forum
  23. Hah I just happened to look at this thread just now, thanks. I wish I could say I came up with that, but no; I randomly stumbled upon it on the internet one day and realized "I must share this awesomeness by turning it into a signature!" I'm actually surprised it's taken this long before someone commented on it (err, that I know of). And a comment on your sig... when I first read it a couple days ago, I read: "'The Legendary Zoltan Adventures of'...? Ooooh, 'Adventures of the Legendary Zoltan', of course!" And then I pondered what it would look like aesthetically if the words "Adventures of" was taken out of the bottom and moved to the top of the sig, at which point I invented the game of "Jenga" and made millions, most of which I donated to charity to create the land-mass that we now call Europe. True story.
  24. Did some "research" today, looks like the upgraded graphics mods for System Shock 2 really aren't that good... I have to say, I'd stay away from the mods that update the models ("Rebirth", and "Rebirth Complemented" which is slightly better than the former). Some of the updated models look much less scary than the originals (and very out of place in the low-poly environment). Also the updated texture pack (SHTUP) only updates some of the textures, making the high-res textures look quite out of place, and some of the low-res textures look REALLY out of place. If ALL the graphics are 1999-style, you probably won't notice nearly as much My recommendation: just get the latest OFFICIAL SS2 patch. I don't know what it does, but I'm pretty sure that's what I used =)
  25. Yeah, for the first part... but I was talking about the skeleton form
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