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Everything posted by friendlyHunter
Woah, turns out my sprite animation plan was a LITTLE too ambitious. I managed to finish a big chunk at the start, but now I'm out of gas. I'll probably let it sit on my hard drive for months and months like that old Metroid entry I haven't finished.... actually, I think I'll try and finish the Metroid thing, maybe for this deadline... gives me an excuse to work on it.
N N III CCCC EEEE W W OOOO RRR K K NN N I C EEEE W W W O O R R KKK N NN I C E W W W O O RR K K N N III CCCC EEEE W W OOOO R R K K Made me laugh =) [Edit] WOOOOOOOAH!!! WOWOWOWHWHWHWOWHO!!! I FOUND A WAY TO TYPE IN ALL CAPS! (It was trying to remove the capital letters inside the code tags) >=[ [Edit] In case you're totally confused by my awful, awful post, the "NICE WORK" was directed at Bigfoot, for the niceness of his work.
The cloud on the far left is clearly a sideways Hydralisk head, confirming that Brawl is an RTS, and is sideways. I'm pretty sure I can see the three stooges in there too - three playable characters for sure (or... replacement for Ice Climbers???) The dark area in the left-middle is the Master Hand giving you the finger.
Yes, a- um, what? Oh wow, I reloaded the page and the white background was replaced with a black background, revealing said white text. Silly browser...
What, you've never seen white text before? I'll copy and paste it here for you guys: In this world, trophies fight. screenshot screenshot screenshot They know nothing but fighting. Fighting is the sole reason for their existence. screenshot Being turned back into a trophy, being unable to fight, is much like death. screenshot screenshot screenshot Those are the rules of this world. screenshot But... screenshot When someone...or something...breaks those rules, the world will pay a terrible price... And, ummmm, is it just me, or has the latest installment in every Nintendo series featured a blobby purple and black evil substance? Metroid Prime 2, Twilight Princess, Super Paper Mario.... I guess that's it
Well, if you select the hidden text, it makes a little bit more sense.... Good job confusing us all on a Friday Looks like single player mode may have a much more cohesive story than before.
Yeah, and I'd love to see a soccer team win by only heading the ball. ....actually, it might be possible to pull of a B-move only win with Jigglypuff or Capt. Falcon, maybe Marth or Roy..... [Edit] Just don't tell your opponent that you're only going to use B moves =p
The word "again" made me assume that it was Melee. And when I assume, it makes an ass out of you. Try being more careful with the name calling my friend =)
It's illogical because you don't know whether the AI was "taught" edge hogging or not. If it indeed was, then you've gone all this time without noticing - why would you stop playing against the AI just because you have this new knowledge? (Theoretically speaking of course.) There are most likely other flaws in the logic.... and one could of course give analogical arguments as to why it IS logical, or at least makes some sense. Right.... I'm outta here
With the heavy emphasis on "dodging" (i.e. getting out of the way of) things that haven't happened yet (e.g. charged smashes, Final Smashes, assist trophies and pokemon, items, etc.), I seriously hope they update the AI a LOT. Melee's AI is completely oblivious to any attack/items that humans find trivial to dodge - they're insanely easy to hit with Kirby's rock (and similar moves), the Kirby star item, etc.. If the AI in Brawl is still that limited.... well, I guess I won't be playing very often with computer opponents/partners =/ So, looks like Zero Suit Samus actually is a whole new character (and possibly even selectable; she's a new entry on the "characters" page). I'm definitely worried that regular Samus will be relatively ignored by the developers, despite the great-looking character model =[ Is anyone else kind of pissed that they're making up bizarre new stuff, while the plethora of perfect-for-smash content from the Metroid series is left completely ignored? Are they trying to avoid putting any kind of minor Metroid game spoilers in Smash Bros? Sometimes I wonder if the character and stage designers have ever played a Metroid game, or a DK game for that matter... Some are suggesting that Zero Suit Samus will have a final smash.... if you can only get 1 per life (or per match), then she won't have one, unless she's a selectable character. Aggh, they're not really giving us much new info with these updates, are they? That gun whip thing looks rather snazzy though - I wonder if there's a grapple beam upgrade in Metroid Prime 3 that looks like the whip? Here's some more pointless speculation/hopes that are soon to be stomped on: When Wario picks up opponents, I hope he can carry them with one hand above his head like in all the Warioland games - that would arguably top Game&Watch's juggling move If I'm not mistaken, DK is the only one who can carry other characters in Melee...? It'd be great if Yoshi and maybe Kirby could carry characters in their mouths... of course they'd then need to put in measures to prevent those characters from doing suicidal dives off the edge of the stage. As for DK's final Smash, it'll almost definitely involve barrels... possibly throwing barrels, barrel cannons, the barrel of a coconut gun.... My personal favourite idea thus far: Original DK arcade cameo! DK faces the camera and "laughs" (RRGH RRGH RRGH) before jumping around the stage, shaking the ground and tilting each platform as he lands, and then proceeds to toss rolling barrels at all the players. Actually, that DK arcade laugh would be perfect for his taunt =D
Hmmm, a July 27 deadline does not work for me anymore... But I guess that won't matter, since my entry won't count anyway. I'll try to get it finished before the voting's over =)
I don't think so ;] Unless they do that X-ray effect when characters get electrocuted again... highly doubtful though - we've seen Pikachu do some serious electrifying in the trailers. Oh no, with Smash Balls turned off, you also won't be able to be Gigabowser! And you won't be able to do a fifth of the special moves! And with each item that's turned off, there's a whole other move you can't do anymore! Oh no, what if tournaments only allow playing certain stages?!?? And what if some complete characters aren't quite fast enough to compete well in tournaments? Oh the humanity - suddenly this game's content is looking rather thin If they're smart, ZSS (lol "Zamus") will play VERY similarly to regular Samus. Even in Zero Mission, unsuited Samus could do almost all the maneuvers of regular Samus (sans special abilities), and the differences were rather minimal. They'd better not do something stupid and, say, make Zero Suit Samus have different areal speed, weight, jumps, etc. than suited Samus. Quick, someone analyze a trailer that has both Samus's in it! Clearly it either means it really hurts to get hit with the laser, or it really "hurts" Samus suit. If it "really hurt" Samus' damage points, the move would be absolotely useless (I mean, unless the destruction of Samus' suit unleashes her hidden god-like power for some inexplicable reason). Ah, what do I know, they've done stupider things....
You heard the man: "once". After you use it, you have to go and buy another copy of the game. (I'm still guessing it's once per life though) I'm curious if any other characters will change at all after doing a final Smash.... I'm really hoping though that ZSS plays somewhat similarly to regular Samus, and has no major disadvantages (either that or there's a way to switch back). I definitely hope they don't take attention away from regular Samus's moves though - two lame "half characters" for Samus would be terribly disappointing =(
Woah. Seconded. All the starfox songs in Smash Bros. have been, in my opinion, total crap compared to the original songs (especially compared to the SNES Corneria theme). Practically every remix that I hear of Starfox music (e.g. on this site or others like vgmix) is amazing compared to the stuff they put in Smash Bros. I don't get how they haven't been able to turn the amazing source material into something that's slightly beyond mediocre. I'm bunching this new song (or at least the first 48 seconds of it) in with the past disappointing Smash Bros. work... And yes, let's hope the stuff on the site is just "midi" quality compared to the stuff that'll actually be in the game... Though, sequenced midi-type music has its place. I was surprised to learn that the impressive Metroid Prime 1 soundtrack was all sequenced.... though I'm not sure if I actually believe that's true =P Those "main theme" song(s) in the second trailer (and in the 15 second "trailer") - I REALLY hope it's in the game. It'll probably be in one of those single-player-type levels (the Brawl equivalent of "Final Destination" or the one you fight the wireframes on). C-Island Stage? Ohhh yeeeah! Hell, I'd even take a platform that floats high above C-Island. A more fitting stage might be fighting on top of the Sub-C though. With dolphins! =D Now HERE's a stage: Possibly the greatest first boss on the NES ever. Even its death animation rivals the bosses of today's games. [Edit] Woah, wouldn't it be insane if Brawl had water that didn't instantly kill you (or that does something beyond obscuring your view with a splash)? They could have water that makes you float up slowly when you're in it - basically it's safe to go in, but it makes you vulnerable (perhaps you're unable to attack or dodge). And if someone hits you down into water hard enough, you'll hit the "bottom" and get KO'd. All the water in Melee I thought was pretty dumb, it pretty much ruined those stages...
Your reasoning behind this is...? Not saying "You're wrong!!", I'm just curious. It's caption time! Zelda: "Stop staring at DK's butt and save me already!" Link: "Well excuuuuuse me, Princess!"
I don't have a Jesus, Nice guy, nor a Hitler Mii... >: #[ Miis would be great in the game, as long as their heads are big enough for you to see their faces. I made Mario and Luigi Miis, so Mario fighting against his Mii counterpart would be kind of bizzare. "Take THAT Mii Mario! So long, hatless Wario! Bust THIS, Adam and Jamie! See you in hell, me!" ...No, I don't actually yell out insults at the fighting polygons Here's something to think about: the Samurai Goroh assist trophy update has a Captain Falcon symbol. The Sim City guy update has the smash symbol. So, it's likely the symbol either means there's a character from that series, or there's a character OR stage from the series. My money's on the latter. And I'd have to agree, this stage seems to be the most unoriginal yet (it's like Yoshi's stage, but without the things that make the Yoshi stage interesting). It's like there's 10 identical stages - each more identical than the last! Anyone think it'll automatically download a new "live performance" for that stage every week? That'd be something.... something that's kinda dumb, but a thing nonetheless. That'd be the best thing ever if there was an Earthbound "Runaway Five" Stage stage where the performers attempt to sing and play while you're killing each other on stage. And you could kick the performers into your opponents, whilst the music dynamically changes based on which singers/musicians are getting "knocked for a loop". If they can pull off a beautiful Starfox space battle, they could definitely make that concept happen =] Any guesses for a Wario stage? I'm guessing it'll be one of the places where you do Wario minigames (the place it shows in between each minigame).... either that or, y'know, a flat platform floating above Diamond City But then random crap would happen every ten seconds. What's this, the ship from space invaders shooting up through the floor? Look out, all the players are shooting bananas out of their noses! Giant noses fall from the sky, causing mass devastation! You smash your opponent off the left side of the stage - he's eaten by a gigantic cat! ....or a stage where the games' speed gets progressively faster and faster =O
Personally, I'm hoping for a DK stage with that brambles theme. A remix of that tune by those composers would surely be good. If a slow/soothing remix doesn't fit with a fight, they could even make great techno-ish remix. Either that, or a pirate level! =D Chances are a rocking boat (responds to waves and/or players' weight) would be fun. Especially with some pirate-tastic DKC2 remixes ^^ Destructible pirate level with cannons! And barrels! And cannon-barrels! And those pirate krocs that make everyone's favourite sound effect when you attack them! ONNNK! [Fake Edit] What the **** you stole my post and nicely summarized it!
About Samus violating the strict "you must recover" legislation: why bother recovering, when you can instead make Samus do a cool move?? Kirby bouncing there might look like "new physics", in that it might not have been in Melee. But if anyone thinks that you need a physics engine to do that.... HA! HAHAHAHAHAAA!!! Seems like if a physics engine is being used, it would be only used for stuff like animating character's hair, clothes, ragdoll bouncing animations, that sort of thing. Chances are it wouldn't effect gameplay. Looks like there's some new gameplay "physics" though too =) Can't wait one week? Well, sure, it's easy to avoid BUYING it for a week, but PLAYING it..... surely resisting the urge to spend/waste way too many hours playing will be greater a challenge than any exam can ever be! Just don't start playing, or you won't be able to stop!!
Nah, DK's WAY bigger than that in Brawl. Why'd they chose to make him so big, by the way? I really have no idea. If they make Diddy (assuming he's in the game) the same size that he is in Donkey Kong Country (relative to DK), then he'll probably be taller than all of the human characters. That blurry thing in the image? Looks like one of those weak little goblins in Twilight Princess that hang out around the bridge.
Nonono not you, the other guy Should've been more specific, heh. [Edit] Here we go: Is that sarcasm? Please tell us, so we can unscrupulously judge you!
The thing that bugs me about TP is it's as if they've never heard of multiple skill levels - "arrr, the game must be easy enough for EVERYONE to beat!! NOBODY shall miss out on the pretty cutscenes!" ... or maybe they just thought the weak combat system wasn't worthy of being in a challenging game.... ah well.
I don't think any of TP's bosses were about difficulty.... there are only a few I'd call "underwhelming" though - most had a rather epic feel, despite the complete lack of danger. Spoiler: The Temple of Time boss (if my memory serves correctly, it was some kind of spider... maybe?) was underwhelming in every way. Though it did have the uncanny ability to *gasp* block light, thus casting a shadow! But alas, its unprecedented power of opacity was ultimately its downfall. I think you hit it with giant hammers or something, which involved, if I recall correctly, standing in a large general area and waving a stick? Just for fun I made Link get hit with the hammers - it takes away ONE HEART?!?!? Some kid can get mashed with a gigantic hammer 15 times and still function perfectly normally, but the boss takes, what, 3 hits? But oh, oh, here comes the next part! Cue the evil music, it's splitting up into eyeballs or something! A classic Zelda boss at last! I'll just shoot bomb arrows at it until - .... ........ IT TAKES ONE HIT...... WHAT ON EARTH WERE THEY THINKING?!??!?! That was the most underwhelming boss ever! They probably spent 3 weeks porting that boss from Majora's Mask, and it takes ONE HIT.... is it a bug? Am I insane? Was my mastery of the nunchuck control stick akin to Robin Hood's legendary aim? Did I inadvertently buy the "6 and under" version? Will I shut up already? Anyone ever played this Atari game? http://cosmos.bcst.yahoo.com/up/player/popup/?rn=1475790&cl=2970679 I dunno, if that guy destroys the gond... it can't possibly be as challenging as it's made out to be in the commercial, can it? [Edit] SPOILERS: That's because she/he had no courage. Nor any sense of timing, speed, strength, and seemingly no power or wisdom either. I suppose the two triforces canceled each other out, and his complete lack of courage gave him low self esteem. "Oh, I'm never gonna beat this guy, I've never beaten a kid wearing green before in my life. I might as well just give up now... and I'm too fat. I'm a giant boar compared to all those other princesses. I might as well turn into a giant boar, and then run around the room teleporting... sigh....."
Seems more likely you'll simply encounter them as you fight, multiplayer, singleplayer, whatever. If there's a special "item select" for the assist trophies, chances are it'll be hidden by default (as tradition has dictated). Will this hypothetical "trophy select" screen contain all the trophies in the game, or only the ones you've encountered? Or will you unlock the trophy select screen BY encountering all the assist trophies?? If this screen does exist, will it have info on the trophies like the SSBM trophies? If so, approximately how big will the font be? 8 pixels tall? 9? 22? I'm personally hoping somewhere in the range of 11 to 11.4, but I'm not about to get my hopes up =( Also, the guy who mentioned Mike Jones (from Star Tropics) - indeed, he'd be a great assist trophy. Heck, he'd make a great playable character with a fully awesome set of moves from the original game(s); seems the only thing to stop him is lack of popularity... that didn't stop Game & Watch though! Bah, I'm still pessimistic. My prediction for stuff they'll release: the thing that Jack just said about the release date sounds likely. As for the stuff we all want to know about (character list etc.), such as Sonic... chances are they'll release that in a trailer, rather than a daily update. As for the updates, I'm hoping soon they'll give the shpiel on Zero Suit Samus (separate character or not?). I'm also looking forward to Metroid stages and Samus moves, Wario moves, Metaknight moves.... I'd be happy with a complete list of (non-hidden) characters and moves right about now =p I'd be happy if the kept a lot of the Final Smashes secret though, have them blow you away first-hand in the game To the angry kid who couldn't handle today's update: if you weren't joking... just relax! NOW!! I'd say "don't worry, tommorow's update is going to be better!", but chances are I'd be lying. To be honest, that was a great update. Obscure characters ahoy! As for the whole "extra content" topic... I'd be completely content with the amount of stages/items/characters in Melee (less even), so long as they have a whole crapload of assist trophies. I much more care about the quality of extra stuff - if the extra stages aren't fun, if the extra characters are clones, if the assist trophies are totally lame... then it's just not worth it. If all the content gets as much care as Mr. Wright over there, looks like Brawl will be chock-full of quality stuff =] I'm hoping for some nice single-player though... I want beating to it feel like it needs skill, rather than luck (often Melee depends on luck for me, as I often fall to my death out of the blue ). Things like unique character entrances, unique character endings, etc. would be a bonus. Holy crap, they could have different bosses for each character, tailored to each character's fighting style for maximum fun-ness! That Master Hand's boring old predictable moves just don't cut it anymore.... Samus could fight one of the many classic Metroid bosses, Fox would be able to literally kick giant-Andross-face's face in the face, and Bowser could go up for a final clash against Mario... and of course, Kirby would fight Marx. Ahhh, we can only dream.......
Was just about to mention RE4 (but for the gamecube). Somehow turning into a *SPOILER* (the rest of my post contains spoilers too!) makes him EASIER to kill...? Why did he turn into it then? It looked so dumb and generic too, and had no speed, strength, or creepyness factor. All the other bosses had at least two of the above. I would've loved to fight him in his human form, where he has the ability to make Leon spontaneously cringe in pain, making him temporarily unable to aim. And he'd have all his crazy insane moves, and you'd have to riddle him with bullets until he's one giant bullet hole. THAT would've been epic. But the real final boss.... even the way he dies is completely underwhelming. And why'd you have to keep slashing him with a knife if you're just gonna blow him up anyway? And you barely get to aim the special rocket at him.... lame. Actually, with the way the plot was building, I was guessing the final boss was either going to be Ashley (or a monster that emerges from her), or you're controlling Ashley and have to kill murderous heavily-armed zombie-Leon. That would've been brilliant. Well, the game didn't exactly have a great plot in the first place... Saddler's 3-sentence summary of his plan to take over the world was a total joke =P On the topic of Twilight Princess.... I played through the game the first (and only) time without getting any heart containers (only heart pieces), so I had less than 1 row of hearts. The entire game was INSANELY easy - I found Ganon (especially his final form) to be the hardest part! Took me 2, maybe 3 tries to beat all his forms consecutively. Before that boss, I think I died maybe once throughout the entire game, when I was carelessly wearing the Zora tunic while being bombarded with flaming arrows... oh yes, and then there was the cave of ordeals - THAT had a "final boss" to be reckoned with, when you only have 1 row of hearts =] I beat it with 1 heart and 0 rupees left =p (not on the first try of course) Super Paper Mario.... that whole game was so easy it was just bad (gameplay-wise), I couldn't even tell if the last boss was harder than the rest or not. That game would've been 10 times better if there was an option to disable leveling up. I would've loved going through the game on only 10 HP. And that "low hp" noise it made was JUST AWFUL!! It's as if getting a game over in that game was simply not meant to happen! Sigh... games these days.... I'm officially old now, aren't I?
In E3 2007, Brawl was beginning What happen? Somebody set up us the Brawl. We get signal. What! Main website turn on. It's you!! Sakurai: How are you gentlemen!! All your updates are belong to us. What you say!! Sakurai: You have no chance to survive until release time. Ha Ha Ha Ha....