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Everything posted by friendlyHunter

  1. Hell, it's about time. Oh wait, no it isn't. [Edit] Ok, now it's about time.
  2. I really don't know if I'm going to enter anything this month either.... all my ideas so far are hard to draw =/
  3. I second (or, third) F-Zero GX. That one game alone will give you a lot to sort through Sounds like you're looking for mashup material though, no? F-zero GX's songs tend to sound quite full already... Hm, looks like Mother 3 was released in 2006.
  4. I didn't watch much of the video, but I've been familiar with this kind of thing for a while. I completely agree with what Cerrax is saying. Except for this: Making it open source is the best thing they can do if they actually want to get some useful applications out of it. Programmers who are passionate about this kind of stuff (or at least the potential of it) will jump on this and find ways to make it usable and intuitive. You just listed a bunch of problems that IMO making it open source has the potential to solve. All it takes is a community of dedicated developers to say "we're going to make this usable by compensating for the flaws of vision and gestures", and BAM! you've got yourself a project that will only get more attention and more and better developers, and grow into something great that's much more than a tech demo of cool-but-flawed interfaces. And like Strike911 says: phones.
  5. That zerg trailer has a different voice actress altogether (not the original SC VA, nor the real SC2 VA from Battlestar). I wonder why they put that trailer on the front page... about 80% of the artwork in there has since been revamped. Then again about 80% of the website's content is out of date...
  6. Have you considered cross-dressing? If that won't give the effect you're looking for, how about: - Trained monkeys - Puppets - CGI - Do what I do 80% of the time for the Fan Art Competition: say I'm going to enter and then not enter and then finish it months and months later.
  7. Youtube actually mentions sound sync on a help page now? =D I've already been using the audio codec they recommend (mp3), but mayhap they've fixed it. ...Says nothing on there about stereo, but I'm pretty sure uploading to the "Music" category will prevent it from turning mono. Lucky that we happen to be uploading music videos.
  8. I just noticed I'm not on THE "IN" LIST! in the first post - I thought I was in there already, but I guess not. gosh I should start soon...
  9. I'm giving you a...
  10. If it's the same problem I'm having: the key to getting a monkey to flip is, believe it or not, bananas. A trampoline helps too. And all the video editing I've ever done has involved syncing video to a more-or-less set-in-stone audio track, so I can confirm that Premiere Pro does well in that respect. If I recall, that was my main beef with Windows Movie Maker and a reason why I never really gave it a chance.
  11. Indeed. I suppose early 90s games are allowed too? I don't have any ideas yet, but I just want to make sure =p
  12. But editing is the FUN PART!! =D Unless you plan on using Windows Movie Maker. Or almost any free software. Or a really old computer and video card. If that's the case, just remember it'll all be over in a month! [Edit] Personally I'd recommend the 30(?) day trial of Adobe Premiere Pro. I'd also recommend a Sony Vegas trial, but I haven't tried it yet.
  13. 18 votes, and 9 entries? Not bad I guess =D Congrats ProtoDome! I too am to blame for the win
  14. For future reference, voting is done via PM to bonzai! This month's even attracting new voters ^__^
  15. .... I avoided watching that video...... but now the video.... is watching ME!
  16. Nobody's being negative =) Let's just be clear that suzumebachi's "reviews" are awesome. One day left to vote!
  17. Wow, I hope you didn't think those were real critiques :3 Thanks for the pointz!
  18. More random silly things: Ganon's Rap I already am getting away with this Hot Cold Sodas and Cold Hot Popcorn Morhsu Zone Moshu does a FF7 song
  19. Awesome stuff!! And to whoever did "Trippin' on Rainbows"... where did you get those "rainbows", and are you ok? Also, once again I submitted my drawing and then instantly noticed something horribly wrong with it. Hopefully no one else notices =p This month is probably going to be close.
  20. WOW I actually finished for a change! Submitting now.....
  21. Yikes, only a couple hours left! Better hurry up and finish. Totally excited to see everyone's stuff! [Edit] Fixed. You had me confused there! I still have 3 hours then!
  22. I always enjoyed this one: But the can can one is awesome!!
  23. Personally, I can't wait to listen to all the remixes and see all the drawings - I could even see this theme (or an altered version of it) coming up in future months. I hate to admit it, but listening to the song I chose almost made me cry...... on two separate occasions. Ok, maybe there was a tear. Shut up! =P
  24. Glad you're amused, that's the idea But certainly you remember the comedy contest here - didn't that have a deadline of around 1 week? I've had enough practice with this kind of thing to know that I can finish it in two weeks probably, and I have over a month, so... =D In fact, the music video was originally started for that contest. Granted I don't have as much free time as I used to, but a few days of solid work can go really far. [Edit] And I already acquired most of the sprites years ago, and the backgrounds are all done for the most part, so all that's left is plenty of funky funky sprite animation.
  25. That reminds me - I should contact the guy who made the remix.
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