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The Mutericator

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Everything posted by The Mutericator

  1. Gears of War and its ineviteble sequels, Dead Rising and its probable sequel, Banjo Kazooie 3 (due out... 2009 at soonest, I say), Beautiful Katamari, DDR, Guitar Hero 2, Devil May Cry 4, Eternal Sonata, Half-Life 2 Episode 2, Halo Wars, Ninja Gaiden 2 (according to Wiki...), RE5, Viva Pinata. Obviously only some of these will interest you.
  2. Personally, I hope they fix the character inability to grab the edge when facing the other way. I'm not a tourneyfag balance-focused player, so I can't really see how it would make or break a game, but it drives me nuts that I'm easily close enough to the edge, but my character won't grab it because he's facing the other way for whatever reason (MARIO'S CAPE).
  3. Legendary +1. Length DOES contribute to legendary status. Too bad I need to buy a Bluetooth dongle before I can try out that HL2 mod.
  4. Definitely in the US first before any others, I know we got Echoes about a year before Japan did. Not sure about the EU, I know the original Prime they got some extra stuff (visor voice introducing different areas, bug fixes, et cetera), so I'd assume it won't be immediate over there. But logic suggests it will come out US, then EU, then Japan.
  5. I thought just about everyone had agreed by now that he _was_ without a doubt the one who hacked VGMix.
  6. Ah, of course. I guess I'm a bit out of the candy loop.
  7. Huh? Purple? I don't remember there ever being purple Starburst...
  8. Also Motoi Sakuraba's, but I enjoy Tales of Symphonia as my all-time favorite. But FFXII comes in at a close second.
  9. 1. My mistake, VGMix. Regardless, I've heard it before. 2. Right, I can divine that just looking at their names. 3. Found the song, buried in with the files from another compy. This is definitely the same one, but from like two years ago. I stand corrected: another case where VGMix gets something before OCR. EDIT: Wait, the original (To Save A Friend) is actually 4:23, while this version is only 4:12... hmm.
  10. I knew I'd heard this somewhere before. Yet another time RTS gets something before OCR... but the different names? Are they the same guy, or is this blatant (and idiotic) plagiarism?
  11. Celebrity deaths are not always bad things. Bad things come in threes is the actual saying.
  12. Gotta make sure Samus' cleavage looks juuuuuust right.
  13. An ancient prank, at that. This is from like June of last year.
  14. Snowbound from Earthbound (by bLind) gets me pretty pumped, as does Chekan Winter. Try virt's "Crystal Flash", it's pretty damned good (twenty minutes long), as well as his "Get on the Bus" (my favorite remix EVER). Triforce Majeure by Disco Dan - in fact, pretty much anything by Disco Dan, virt, or bLind is awesome. chthonic has some good stuff, but I'm not sure if it's what you're looking for. "Simon's Town" is pretty badass too. "Time's Scar" from Chrono Cross (the original one) is awesome, if a little short. Kingdom Hearts' "Another Side, Another Story (Deep Dive)" song, if you can get ahold of it (hint: AIM me) is pretty awesome, as is Advent Children's "For the Reunion". As far as anime songs go, the Read or Die main theme (preferably the Long Version from the OVA OST and the Hong Kong and Public Pressure versions from the TV OST's) is an absolute must - very Bond-esque, definitely one of the best in terms of pure energy. No vocals either. Actually, most of the songs on those OST's are pretty good.
  15. Support your hypothesis. Personally, I think it would be much better than the original, thanks to the DS cartridge ability to store more info than the N64 cart could - so at worst, it could end up having the same graphical quality, but with more characters (not Melee's level, I expect) and stages. I'm all for it, but I think Sakurai has been asked about it before, and he replied, "Let's not get ahead of ourselves."
  16. Unacceptable, anything else would be, 'cuz one Belmont gets chicks and that Belmont is me!
  17. Ah, the denial of emotion and empathy. To be young and vain again...
  18. Oooh, I can't compare to that one. I think you may have me there (here's to the DS version with online play!).
  19. Pikachu's fur changes a little bit, it gets a bit lighter and more... realistic, you might say.
  20. But that won't happen, see, always keep it protected!
  21. Most people usually have a point to posting something like this. I'm assuming you're insulting the game based on its storyline, which is NEVER the point to buying a Pokemon game?
  22. HAL I would consider to be the historic best one, but you're right, IntSys is pretty damn good themselves. I think Retro Studios, once they're done with Prime, might be able to come out with something damned good too - I'd like to see what kind of IP's they can come up with.
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