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Jillian Aversa

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Everything posted by Jillian Aversa

  1. *cries* I just... don't... get it...
  2. Wish we could make it... my first missed Otakon in four years! ;_; But we'll be back again next time.
  3. ...and birthday cake! ....aaaaaaaaaaand a Winnie the Pooh "Happy Birthday" banner!
  4. Happy birthday, Wes!!!
  5. Awesome. Let me know if you'd like some help sprucing up your page. I have some down time in the next couple days, and you/your music deserve something nice!
  6. Don't talk at all, and DON'T WHISPER! Whispering is one of the worst things to do to your vocal cords, because it passes air through them when they aren't actually vibrating. Soothing drinks might make you feel better, but there is no "magic cure" other than rest and hydration. Good luck! ^-^
  7. So many Trekkies... :*)
  8. That's why you should have the image itself link to the first post in this thread. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to change anything about the GIF. It took me FOREVER.
  9. Shouldn't we stay away from the less established sites, since they could disappear or stop supporting embeds like lastfm?
  10. How's this? Feel free to put this in your sigs if you'd like to help promote the drive. Image location is http://soundtempest.net/jill/ocr/ocrdrive.gif, and be sure to make the GIF link back to this thread at http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=22786!
  11. Congrats on a successful West coast meetup!
  12. Have fun, everyone, and take pictures!
  13. Hey Dave, thanks for making "Deliverance of the Heart" your first track selection! You're da bomb.
  14. The episode is up on Hulu.com now: http://www.hulu.com/watch/65292/heroes-into-asylum#s-p1-so-i0 Club scene is right around 30 minutes in. Woo!
  15. Nor any less lucrative......
  16. DUDE, seriously? What's the episode called? Is it on Hulu?
  17. Awww... thanks, everyone! And Happy Birthday to you, Brandon. I'm glad I get to share my birthday with someone as awesome as you.
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