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Jillian Aversa

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Everything posted by Jillian Aversa

  1. The reason we only play short clips of the recent remixes is to entice our listeners to actually visit OCR and download the music themselves. VGDJ isn't a playlist show; our goal is to involve people in the community here. If we played the new mixes all the way through, nobody would feel the need to explore the site, ya know? Unless more people express concerns about the RRR, I think that's gonna stay as is. We'll play around with the show order for a bit and see what seems to work the best. I was actually surprised to hear that a couple of you find the intro kinda lame. I've always liked it, partially for nostalgia's sake, but hey... That's something we could probably change. Any suggestions, for seriously?
  2. I couldn't care less what you think, Compy. I called you a jackass for a reason, and it wasn't out of spite that you stopped doing the torrents. We don't want you to be involved with the show in any way. It was an appropriate comment to make, under the circumstances. Now bugger off. EDIT: 700th post- how fitting!
  3. - Provide said intro, and we'll take it into consideration. I'm perfectly happy with the intro as is, but special bumpers are always welcome. - The remix medley was a joke. Deal. - You bring up some valid points with the show order; I do think we put too many things before the "reviews" this week. Usually the news is a little more scattered. But yeah, we can play around with those things. - I, personally, like the Russian ReMix Roulette the way it is. It's a fun little game that we enjoy doing, and helps the listeners see the random selection process. Does anyone else have any thoughts on this? If everybody hates the way we draw it out by rolling the die etc, speak up!
  4. Hehehe... Great to hear that people are digging the show. And yeah, I'm sure we can figure out something with Wingless' mic recording. Also, I'll try to keep the file size down for next week; forgot about the people with slower intarnetz. Mah B.
  5. VGDJ Chrono Symphonic Interview with Claado Shou available HERE!
  6. Bwahahaha! Best. Medley. Ever. "Podcast gold," as Wingless put it...
  7. Sure, you mean for just this week's episode? Just use the description from the website: "This week on the show about video game music remixes at OverClocked ReMix: America- f*ck yeah! VGDJ's finally back, and what better way to celebrate than with a little national pride? Meet your (partially) new hosts, pay hommage to the original salt shakers, catch up on community news, and most importantly... Sveeeeeeelt! All this, plus a lovely BONUS INTERVIEW with Claado Shou of Chrono Symphonic. Can we get a what what?"
  8. Here it is, folks... The moment we've all been waiting for... VGDJ Episode 031- Pick it up at www.vgdj.net!!! And if you heart us, please VOTE at podcast alley! Let's get this ball rolling again... Congrats to Wingless, who is making a fabulous debut! Partners in crime...
  9. Thanks for all the feedback, guys. Wingless and I recorded last night, so yes, there will be a show Sunday night. Sit tight. EDIT: Oh yeah, and VOTES are needed on Podcast Alley! I think we only have 12 or something for this month, probably because there haven't been any new shows yet, heh heh. Just go to http://www.vgdj.net and enter in your email address on the sidebar to be counted!
  10. Aurora found dee password, so all is well. I've updated the blog at www.vgdj.net as a heads up for those who don't already know about the hosting changes. Also, the torrent is being hosted by ThaSauce now- seeders needed! Get in touch with Raminescence if you think you'd be willing to help. <3
  11. Well, of course. And read above: Aurora and I talked about it, and she gave us the go-ahead. We would not be doing this if that weren't the case. Emailed Rayza about it, too, but he's been AWOL for two months now. If we still don't hear back from them about the website password, then sure- we could easily start a new "Official OCR Podcast," but it would be a shame to lose all that history, that's all.
  12. Compyfox? Wingless and I have spoken with Aurora, and she WANTS us to continue the show for them. If you had read earlier in the thread, you would have noticed that. She said that she envisions VGDJ very much as a community effort, and that it doesn't matter if the staff must evolve according to their personal lives. As for Rayza, who knows; he hasn't been around. But the point is, you don't know what the hell you're talking about.
  13. Well, vgdjpodcast@gmail.com has not received a single "omg plz give pixie the vgdj.net password" email yet. C'mon, guys, do you want VGDJ or not? We can't release any new shows until we are able to update the blog!
  14. You know what I love the most about this piece? It completely embodies Jeremy's personality: fun-loving, upbeat, quirky, and carefree! I know it sounds cheesey, but listening to this only reminds me how glad I am to have him as a friend. You're a good man, Geoffrey Taucer! Great work from the both of you.
  15. Chrono Symphonic focuses only on Chrono Trigger. Site Projects work on a game by game basis. Someone (or a group of people) come up with an idea for a project, and foster interest and participation by remixers, artists, and fans. In other words, if you want a Chrono Cross project, you should try to organize it yourself. I would, but I have no musical talent other than my turntables. Who said you needed musical talent? Well, you at least need to be known and respected in the community for people to follow you... Stick around, grey; maybe sometime.
  16. Don't wanna do that, because then all the people who get the show through iTunes but never visit the thread will miss out. Plus, we're definitely not gonna have a show until next week, and I should think that by then, Aurora (or Rayza?) will have passed on the info we need.
  17. So uhhh... Waiting for either Aurora or Rayza to give me the vgdj.net password, because without it we can't post updates (or shows, duh). So if y'all wanna help out with that, feel free to spam them at vgdjpodcast@gmail.com. The more nagging the better. ^_~
  18. Cute, Txai. EDIT: Oh noes! Why did you remove it? Put it baaaack.
  19. Always open to suggestions, although I think it may be too soon for any drastic changes. Having Wingless on the show is crazy enough as is... ^_~
  20. Yeah, so like...VGDJ! See? Now we're back on topic.
  21. Cute. We do these things irl XD Damn straight. Wierdos. Damn straight. And it's "weirdos," to you, bubba.
  22. Cute. We do these things irl XD Damn straight.
  23. I emailed Rayza about stuff over the weekend. No response yet. I'm waaaaaiiiiting. (taps foot a la Sonic)
  24. Talked to Aurora and she gave Wangless and I the go-ahead. So it's all up to Rayza now...
  25. Hey guys! Someone that goes by the handle "Paynt" just made a FFX fan video using our song! I guess he didn't know about the newer version with Gray, but I mentioned it through email, so maybe he'll update the music portion. Anyway, it's pretty cool. Check it out!
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