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Everything posted by Mustin

  1. I genuinely hate the game because I thought it was a shitty game, but the thing that I hated most in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was the "swimming across the lake" section, where the music faded out and it was just sound and you couldn't see the bottom. Can't. Stand. Water.
  2. You don't have to pay us - just pay our way. Thanks for the great observation, The Wingless. I find it's quite true, too. But I'm finding that I really can get down to the meat and potatoes of what everyone is really doing/playing now and that's very enjoyable for me personally as a musician. A live show is just a bunch of cockpunching and panties being thrown about. While good times, the music kinda gets lost in the mix. It's best to have both! (cockpunching and flying panties)
  3. No one should do anything ever! Hooray!
  4. Wow... super thread fail
  5. I love the album. Can't stop listening to the Mario Paint track. The solos in the Sonic tracks are golden. GOLDEN. And SFII's Ken - the guitar solo? win
  6. Check out my older stuff. Crazy stuff. Also: (clicky ^)
  7. Sounds good so far! Love the intro on track 2 - totally think "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" is going to start. Same key and everything! Tears for Fears fan? Looking forward to the rest. EDIT: Oh snaps you did this Ico mix. I love this mix. Nice!
  8. Vinyl is the way to go, yo. So good. Just the other nite had a vinyl party with a friend. She busted out The Temptations, Crosby Stills Nash & Young, and Janice Joplin while I put in Steely Dan, Stevie Wonder and Zepplin. Vinyl just sounds better to me. It's awesome.
  9. The OneUps are back with Volume 2, a two-disc with 26 tracks and 101 minutes of hot tunes to fill the air. Check out demos on the MySpace page: http://www.myspace.com/theoneups Full Track List: Disc 1: 01 Mario Paint - Title Screen 02 Punch-Out!! 03 Sonic the Hedgehog - Green Hill Zone 04 Tetris - Music A (Korobeniki) 05 Secret of Mana - Into the Thick of It 06 Mega Man 2 - Air Man 07 Nintendo Wii - Mii Channel 08 Mega Man X - Boomer Kuwanger 09 Super Metroid - Brinstar 10 King Arthur's World - Funky Goblin 11 The Lenged of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Time of the Falling Rain 12 Street Fighter II - Vega 13 Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse - Prelude Disc 2: 01 Metroid - Title BGM 02 Final Fantasy VI - Terra 03 ToeJam & Earl - Alien Break Down 04 Luigi's Mansion - Professor Oyama's Laboratory 05 StarFox - Fortuna 06 Castlevania II: Simon's Quest - The Silence of the Daylight 07 The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Dungeon Medley 08 Super Mario Bros. 2 - Underground BGM 09 Chrono Trigger - Chrono Trigger 10 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Mystic Cave Zone 11 Street Fighter II - Sagat 12 Mega Man 3 - Shadow Man 13 DuckTales - African Mines
  10. snaps son Did we beat them to it? Download our "Tristram" from ""Diablo III"" on our MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/theoneups/ Or check this out!
  11. PAX was the BOMB son! Thanks to everyone that came out! OverCoat, I made it home just fine. po, thanks again for the pics - good stuffs. norg, wish we coulda hung out more - MAGFest baby! HaleBopp, more hugs pls!! -m
  12. Still, woulda been nice to ask anyone else's permission, no?
  13. One track is used with permission? Huh.
  14. it really boils down to the fans. not to hate on fans. but the people in the community's "inner workings" have, for the most part, transcended all bullshit and now it's just about the music. fans have their own feelings and morals about things. that's cool too. there's def the old school still happening. the Bad Dudes are a lot of those "old school remixers" from back in the day still making hot tunes that fill the air. and i'm submitting my sagat mix off of Thai Guy to OCR. and if and when it gets rejected, it won't matter, because that would be like getting upset about your abstract painting not getting accepted to the national museum of portraits of american historical figures. don't enter your delicious pizza into a cake contest. the interwebs are teh big. don't flip out when a new kid comes to town. <3 p.s. i'm drunk
  15. oh, btw got a new EP up for free download (donations always appreciated) http://www.oneupstudios.com/eps.php
  16. I'm not paying for licenses anymore. It's just too much hassle and no one cares. I will pay individual copyright holders (Yuzo Koshiro, Yasunori Mitsuda, etc.) but the rest don't care. Nintendo said themselves that they know it's happening and they're not going to do anything about it and they "never license their IP to anyone," which is a lie, but it's what they're supposed to say. I don't see the point in licensing anymore. I tried it and it's a joke. I'm still going to license some stuff (SquareEnix stuff is easy to license because they're whores for cash like me), but I'd rather pay some dudes some money for their hard work entertaining me so they can buy a nice meal, and not care about paying the corporation that doesn't care about their IP, and at the same time, feel bad that the music is a "work for hire" so the composer - the brilliance behind all this - doesn't benefit in the slightest. The more I get into business, the more I see how fucked up it is. Sorry
  17. Again with all this? Seems like we kinda have this thread and the VGMix thread crossing over. I'll reiterate that I like this site for what it does, but I'd still like to see either djp take the WIP/Blog brainstorm somewhere, and / or Joshua Morse have his own site because he has the speed and Web skill to put something cool together. And personally, I have the Bad Dudes which is very satisfying. (Radical Dreamer flood 2.0 coming back... Today? Tomorrow? I'll get to it sometime this weekend...) But ultimately, why would anyone complain about this site when it's really the only one of its kind? If you have a problem with it, make another one! Fund one! Draw out the plans and put it out there for someone to take and run with! There shouldn't be any need for dramarama. It's so 2003. We're all growns up now. ...right?
  18. You can't hurt something that's not there! I like the idea of changing the WIP section and mixing it with the blog idea. That's a good one. I'd keep a blog here with all of my arrangements.
  19. Well, they got some real pros on the parts. I'm hoping they'll do a full interview with someone soon because in talking to them and getting the "behind the scenes," this is a pretty awesome project - and a definite labor of love.
  20. Isn't it really just an issue of money? Couldn't people pay for the site to be created by reputable coders and make it work? Not saying I have all the money to throw at it. Just asking if that's a hold up.
  21. I agree that OCR should not change its policies, etc. But I think the biggest problem, and I think this might be what Morse was also trying to express, is that it's sad that a lot of people who come here tend to think that the OCR site standards are the end-all standards and practices. It's frustrating when I know for a fact that the important people on this site like djpretzel, zircon, Liontamer and others can and do enjoy arrangements outside of this site's standards. It's nothing against the site (at least for me anyway). It's about people having closed minds.
  22. Somehow justify you stealing it? And Pezman, a judgefgt review after hearing a sample? You guys disappoint me This is really good stuff. Give it another listen. gamermcchester, change the title to have "Retro Remix Revue" and not something so generic! When the previous thread mentioned this site, I wanted to find out what was going on pretty quickly. Turns out the producer of the project called me and we've been talking a lot about the project since then. I'm totally behind this and am not ashamed to admit I wish I could have made some of this stuff myself or that I wish my band sounded this good. Give it a chance! OCR isn't the only thing out there and it doesn't have to be the only thing you like you know...
  23. srsly Just don't tell people it's game music. I've had friends listening to game music for years and I just told them the composer or arranger's name. Only for them to find out years later it's from a video game. Then you can't deny. My friend is a massuse and I give her plenty of game remix CDs to play during massage. She says people will always say, "That's such nice music! Where can I buy that?" She just grins. You don't have to tell people where it comes from. Leave it to their own devices.
  24. Just don't tell people it's game music. Easy.
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