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Everything posted by Mustin

  1. Save up and get a pair of Shure Sound Isolation buds. You won't hear a THING but the music. I know because I take them with me on the airplane and all I hear are my jams. First thing I did was vaccuum with them. Couldn't hear the vaccuum. Very awesome. Scour eBay for deals.
  2. The suspense is killing me! ...I hope it'll last!
  3. Yeah. But cool - demos rule. Would loved to have tested this! Alas, after being laid off and things being so crazy I'll have to put this off. But I've been wanting some new drum samples. Dig it!
  4. Love love loved this movie. Not a big Trek fan, but dug this immensely.
  5. Agreeage. djp says how I feel except for "ready any" lulz
  6. Cool stuff! "Scheherazade" is the jam. I liked that best, followed by "That Gently Falls Upon." You almost lost me at 3:41 when the really loud harpsichord sound came in, but I stuck with it and ulimately I really enjoyed the track. Keep it up!
  7. This isn't a Mash Up. This is an arrangement/remix. Mash Ups are stupid. This is cool. The Michael Jackson thing was fucking stupid. Who would listen to that all the way through when it came on their .MP3 player? Still my favourite - "Turn around, bitch!"
  8. Good stuff, man! Though I'd thumbwrestle you on whether or not Me and Dhsu's is more Chinese This is jammin'. Way better than I thought it'd be. At first, I thought it was going to be Chun-Li with that little bell and the market, but when it kicks in with the drums (which are tizzite) and the ethno instruments, it's definitely Dodge Bahr. This is my jam!
  9. Ugh, I have GOT to move! But I hate those cities! GRAH! Wanna go!
  10. BOOSH! "Some maps also include Oklahoma, Arkansas" - see? BOOSH!
  11. bet (PS - still no one has defined mid-west)
  12. Maybe down the road we can all meet up in Ann Arbor, Michigan for the Top of the Park Summer Festival? The OneUps are playing, along with MC Frontalot and a showing of Kong of Kong. Monday June 29 T'will be good times. And free. Yes?
  13. You missed us, man! We played a show downtown (about 200 yards from Scarpino's) on April 11 - it was an awesome turnout. Ah well. So anyway, what is the Midwest? Because really, Illinois (where I'm from) is more east than West - it's such a stupid term. DEFINE
  14. Arkansas represent!! (which is the south, but according to most "people," the midwest consists of anything not on the east or west coast.)
  15. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090416/ap_on_re_au_an/as_odd_australia_snakes_on_a_plane SNAKES ON A PLANE, Y'ALL!!
  16. Oh that is sooooo awesome...
  17. Moguta, I was refering to Volume 2. As implied, OneUp Studios has no distribution rights on SQUAREDANCE (still am, always will be). Plus I think it'd raise a lot of red flags with folks here, seeing as how djp himself is on there, along with so many others. And yeah, I don't think that was Zeratul's best. Still haven't heard a Magus arrangement I "loved" ...'cept for the one Dhsu and I did
  18. I don't think his music is that great. Certainly not Michael Jackson great. I don't like him on his own stuff, but I like him when he's on other peoples' beats. But regarding the South Park laughs - it's been a weird season. Just saw "The Ring" last nite for the first time (which I loved) and I've seen everything else this season so far. Getting... weird. Season 12 was "okay" too with some hit or miss. "Imaginationland" was the last "great" thing to me. But we'll see where it all goes. They've done what they do for so long and they still make me laugh, unlike The Simpsons, which has become completely unwatchable to me. Ah well. Good to see Kanye under the knife, and his blog response was priceless.
  19. We're going to Download Cards, along with our iTunes/AmazonMP3 presence, and are working on custom USB drives with .WAVs. Still looking for a lossless store online - any suggestions?
  20. That's too bad man, 'cause we're out of them and I dunno if we're going to print that physical CD again - it's so costly!
  21. Arrrgggg... pirates...
  22. An album doesn't need to have one genre. Just do whatever you want to do, pick the strongest tracks, and put them together. In this day and age, people don't have the attention span for a "concept album" anyway. This is an "iPod Generation" - everyone's on shuffle, baby. Get with the ti
  23. Yeah, I unfortunately have no control over the distribution of this album (the now defunct PMM), so I guess do as you wish. Everyone will anyway, right?!
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