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Everything posted by Mustin

  1. Question: Do you like fish sticks?
  2. Awesome! My favourite track from that game. MM knows how to rock it! This is my jam! Ends a little abrupt... will there be a sequel?
  3. Mustin


    Quoted for emphasis. Also, "Cool, Dude. It's Moon Patrol!"
  4. zomg Why doesn't my bank let me design my own card!
  5. OCR was definitely around back then - it's where I was introduced to most, if not all of the people that were featured on the album! And thanks! One of my favourite titles and mixes, too.
  6. hahahaha awesome. And yes, listen to the mighty Liontamer as he is always correct when it comes to VGM info. And make sure to click through the links at the VGMDB! Plenty of arrangers on that project have other works out on this site as well as elsewhere, like OneUp Studios and iTunes.
  7. Man, San Fran is nice!
  8. Is that really what people think I sound like? I sound way worse than that. Props for the melodica though. The Dale North one is pretty funny, but he would NEVER release a recording that noisy. C'mon, y'all. Let's play some bubble bobble.
  9. Hope to see some of you that are sticking around (or just around anyway) on Saturday! Too bad I won't be around for the Friday part - I'll be flying all day! Have fun!
  10. People are talking about copyrights a lot. Here's a good article about 10 exceptions where you don't have to acquire a license. This mostly applies to broadcast, but it's interesting, nevertheless. http://songwriter101.com/articles/10859_0_6_0_M/
  11. Very awesome - thanks for sharing! Wish I could have seen it live!
  12. Yes, this album is the shizz. I dig it.
  13. I'm sorry, how does that NOT make sense? [goes back to his "Gigasamples," of which he has zero of]
  14. Oh, I know exactly what you meant and that's why it was a FACE to the other guy. Because you're right - a lot of people just download the games from which they are familiar. So it's all moot.
  15. FACE!! P.S. - I love that I'm my own genre hahaha
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22kPiPILteQ
  17. This shit is my jam, son! I dig it! I think it's fantastic what you did here and I totally feel the nostalgia vibe. Makes me bring back those memories of playing it. Good times, good times. This is one of those tunes I've always wanted to do but never known how to approach it. This, for me, is a perfect approach. Doesn't happen much in the game, not the biggest stand-out tune, but nevertheless, it's been engraved into my brain and I love what you've done here with the ambience. GREAT WORK
  18. So glad it's done! Wish I followed through with my stab at it years ago. Ah well. Maybe live sometime. Awesome arrangement. This track lends itself perfectly to this. Great work.
  19. FOR SIZZALE Averatec Laptop I'm going to let mine go for $150. It's been a bad little dude over the years. Has been through a lot and has handled over five albums worth of management by now. It's a white Averatec laptop. CD/DVD drive doesn't spin right so you can't read stuff. Battery life is down to near pointless but good if the power goes out and you need to save. Inside is: PIC HERE. Price negotiable. You pay shipping - it'll be about $20. Has handled pretty much everything I've thrown at it, save for Photoshop. But all Internet, movie watching, music listening, stamp printing, document making, file uploading and torrenting you can handle. Good times. Echo Mia MIDI Sound Card I'm going to be selling my sound card soon. It's a BAMF, but the MIDI on the breakout cable doesn't work anymore. The SPDIF still works though. Good sound quality - it's a real trooper. Make me an offer.
  20. Most of Sagat is 11/8. It switches to 4/8 and 5/8 a bit. I should know. It was a bitch to learn.
  21. hahahah this guy is awesome. If he can't figure out 5/4 he'll never get .
  22. I like that player, too OC
  23. I like the players like the one found on this blog: http://www.truegameheadz.com/blogheadz/amazing-hip-hop-beats-remixed-8-bit-style/ What's that service? Simple and good. Maybe find a way to make Playlist.com work like we do here? http://theoneups.com/ THE WORLD IS YOURS
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