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Everything posted by Mustin

  1. Awesome. I look forward to the results!
  2. This is the exact reason I hate mash ups. Yeah, there are only 13 notes people. Shit's gonna fit with other shit. Hemo - who said that quote - you know you gotta say who said it, y'all... zirocn, good catch on the Batman, though I do believe Elfman admitted to lifting it from Herman, as he did much of his work - mostly his first (and my favourite) major work, Pee-Wee's Big Adventure. This is a great thread. , Batman!
  3. Pretty good rebuttle. Said a lot of what I was going to. I'm looking forward to replying to this. I'm in a session right now, so when I'm done recording this rap song, I'll jump in this
  4. Scan it and send it to me? I wanna see it!
  5. wtb swedish women zomg
  6. Watching the intro movie now. And I got the CD disc (it's awesome). Good times!!
  7. cool interview Can't wait to pick up my copy today! Hope I can score that extra disc...
  8. Thanks, guys, glad you could come out.
  9. If you get serious about it ($$$) hit me up for tracks. I do Hip-Hop/R&B professionally. -m
  10. Yeah, this is da bidness. Love this tune. So glad it came out. And thanks to djp for all the Bad Dudes love. YOU GOT YOUR CAPCOM IN MY KONAMI!
  11. Let me know if you're coming so I can look for you. If you just want to come to the show and not the expo, I can probably get you in for frizzle. HOLLAH ATCHA BOY!!!1
  12. Fight! Fight! Fight! [maniacal laughter] Fight for me! Fight for my love! [maniacal laughter ensues]
  13. d'oh learn to read lol!1 sry!
  14. www.oneupstudios.com www.armcannon.com www.selectstartband.com www.pianosquall.com
  15. Interestingly enough, They Might Be Giants is the EXACT reason I have spelled the word "sexxy" for the past 11 years. Nice work on DJP's part. Thanks for the kind words and promotion!
  16. (psst, Neo Samus, I lived in Waukegan and worked there for a summer at a place called "Los Dos Amigos")
  17. I'm excited to announce that The OneUps will be headlining the vgXpo in Philadelphia this month on November 22. We'll be at the Pennsylvania Convention Center (1101 Arch St, Philadelphia, PA 19107). Tickets are: Youth (6-14) $10 day pass | $20 weekend pass Adult (15-255) $15 day pass | $30 weekend pass Though you can buy tickets outside Exhibition Hall B, tickets are cheaper if you order them online. All information on tickets can be found here: https://videogame.ticketleap.com/vgxpo We'll be performing around 23:00 (11 o'clock at nite). Opening acts scheduled are: Cheap Dinosaurs, No Carrier, Animal Style, Cyrptorchid Chipmunk, and Ultraball. The music starts around 20:30 (half past 8 o'clock in the evening) so come early if you wanna catch 'em all. More information about the vgXpo on their Web site at www.vgxpo.com. Hope to see you there! We'll have CDs and T-Shirts for sale.
  18. Loved it. Reminds me of why I'm a big fan.
  19. Glad you all are digging it. Watch for the next project.
  20. dude, did you sing? Best thing ever. It's my computer start up.
  21. That's not Mazedude that's me! WTF mate? Also: http://www.oneupstudios.com/ep_03.php
  22. Review: OriginalSoundVersion.com Plug: Destructoid.com
  23. Hey, there we go. Glad you're digging it. Happy Halloween!
  24. artwork by 8BitMaximo Bad Dudes & Friends arrange the Symphony of the Night soundtrack. Get the word out. Happy Halloween! -m
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