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Everything posted by Mustin

  1. Kinda hard for me to enjoy it with the likes of bands like ARMCANNON and Smash Bros., nevermind arrangers like housethegrate, his brother ashane, Snappleman, Danimal Cannon, etc... If you're going to have a band? Have some believable sounds...
  2. Plus almost all of the volunteer staff is local or driving distance. The location is fine. And even the time of year wasn't too bad. But on New Year's Day - I won't be there. I have a New Year's party every year and I wouldn't give that up.
  3. Someone confused someone for me? How nuts.
  4. Thanks for all your works, fellas! Had fun spicing things up there this weekend. Thanks for having a place we could always go to and chill. Oh and Spamtr0n FTW!!
  5. Had a lot of fun! Great to meet some of peeps that haven't been to a community gathering before. Thanks for the good timez.
  6. Love the YouTube vids. Looking forward to what this does!
  7. IGN doesn't know SHIT about video game music.
  8. way to lead me on thinking this had to do with Zombies Ate My Neighbors and the song "Zombie Panic." I hate you.
  9. I'm going to kill you?
  10. You didn't win the auction
  11. There were Limited Editions, then there were more broadly released versions. You didn't get cheated - you just got every album. The Silver Edition of PMM and the SQUAREDANCE Standard Edition contain many, but not all of the Limited Edition tracks. What if I had just sent you those? Would you have been none the wiser? So I think it was good to send them all. Plus you got a lot of cool extra stuff that no one's heard or seen before. You didn't get cheated.
  12. Nice... I remember not even needing one last year. I went out in my regular clothes to smoke with cool kids from X. But you're saying it's cold as balls this year?
  13. Mmm... Dhsu blow-up doll...
  14. Too soon?10charslol
  15. What's wrong with Yay Gay? Awesome, Cox isn't dead. Awesome, a 19 yo blew himself up. Awesome new screen name! BAJCHINGO!
  16. I think my cox is in TN and not IN, but I dunno. Plus I'm pretty sure he's older. Anyone know for sure?
  17. Thanks! for your charity
  18. Story: http://www.destructoid.com/the-oneup-s-awesome-child-s-play-auction-59026.phtml Auction: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260190746883
  19. 10 characters for the winne
  20. www.pennyarcadeexpo.com
  21. Why are you daming the east coast? I live in Arkansas? I'm going? That's not a question? But it has a question mark anyways?
  22. That wiley contact info box... foiled again!
  23. Maybe I'm freakin' retarded but I couldn't find the PM button. Hope that's not a bad indication, but I'm interested in the gig. PM/eMail me so we can get the ball rolling?
  24. Drunken MASTER
  25. Isn't there a "Name That Tune" at MAGFest? Didn't Dale North fail to recognize one of his own songs? Hilarious.
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