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Everything posted by Mustin

  1. Is today your birthday, you tall sonofabitch? You share one with my brother. Happy Birthday to you. I'd buy you lunch, but I'm buying my brother lunch. Can't believe our damned birthdays are four days apart. Have a good one!
  2. Yeah, it's def good. I just miss that stuff from earlier. [record scratch] RE-RE-RE-RE-REMIX IT, Y'ALL!
  3. This shit is SICK son!! Almost as good as "Shut the Fuck Up!" Seriously, you brought it and it was good times. Reminded me of "Dynamic Symmetry" in a very good way. Star Salzman made my balls drop.
  4. I'm sad. You've been sharing your arrangement of this from early on and I liked a lot of the earlier demos and where they were going. I think this version is really good (except, what's up with the guiro? - really took me out of the experience) but I remember liking some stuff I heard before. But glad you got it done and out so I can hear it. And good job, Starla. Would have liked some awesome vocal stutters on the vox!
  5. Cool stuff, but can't mix vocals for shit. Give them money so they can pay to have their music mixed!
  6. This is what I would have done if I were to do this track. I love the chord changes. Very tasteful. Thanks for this!
  7. hizzy to the hoppy y'all I'd like to see what comes of this. I wish I could help but I can't give anything away for free this year
  8. ditto ditto
  9. My favourite name is Phoreverof.
  10. I'm sorry, but I laughed my balls off when I heard this. I feel so bad for Zune consumers. Microsoft's consumer confidence was already in the can - now it's in the BALLS. I, too, don't want to ever buy an Apple product because I don't like the format and layout. I'm happy with my Rio (and my Samsung Instinct fone = MP3 player ).
  11. I miss Chris, too. We didn't have a lot of extensive interaction, but we chatted and I really enjoyed his music. Shortly after the funeral, I had talked to his parents, who didn't even know he was doing this music. I linked them to all of his public arrangements, for which they were very grateful. I told them I'd host them as long as I possibly could. They are still there, just as I said they'd be. http://oneupstudios.com/protected/music/
  12. WHY SO SERIOUS?! Also, what's all the Tropic Thunder hate? I thought was one of the funniest movies I saw all year. Tom Cruise was awesome, RDJ was incredible, Jack Black was great - I even have a can of Booty Sweat on my DAW desk.
  13. My most hated moves are: The Mexican L.A. Confidential Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow The Doors You'd have to pay me to sit through any of those again. (btw, can't wait to see this From Justin to Kelly movie - looks awful!)
  14. DrumUltima, this is your best track bro (or at least my favourite). Awesome shit.
  15. Since you'll both probably read, HOLY CRAP the Super Metroid track on the bLiNd album is freakin' awesome. GREAT production. Love it. oh and congrats on the enagement!
  16. I produced a CD for the Child's Play Charity featuring music from OCR artists like Armcannon, The OneUps, Select Start, Piano Squall and The Grammar Club. There's a lot of cool music on this CD. It's only $10 bucks and all of the profit goes to the charity. If you need further convincing, demos of each track are available here. Otherwise, click the link below to get the CD for yourself: http://www.pennyarcademerch.com/cpa08001100.html
  17. don't you think? a little too ironic? it's like... fuggin' RAIN -- on your friggin' wedding day!
  18. It says "KORG" on it. It's no homebrew.
  19. Perfect. perfect
  20. Looks like Colbert at least got over Kanye though not numero uno. Very nice. Sure hope he doesn't invite him on the show... I don't want to see that... And zircon, I don't really hear any leads in there like I do in The Neptunes' arrangement. And the only chords I hear are coming from these block synth string pads, which aren't terribly different than the original. And I just personally don't like that floor tom-my kick drum. But different strokes for different folks. I personally feel The Neptunes' arrangement is superior.
  21. Don't forget the opposite (e.g. a lot of people here) that consciously make the decision to shut out new things that AREN'T popular. Either way, close minds should come with closed mouths. It's best to take in everything and make decisions for yourself. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen with most people until later in life as most young people struggle to find their place in the status quo.
  22. No fucking way that is happening I hated that remix more than I've hated most songs. if you want to hear a good version of HBFS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjxf9gn-xoM Is that music I hear? Chords? Solo leads? Oh my! And as much as these guys are my heroes - still not as good as the O.G. God damnit, I hate Kanye West's production.
  23. Third grader piano song! Hooray! [shakes head] God, I so loved K West on paper... then I heard his music Do like him on songs he didn't produce, though.
  24. After thinking about it, listening to all of the music in this thread, and reading what people had to say, I just wanna say: You either like it or you don't. So what. For those of you wanting a revolution, the tide is going to start to turn pretty soon as the economy keeps falling so no worries for you. In the mean time, keep listening to what you like, and use cool services like Pandora to find more music like that. Word.
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