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Everything posted by Mustin

  1. http://www.oneupstudios.com/boards/showthread.php?t=5036 Economy sucks. Need money. lol hlep pls
  2. I'm selling all my games http://www.oneupstudios.com/boards/showthread.php?t=5036
  3. hahaha thanks. Incognito is awesome music. 'Preciate the friendings!
  4. Yeah, those guys are pretty good. 'cept for Dale North of course. He blows.
  5. I searched the forums and didn't find a MySpace thread, so I just wanted to say to all the OCR MySpace users: Friend me on MySpace! www.myspace.com/mustinmusic For the MySpace haters, what do you prefer for a music networking tool? I'm looking to explore my horizons. Thanks! -m
  6. Amazing stuff. I had the privilege to preview some of the vocal tracks, and I'm glad the album came together. It sounds amazing. I've been listening to it for the past couple of hours as I've worked. Great work. I so love your music. Keep it up!
  7. http://www.destructoid.com/the-sound-card-001-the-game-music-listening-primer-80778.phtml Though it might seem moot to OCR regulars, this is great for those not in the scene. So send to your "not as cool as you" friends so they can get wise with the movement. Awesome and I'm looking forward to more.
  8. Yeah, 'cept the original Super Mario Kart's "Rainbow Road" theme is actually a GOOD, if not sacred piece of music. This is fine 'cause this is how it should have been in the game. Lame attracts lame.
  9. Quoting in complete agreeance.
  10. Thanks, Larrys. 'Preciate that. Where have you been? I've sent you PMs and what not (I think?). Anyways, voting ends on the 11th. I'm really hoping for this producer awards 'cause it'll bring in more business that I need. Thanks for voting!
  11. Hey, thanks, DuskyFerret. That's awesome of you. Thanks to everyone else, too. This is very much appreciated. I didn't expect everyone to help out like this. Warms the cockles of my heart. Edit: Oh and voting ends April 11th.
  12. I don't have a country accent? Thanks everyone!
  13. Hey, thanks everyone. It's sure be nice to win something. I could use the pick-me-up. We'll find out on the 24th.
  14. Thanks. icouldusethepickmeup
  15. Thanks. icouldusethepickmeup
  16. I am nominated for a couple of Northwest Arkansas Music Awards (NAMAs). With The OneUps under "Best Electronic/Groove" and myself as a Producer under "Best Studio/Producer" (Mustin Productions). You can vote here: http://www.freeweekly.com/vote-nama-xiii/ Please vote for me if you enjoy the music I make.
  17. This is funny and awesome. Things don't always have to be one way. You can still have political, powerful rap and have funny mindless stuff like this. And that's what awesome.
  18. Hausdog likes to get fucked in the ass by rolling pins. I hope he dies alone and face down in a ditch. As for Mr. Rogers - he's the shit. I'll be wearing a Sweater for sure.
  19. SLyGeN, check out CarboHydroM's version of "Hyrule Castle." Fucking WIN "The Imprisoning War"
  20. hahaha megadave is the best starla, please no more Abes in short shorts. [shudders]
  21. This is great, though I'm VERY surprised this made it up on OCR (though I'm glad it did otherwise I probably wouldn't have it). With all the shit I've gotten about drums in the past, that's why I'm surprised this passed. That said, I love this track. The drums are awesome and I wouldn't change them (I guess that's my style!). Link's Awakening is one of my all-time favourite games (and the best Zelda game - all you OoT lovers - suck my balls), and I have to say that I feel this really does the game for great justice. Love the lo-fi. The effects are well-timed and well-spaced. I'm impressed with the pacing on this track too. It builds where and when it needs to. I'd love to hear a mix of the "Face Shrine" in this style! From a musician to a musician I know it's a bitch to get requests sometimes but damn that'd be hot! Keep it up!
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