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Everything posted by Mustin

  1. I know a girl that's going to love this. I'll let you know what she says.
  2. Because I think it's better to pay homage to rather than just outright use someone else's music. If that's just me, fine. But it's not just 'cause I know a lot of people that think like that. I mean, Kanye and Timbaland are huge. That doesn't mean I have to like it? Harmony, Daft Punk is awesome. But you can't tell me it's the same as .
  3. Yeah, and then he has the audacity to say that he's a music "composer" like "uh Amadeus" or "uh Mozart." Nevermind those are the same person, but I'm pretty sure Mozart didn't take audio from other people's CDs and make hits with them. I keep waiting for the day when aliens come down (preferably ToeJam and Earl) and they push a button that deletes all of our recorded music. Then the sampling producers will have to wait for fine folks like us that can sequence music ourselves to make albums so they can sample them and get back to work. ROLLS EYES
  4. I didn't mean to make a blanket statement. I thought I said I don't like their music. I used to look up to Timbaland as a producer hero of mine until I came across a few DJ sample files that crossfaded his music with the original he sampled from. Unbelievable. I never believed, but I'd equate it to finding out there is no Santa Claus. Made me so sad and I lost so much respect for him. Kanye - I read about him in a magazine and I loved him on paper. Underdog, pushed around, and from my old stomping grounds in Chi Town. Then I heard the music and wanted to kill myself and everyone in sight. If I don't like something, I don't like it. Doesn't mean I don't like everything that's kinda like it.
  5. Believe pixietricks took it.
  6. Oh wait, I thought you guys were composers - my mistake. 'Cause that's what wouldn't make sense to me.
  7. Yeah, which is why I smell F.O.W.L...
  8. Well, I don't just play bass. Plus I make a living from producing Hip-Hop in my region, and am arguably the most sought-after producer for Pop/Hip-Hop/R&B in said region at this point. So you can say and think what you want (please do), but I have cred kthx.
  9. 'cept Common's album is Kanye-beat-made. Love his rhymes and style though (and he was cool in Smokin' Aces). It always seems the socially conscious rappers have the music that I don't like for some reason. le sigh
  10. I can say they're not. I hate Kanye's productions. And Timbaland's. And anyone who effortlessly samples (except for Warren G's "Regulators" because god damn, I've always loved the Michael McDonald song and they did a good enough spin on it - oh, and they reperformed it so it's not technically a sample). Yeah, ASR-10 is real popular. But the Akai MPC seams to be the most popular with the kids these days (along with Fruitypoops). CHIPP, I think most producers use a combination of their own samples they've collected in addition to sampling/cutting other music. Personally, I only use live instruments and softsynths for all of my production work. I prefer to make music from scratch (seeing as how I can and most producers can't, giving me an edge over a heavily saturated area of expertise).
  11. *Plays Michael Jackson/R. Kelly's "You Are Not Alone" and snaps along while imagining Snappleman fisting norg*
  12. Dale and I are going to be giving quite a bit, actually. We didn't ask anyone if it would be a good idea - we just did it 'cause that's how we are. I think this should have been handled with the core OCR types in private (dave, andy, larry, etc.) and not made public. Then you could have come about with a firm decision (or nothing at all) and we wouldn't have had comments like which are completely assinine. Even with the public debate it could have been approached from several angles. I just felt this one was singling out Child's Play at questioning it. You could have said, "Hey, let's do something good this year. Should we donate to a charity, donate to research, or feed the homeless? Thoughts?" My first post wasn't so directed at you, David, as it was some of the whiners. The second post was more directed at you with "contact Kristin."
  13. Just contact Kristin. http://www.childsplaycharity.org/contact.php Ask her how you can help. I'm sure she's heard of OCR and would be willing to brainstorm something. This charity is 100% non-profit. No one is getting paid for the work. If you wanna give, do it. If don't want to give, then don't! But debating on whether or not you should? It just seems so wrong and ...heartless.
  14. Dude. Make a kid happy. Buy them a game. You can also send cash. I can't believe people are debating on this. Makes me sick.
  15. YOU ARE FAGS!! [sigh] Thank you, South Park. Thank you. P.S. - I fucking hate guitar hero
  16. This is what I'm talking about. I'm not talking about the latter. As Harmony said, it takes time and effort. I just don't like effortless sampling. And I'd rather people just didn't sample at all. But I do it myself sometimes so that's how the world works, no?
  17. Sampling shows no effort. megadave, see my asterik where I say there's nothing wrong with arranging music (what we call "remixing" here).
  18. hahahahahaha
  19. Hey, I have a wicked idea. STOP FUCKING SAMPLING AND MAKE YOUR OWN DAMN MUSIC!* *arranging a piece shows that you're actually doing something, instead of just taking a section of someone else's completed song and sticking it into your "song." let the war begin
  20. Still my favourite... DO A BARREL ROLL!
  21. Albums: Secret of Evermore OST Xenogears Light | an arranged album Artists: Dhsu The Wingless Shnabubula Tracks from OCR: Hazama's "Suikoden 2" 'Deep Sleep' track McVaffe's "Donkey Kong Country" 'Ambient Gemini' track
  22. It's not legal unless you get permission from the publisher. If even the slightest fraction of a second can be proved to be sampled from a recording, it is grounds for infringement. The more you know.
  23. chrono26, thanks for the help. Pretty sure it was the Nas track I heard. I coulda sworn it was Jay-Z though. Mighta been some mixtape DJ that put it together. What a piece of shit, either way.
  24. However I think I heard him sample Toto's "Africa" on the radio tonite. Can anyone confirm this? I'm trying to find it on the net but no luck. This makes me very sad. One of my fav songs...
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