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    Wiesty got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in Chronopolis: Music Inspired by Chrono Cross - History   
    Oh man, here we go radical dreamers v2.0!!!
  2. Like
    Wiesty got a reaction from prophetik music in Chronopolis: Music Inspired by Chrono Cross - History   
    Oh man, here we go radical dreamers v2.0!!!
  3. Like
    Wiesty got a reaction from Bowlerhat in Multi-instrumentalists, where do you guys find the time?   
    My first instrument is piano which I played for many years before progressing into the world of percussion. I still struggle with finding time to practice everything to get it to the level where I'd like it to be. I always find it best to set goals in each area and work towards those as long as they are challenging you. Some people can just play whatever you throw in front of them. I am not one of those people! These days I tend to stick mostly to drums and percussion for intense practice, but I keep my piano up and progressing slowly...
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    Wiesty reacted to Theory of N in Super Mario RPG: Window to the Stars - History   
    Tracks are 98% done, the art is PHENOMENAL, and everything at this point is on DaMonz, me, and staff. It's been a long road, friends, but WE'RE ALMOST THERE. Thanks for all your hard work everyone =)
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    Wiesty reacted to Ronald Poe in OCRA-0060 - Chronology: A Jazz Tribute to Chrono Trigger   
    I haven't listened to it yet but I love the idea of "Kingdom Trial" and "Lavos" in a Jazz style. It's a clever idea and probably sounds great. I'll give it a listen.
  6. Like
    Wiesty reacted to Flexstyle in OCRA-0060 - Chronology: A Jazz Tribute to Chrono Trigger   
    I got to hear this one a few months early, and I fell in love with it immediately. Such a good album!
  7. Like
    Wiesty reacted to ZealPath in OCRA-0060 - Chronology: A Jazz Tribute to Chrono Trigger   
    I got really excited about this album when I saw the trailer a week or so ago, it feels like a long time ago since I'd been that hyped up about an upcoming album, and it felt great! I haven't been checking out as much of the new content here on OCR as I would like in recent years (mostly just busier, sorrrrrry!), but I knew this album was going to be a must-get as soon as it was out for me, and I could not have been more right. To give some background, I never really considered myself much of a jazz fan until I discovered OCR many years ago, and just sort of absorbed a love of the genre of jazz through some kind of musical osmosis without even realizing it from the many excellent jazz remixes I've encountered here over the years. This eventually resulted in me becoming a fan of non-VGM related jazz music as well, and I have OCR to thank for that, which I could not be happier about!
    So with that out of the way, few things could be more of a perfect storm than a Chrono Trigger Jazz Album for me, and it's every bit as awesome as I could have hoped for. A couple listens through, I can safely say that I love the way every single track flows, that perfect combination of keeping the source tune alive while improvising just works so well here. While I almost don't want to single any one track out, I'd be lying if I didn't mention "Dream of Green" cause let's face it, there is simply no such thing as too many remixes of "Secret of the Forest" and this one is as good as any that came before it!
    Thanks for an awesome album, OC Jazz Collective!
  8. Like
    Wiesty reacted to jnWake in OCRA-0060 - Chronology: A Jazz Tribute to Chrono Trigger   
    Listening to the album now. Nice arrangements and playing in all the tracks, definitely a nice tribute!
    My favourites on first listen:
    - Time's Seal. Cool rendition of the original.
    - Dream of Green. Forest theme lends itself well to jazz with the cool chord progressions and ambient mood. I love the strong accentuated chords in the "chorus". My favourite of the album. Also really like the bass and synth lead.
    - Fight or Flight. Love the change at 1:10. Like that this one is more upbeat. And it has a drum solo!
    - Driftwood. Another source very suited for jazz!
    Really nice! All tracks were cool but the 4 above were my favourite.
  9. Like
    Wiesty reacted to GSO in OCRA-0060 - Chronology: A Jazz Tribute to Chrono Trigger   
    Cowboy Bebop Flashbacks anyone? lol. this is awesome!
  10. Like
    Wiesty reacted to Liontamer in OCRA-0060 - Chronology: A Jazz Tribute to Chrono Trigger   
    Preview Chronology: http://youtu.be/3wiyaNlffwY Download Chronology: http://chronology.ocremix.org Torrent: http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Chronology_-_A_Jazz_Tribute_to_Chrono_Trigger.torrent I first played Chrono Trigger when I was seven years old. It was my introduction to JRPGs, anime, and most importantly, video game music. I can vividly remember watching my brother play this game... or was it a movie? It certainly wasn't Super Mario Bros. or Donkey Kong Country. It had complex writing and intricate characters put into a vast and colourful world accompanied by music you might expect to hear in a film. As I learned to play the game, it consumed me. I would rent the game every weekend for what seemed like years. It didn't matter how many times I had completed it because I could restart and it would seem like a new adventure every time. Needless to say, I have a bit of an addictive personality. Over the years, I would go on to obtain many new obsessions and interests that would come and go. Chrono Trigger, however, did not. I am 25 now and, after nearly two decades of playing the game, I can honestly say that it still remains an important part of my life and that every time I play it, I look at it with the same wide eyes and enthusiasm as when I was seven.
    I explored Chrono Trigger through all of its facets whether it was trying to copy Akira Toriyama's art (and learning that I'm not very good at drawing), discussing the more intricate plot features on the forums at Chrono Compendium, actively awaiting the English dub of Radical Dreamers so that I could further my knowledge in the Chronoverse, or attempting to learn Yasunori Mitusda's score on piano. I believe at one point I had just about the entire soundtrack learned and it was this that nudged me in the direction of the video game music community and, eventually, OverClocked ReMix.
    Fast-forward another half-decade and I decided to pitch the idea for a jazz-based Chrono Trigger album. It seemed like this was going to be an impossible task to accomplish given the genre restriction and general interest from other arrangers at the time so move ahead another couple years and the OC Jazz Collective was born. Through some fluke, I was able to assemble my own "dream team" of musicians and arrangers on OC ReMix who all shared a passion for jazz and video game music. I felt Chrono Trigger would be an ideal candidate for our first release given the game's quickly approaching 20th anniversary and the fact that Mitsuda's music lends itself so well to jazz and improvisation. The musicians and artists on this album have put in countless hours of practice and recording to produce an album which I think sounds authentic and natural. Jazz is a social music best captured in the moment... and while the production process of this album was anything but "in the moment," I think the album's sound and cohesiveness will speak for itself. It has been an honour getting to know and work with these talented artists from different parts of the world. Each of them brings their own unique sound and nuances to the album and without each and every one of them this album would not have been possible. I hope that our devotion to detail will be apparent in the music and that you will enjoy Chronology: A Jazz Tribute to Chrono Trigger.
    - Dylan Wiest (Wiesty)

  11. Like
    Wiesty got a reaction from djpretzel in Final Fantasy VIII: Collision Course - History   
    My thoughts resonate with Jays. I only known a bit of the situation from what I've read and it seems to bad that some sort of middle ground could not be reached. Brandon was a HUGE contributor to this website, and although sometimes controversial, he did bring a lot to this community. I've voted in the sub-forum. 
  12. Like
    Wiesty got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in Chronology: A Jazz Tribute to Chrono Trigger - History   
    I just wanted to let everyone know that the music is complete and will be sent off for mastering sometime this week or next! Art is almost all in as well! Release date soon!
  13. Like
    Wiesty got a reaction from Sagnewshreds in MAGFest 2017 (see you next mission)   
    I should really find some way to get there this year...
  14. Like
    Wiesty reacted to Garpocalypse in Keith Emerson Dead at 71   
    Day ruined. 
    I was big into ELP from the time I was in 1st grade when I heard Brain Salad Surgery and they were the band that introduced me to making non traditional sounds via synths.  Going to be running their albums not stop today.
  15. Like
    Wiesty got a reaction from Bowlerhat in My stuff sounds muddy   
    Don't forget the important of a good set of monitors or cans (though preferably monitors) for mixing. You want a good transparent set that you've spent many hours on and can trust. I found this to be the #1 thing that improved my mixes. 
  16. Like
    Wiesty got a reaction from Fratto in Chronology: A Jazz Tribute to Chrono Trigger - History   
    I just wanted to let everyone know that the music is complete and will be sent off for mastering sometime this week or next! Art is almost all in as well! Release date soon!
  17. Like
    Wiesty got a reaction from José the Bronx Rican in Chronology: A Jazz Tribute to Chrono Trigger - History   
    I just wanted to let everyone know that the music is complete and will be sent off for mastering sometime this week or next! Art is almost all in as well! Release date soon!
  18. Like
    Wiesty got a reaction from Brandon Strader in Final Fantasy VIII: Collision Course - History   
    I Should mention that I'm available for collabing as well....Piano, Rhodes, Drums, Vibraphone, Marimba, Melodica, Congas.....hit me up!
  19. Like
    Wiesty got a reaction from Pavos in Chronology: A Jazz Tribute to Chrono Trigger - History   
    I just wanted to let everyone know that the music is complete and will be sent off for mastering sometime this week or next! Art is almost all in as well! Release date soon!
  20. Like
    Wiesty got a reaction from djpretzel in Chronology: A Jazz Tribute to Chrono Trigger - History   
    I just wanted to let everyone know that the music is complete and will be sent off for mastering sometime this week or next! Art is almost all in as well! Release date soon!
  21. Like
    Wiesty got a reaction from Brandon Strader in Chronology: A Jazz Tribute to Chrono Trigger - History   
    I just wanted to let everyone know that the music is complete and will be sent off for mastering sometime this week or next! Art is almost all in as well! Release date soon!
  22. Like
    Wiesty got a reaction from Black_Doom in Chronology: A Jazz Tribute to Chrono Trigger - History   
    I just wanted to let everyone know that the music is complete and will be sent off for mastering sometime this week or next! Art is almost all in as well! Release date soon!
  23. Like
    Wiesty got a reaction from Eino Keskitalo in Chronology: A Jazz Tribute to Chrono Trigger - History   
    I just wanted to let everyone know that the music is complete and will be sent off for mastering sometime this week or next! Art is almost all in as well! Release date soon!
  24. Like
    Wiesty got a reaction from DjjD in Final Fantasy VIII: Collision Course - History   
    Very excited for this...not only did I get one of my favourite tracks of all time before it was snatched up...but I'm hoping to get the jazz collective involed as well. So great to see such enthusiasm for a game that is commonly regarded as a flop by critics. The ost on this game is second to none. 
  25. Like
    Wiesty got a reaction from Phonetic Hero in Final Fantasy VIII: Collision Course - History   
    Very excited for this...not only did I get one of my favourite tracks of all time before it was snatched up...but I'm hoping to get the jazz collective involed as well. So great to see such enthusiasm for a game that is commonly regarded as a flop by critics. The ost on this game is second to none. 
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