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Everything posted by Zipp

  1. Ah, sadly I must say I miss the original sound of this mix. This one's a bit too echoey for me. But still, I'm very pleased to see this mix made it, as it's about time someone remixed Besaid Island. That theme was begging for this treatement, and while I prefer the original inspiration that Avenger came up with, I don't deny that this one has class.
  2. So what's the longest anyone waited in line for a Wii? I waited 17 hours on the day before the launch. The line was awesome, we played DS games and ate pizza and someone brought a portable generator so we could play smash brothers.
  3. Try now, Lidless. If that doesn't work, try updating your quicktime. I agree, this is a beautiful tune and one of the only songs on OCRemix that I downloaded and liked before hearing the original. I'm playing through Morrowind now (I'm a bit behind on the PC titles, but since I picked up a used Xbox last year, I'm getting through them) alongside Twilight Princess and FFXII. I disagree with the 3:35 comments about chords not working. Personally I like the dissodance of that piece, and despite listening to it over and over, can't actually see anything technically wrong with that section.
  4. I have to say, I really like this piece up through the first minute and a half. Then it just gets old. I'm waiting for that climax that doesn't ever come. Good idea, but I agree with the very first comment. A huge portion of this is basically variations on the themes over the same back beat. And what is that ending?
  5. I really liked it. Great cover of the Death Mountain/Dark Woods theme. Excellent, really. I agree there are a couple spots where the sampling is weak, but the overal arrangement is so good, that it didn't take away from the song for me. I give it a 4/5, only taking away points for those weak samples and because the beginning is a little uninteresting, or at least not as powerful as the ending.
  6. Okay, but it still doesn't change the fact that all the other songs play in itunes and this one doesn't. Also I'm not likely to switch to.... wait a minute. Did you say WinAmp is better than Itunes? What's the color of the sky in your world, sweetheart? Thanks for putting it up again, Black Mage.
  7. Could not get it to play using itunes, latest version, or anything else
  8. I hope the judges accept it, it's got my nod of approval, anyways.
  9. Any more on this, Bison? I keep listening to it, and finding more things to like about it.
  10. I dig it man. I've been in the mood for some good ambience lately. It would be nice if you could get a voice in here; maybe even a low key beat coming in about half way, and then a voice coming in with some harmonics. That could spruce it up a bit, because around the middle it starts to get old... same old sound, ya know.
  11. I like the source material for this one, and know it intimately. I have to say that this sounds like a case of trying to get your synthesizer to do too much. That main instrument (sax, I think) sounds so "midi" and piercing that I think it takes away from the potential softness and melodious quality of the piece. The piano background is your strongest instrument. Now, I'm not saying it can't be done with whatever equipment you're using. That would be foolhardy of me. No, the arrangement is nice, and should carry the piece. But you need a few more things. First of all, change that main instrument, or soften it more. Smooth out that harshness. Secondly, this piece needs some percussion. Those are my main suggestions.
  12. Limited thematic material explored in repetitive fashion is a piece-killing flaw, not a "stuid thing". Seconded! While the sounds in this piece are not bad, there's little that actually happens. And the source material isn't good enough that I want to listen to the same segment over and over. This needs diversity.
  13. Ah, the sound of wonderful. It is a great thing. I'm a sucker for these natural ambient groove tracks,
  14. Sweet. i've been meaning to do a rock version (with lyrics) of Devil's Lab for some time now. But I have yet to get my keyboard...
  15. Well, I'm torn. I've grown so used to the original voice, that I'm sad to hear it changed. In the end, I think this could sound good, but the echo needs to be turned down a bit, it's too much right now, makes her sound like she's in a different environment than the wide open beaches the song inspires.
  16. Not bad, not bad. It's catchy, anyways.
  17. So sad... I can't get the remixes with reverb... do you have any other format?
  18. Dhsu is dead on, as usual. I would add my support for removing the "I love you so" lines, they're just too cheesy. It's getting better, much better than the original vocals. And the background is awesome. Great background. The vocals are at their best in the end, somehow they fit better there than elsewhere... or maybe that's just me finally getting used to them. The lyrics are a bit too pap for me to love, but the phrasing is very nice. In any case, glad to see you're working on this mix still, it's going some good places. EDIT: You know, despite myself... I actually like the lyrics. So I wouldn't reccomend changing them. Even the "I love so" lines, which used to make me cringe, are growing on me. But only the first one. I think the ending line is too weak as is.
  19. Yes sir... And Taucer, thanks for righting me me on the whole Star Freezes Over thing... I had forgotten that DJP overuled that one. As for Saxophone breeding... yeah.
  20. Okay, I can see the innovation in this, but sometimes I am majorly confused by the judge's decisions. I don't understand how they could accept this and not, for instance, Daragon's Forsaken World, or Taucer's A Star Freezes Over. These things sometimes seem arbitrary. Anyways, it is an okay mix, but I don't really see anything all that special about it. Sure, there are some cool licks, and the raptor sounds are nifto, but I think a lot more could have been done with this then was. I'd give it an "incomplete" rating. At the same time, I do like it's improvisational feel, and the sax is pretty good.
  21. Yeah, this is nothing like a Horse with no Name, though I see the connection, especially in that midi version. Maybe you could say they are chord cousins, or something, but the spirit is very different. Anyways, this mix gets a 4/5. I still think Pixie and Taucer need to do another mix sometime soon.
  22. I recognize the good points about this song that people have brought up, but I much prefer DJP's funk style that he transitioned into later on. I think the pinacle of his funk work was the Sonic remix Love Hurts, though I'm also a huge fan of his folkier stuff, like Twoson Hits the Road and Jethro and Vash at the Millenium Fair. And if I'm comparing this to those, well, this doesn't stand up so well. I see how people could like it, but it's really not up to par of the kind've stuff we hear today. In some ways, it wasn't even up to par with what we used to hear. Now, I'm not bashing DJP. He's done some brilliant remix work, and consistently releases good solid mixes. His composition here isn't bad at all. But I'm not such a big fan of midi synth that I could, say, get up a rock out to this. I don't think I could even stand to listen to it again. Maybe my ears have been spoiled, but hey, I'm the reviewer here, so I'm entitled to give this a 0/5
  23. Oh so smooth. I never imagined the Brinstar track this way, and it's come out great. Lots of surprises, lots of mood, good production quality... this song is fairly awesome. I also caught the Chrono Trigger bit in there, very nice. I really like the mix of string and synth. I'd give it 4/5. There's absolutely nothing wrong with this piece that I can find and it does some really nice work with the tools it uses. I'd like to hear it live, that would boost it to a 5, if well played. But that's the only improvement I could think of.
  24. I totally remember that fight, Coop. Did you ever beat her? I didn't, but then it wasn't my game, so I had limited time to try it out.
  25. It's not a matter of expectations. It's simply a matter of taste and opinion. This is a certain style that I'm just not down with. If I were a judge, I wouldn't vote against it, as I can recognize that it is not a bad song, but I haven't downloaded it onto my itunes either.
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