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Everything posted by Zipp

  1. Zipp

    Thank you

    Oh, I know the thread, but this was more of a general thanks to the site for the many years of music it's provided me with.
  2. Amazing. The pickings have been a little slim around here lately, but OCREMIX has done it again. A full on CD remix of some of the best music to ever hit the video game world across its broad face. And what remixes they are! Ah, it only makes me want to submit my mixes all the more. And why not? I've been listening to some of the most innovative music (I'm talking about the remixes) ever created, a pure mixture of music and talent that can only be found in the dedicated and the talented novice. The brilliance of talent, mixed with the insight and freedom of the relative novice... it's made for nearly a decade of great listening for me. Whenever I go on a trip, it's your music booming in my Ipod. Whenever I switch on the keyboard and bang out a tune, it's your music inspiring me. Thank you, OCREMIX.
  3. Whoa! That's a sound from the past. I hadn't heard it since the first version, which I think I got off VGMIX quite some time ago (it would have to be, if it really came from VG). Cool to not only see it back, but as an accepted remix. I listen to the old version all the time. Guess it's time to update.
  4. I'm here to request that the "Town Jazz" a remix that was posted a while back (Illusion of Gaia, South Cape mix) be finished! Or at least given a status update!
  5. Yes! This is why I listen to OCREMIX and have been for the last six years. These kind of melodic hauntingly beautiful pieces that could've been in games themselves are what remixes are all about. This is just a reminder of how brilliant the original piece is and how with a little arranging it can become better. My only complaint is that it's very similar to what Mitsuda himself did to this theme in Chrono Cross, but then is that really a complaint? Geez, that's more like a compliment! EDIT: And actually, as I take multiple listens, I'm seeing huge differences between the two, and only good things in the similarity.
  6. Wow! The best part is about a quarter of the way in, when it breaks into something akin to Devil May Cry 3. Brilliant!
  7. Shit that's sweet. I missed the first game, because I didn't have anyone to play sports games with. But even people that hated those kind of games in the past love sports on the Wii, so I'm there... ... if I can get any money.
  8. Oh man people are STILL going off about the lyrics in this song? Look, just let it go already guys. The lyrics in this song don't mean shit. I think that's sort've the point. It's just a bunch f dissing and back talking. The thing is, it's a badassssss song, and that's all you should need to know.
  9. This remix is catchy at first listen, but after that it may as well never be played again. This is underdeveloped and trite, with little ultimately going for it except a kicking intro and good solid back beat. But where's the substance?
  10. This one's never been a favourite of mine. The original piece is hard to beat, for one thing. That eerie mix of heavy and light with the haunting but simple piano melody... probably the best track in the resident evil series. I don't think this remix does such a track justice. Some songs work when translated into a happier upbeat tone. This one does not.
  11. Yes! Yes yes yes yes! That should sum up my praise fairly well. My reservations? Only one, and that is that I feel the singing could've been a bit more haunting along with the harmony. With the haunting back melody, I was suspecting something a bit more like Secret of Mana: Dragon Song.
  12. Man there's been some great stuff on OC in the last few months. This track is pretty amazing for taking a song and turning it upside down in a listenable way. You guys did exactly what creepy calls for. You went for the hints of creepiness that are ultimately way more frightening than the crappy CG ghosts they use all the time these days. Excellent work, shows an appreciation of the original and a knowledge of how to use that appreciation. I also feel obligated to add to your report card that "you play well with others."
  13. What in the hell are people smoking? This remix has to be acknowledged as one of the most emotive on the site. I've loved it since the original. I will say one thing against it and that is... drums? C'mon... I remember when this was just vocals with a bit of reverb, and that version rocked my world. All this extra stuff was unnecesary and takes it down a notch in my opinion. The drums are so obviously beat boxing loops that the artistic value of this song just drops through the ground. I'll keep my original version, and use that when I praise your skillz.
  14. It's better quality than the original, but I'm sad that it lost the little electronic "popcorn clocks" in the background. For me, those epitomize the motorcycle game, and the song isn't the same without them. Why'd you decide to take those out.
  15. Interesting. A hard melody to remix, especially when the original was so beautiful. But I think you made some good choices here and maintained the sense of sadness and wonder that surrounds this theme. My only complaint is that the beginning is way abrupt. Coming in straight away on the beat with the voice... I don't think that was a particularly inspired decision. Overal, this is a well done piece, and I'm glad you didn't mix Japanese and English like you did on the Chrono Trigger Mix.
  16. Ah, I see. So it was bundled with Macs, and not OSX?
  17. My Mac is about 6 or 7 years old, I put OS X on it a couple years ago. Sadly, I don't have OS9 classic, so all my games don't work... ... but that's beside the point.
  18. That's what I thought, but I don't have it. But then, I got OSX a couple years ago. Maybe GB wasn't out yet or they weren't bundling it? Oh, or maybe it's on one of my startup discs... I'll have to find those.
  19. Wait... do I need to buy Garage band or is there somewhere I can download it?
  20. Thanks! Looking for both, and on your reccomendation, found both. Now just hope they work. I've got a Max Payne remix to add to the site if they do...
  21. Hey everyone. I'm using a Yamaha Dgx220, and I'm on a Mac running OSX. I'll need a USB-Midi driver to pull songs onto my computer (so I can finally submit them!). Anyone know where I can find the appropriate driver? I should be able to download it somewhere, right? I'm not very good with computers, so any help would be highly appreciated!
  22. It's a good piece. But I feel a little ripped off. I mean, had someone not part of a live band submitted something this short and simple, I don't think the judges would've taken it. Why do I think that? Because I've seen them turn down similar mixes for those reasons. And I don't disagree with them, not really. OC Remix has had some great quality mixes lately. This one just doesn't cut it for me, regardless of whether or not I like the song.
  23. What happened to the Illusion of Gaia Town Jazz? Is anyone still working on that? (sorry if this is in the wrong place... but I'm hoping the mix is reposted...)
  24. I don't think I'm wrong in saying that this mix needs some lyrics. I keep busting out in song everytime I hear it. Great work.
  25. This has got some major flow. It could use a bit more foreground, but I'll be adding that myself with my brand new DGX-220 Yamaha Keyboard that I'm too excited to finally own. But enough about me. This mix lays down an awesome and fluxuating beat that weaves a psychedelic yet traceable course through the original song. Very Earthbound, and very good.
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