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Everything posted by Dyne

  1. Thanks for being awesome Wes! Hopefully Taucer will be just as awesome in his new role as moderator.
  2. Please check out the first post for information regarding the next show!!
  3. Ahem, gentlemen. I have a proposal. What say we record tomorrow night's Radio ThaSauce Live (or at least obtain the recording from Species) and pass that off as an OCAM? Just a thought.
  4. At first listen, it was clear that this was going to be an excellent track. The fusion of styles here is just impressive to say the least. This is definitely one of my new favorite ReMixes to date.
  5. Dude, you were at the panel? Geez, you should've introduced yourself, I was the guy behind the camera. Heh, oh well, next time fellow Pennsylvanian.
  6. I have to be honest, the OCAD panel exceeded my wildest expectations. Seriously. Also, was it just me, or was that one "hot" Flareon? ^__^
  7. Yeah really. Who wants to see video games, when we can watch high speed chases and people getting nasty during their affairs.
  8. It looks to be a good story. I hope it is, I'd like to play this.
  9. I just don't have the money for this. I'd love to go though. PAX always looks awesome, and I'm sure it's one of the best conventions on the West Coast, if not THE best. One day I will go.
  10. Apparently, according to this site at least, it won't be out for two years. http://gamrfeed.vgchartz.com/story/81025/dont-expect-street-fighter-vs-tekken-for-at-least-2-years/
  11. This game is great. My roommate and I have been playing it together, we do the main ops together, and sometimes some extra ops.
  12. I'll be there. Hotel was booked months ago, I've pre-registered, and I'm ready to have some fun!
  13. So, I happen to watch certain keywords through Google Reader, and stumbled upon this little nugget for those of you who liked (even a little bit) of Raging Blast. http://vgevo.com/site/showthread.php?t=278309 ^ According to that post there, DBZ:RB2 is due out last 2010 for XBox 360 and PS3. Also, there will apparently be over 90 characters, including some not seen before in a game. So this should be interesting. So what do you think?
  14. No such animal. There are no sabbaticals from IRC.
  15. Guess what?! I've got a fevah! And the only prescription... is moar cowbell! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4royOLtvmQ
  16. Meh. This kid again? I don't understand why he's so damn popular. Nor do I care. Seriously, Saxman, why should we stop hating on him? Expressing an opinion on this kid seems to be fine and is within the confines of free speech. So yeah... this JB bullsh!t needs to stop now, before it gets someone killed. It's almost as bad as the people who faun over Team Jacob or Team Edward. Grow up.
  17. According to Destructoid, there are now 38 Infinity Ward employees suing Activision. Read the story at Destructoid here: http://www.destructoid.com/group-of-38-infinity-ward-employees-sues-activision-172209.phtml Also, follow the updates at G4, which Destructoid mentions as the source: http://g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/704273/Infinity-Ward-Employee-Group-Files-Lawsuit-Against-Activision-Over-Unpaid-Royalties-Alleges-Devs-Held-Hostage.html Apparently, the lead devs weren't the only ones getting the shaft from Activision. Others were apparently also not getting their bonuses as well, which is what prompted the suit. So, this leads me to believe that not only is Activision in a shitton of touble if they prove it, but also that they're far worse than EA (which was debatable until now).
  18. And you would be correct! We're live right now on ustream, go to http://www.thasauce.net/media to listen in, and ETG via IRC to chat in #thasauce!
  19. Epic. Also, as long as Stevo bets on the winner, we won't have to break his legs. And by we, I mean the rest of the OCAD crew, as I will be elsewhere, with a valid alibi.
  20. HOLY CRAP! IT'S ROB SAUNDERS! How long have you been back sir? Have not seen you on IRC or OCR in ages. I should probably pay attention more. Oh yeah, for you guys who are wanting to download episodes of OCAD, I have the full compliment of episodes on my web server so that they're available. Please feel free to leech: http://www.williammichael.net/ocad/episodes
  21. "Your doom will RAIN DOOOOWN!" ~ Annihilation of Monsteropolis, The Megas. Yeah, that line says it all. Bring an umbrella.
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