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Everything posted by Dyne

  1. ...for another podcast? I've been doing a bit of thinking. Since VGDJ is over, and there's really nothing else on the horizon, that I've seen, anyway. I thought that maybe somewhere along the line there might be another podcast just waiting to happen. And I was curious as to what kind of reception it would find when it does finally arrive. Any ideas? Also, if you're looking forward to another VGDJ-style podcast, or even if you want to start something fresh and new, suggestions are most definately appropriate for this thread. I'd like to hear what everyone has to say about it.
  2. Definately had fun. It was great to see the OCR Panel, and enjoy Otakon as well as enjoy the two OCR Meetups. I'm rather hopeful that in the future there'll be another local meetup (or maybe I'll take a shot sometime and hit an NYC meetup). Anyway, that's it for now. Yes, Jill cosplaying OCR-tan was leet. Most definately leet.
  3. Well, as long as you had fun. I wanted to come see your stand at Otakon, but I wasn't sure where you were, and honestly, walking around asking people "Hey, are you Ninja-san?" all night didn't seem like a very good idea. Anyways...glad you had fun!
  4. Hey Ninja-san, I was just curious what stand you were at. I visited artists alley twice during the trip. (Actually, three times if you count today's trip for Dan Kim so I could get fivre some pwnage.) Anyway, I'd also like to point out that the geetar is probably worth WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more than was spent to procure it. Which is awesome. Something else I'd like to talk about, (and Kroze Arrowned, please forgive me for not being able to find you at the Eminence concert), the Eminence Concert. In a word: PWNAGE. I have never ever seen anything like it. I feel so priviledged to have been able to see this concert. Piano Squall made an appearance as co-emcee, as well as Hitoshi Sakimoto. I was lucky enough to actually pick up one of Eminence's CDs, I bought Passion, two days earlier along with Piano Squall's CD. I had the chance to listen on the way home from Otakon, and I have to say, I'm very impressed with both. Anyway...I've got so much to do, and so little time (ugh, work at 7am tomorrow), so I'll do my best to get photos posted. Also, I was unable to take any photos of the Eminence concert as it was, I was shaking the whole time, and couldn't get steady (though had you seen me during Time's Scars, you would've totally understood).
  5. Well, I have to say I very much enjoyed my time at Otakon. There's so much to say and do and speak of. For now, however, I will refrain, as I need sleep, and must also prepare to leave tomorrow (sunday) for home. I took some rather decent pictures, and I shall enjoy posting them when I am once again home. I'd also like to take a moment and thank the OCR panel, djp, zircon, pixietricks and liontamer for being awesome. As well as everyone who was able to show up at the panel as well as the two meetups. Hopefully, I'll get to see many of you before I leave for home sunday, at the Eminence concert.
  6. Well, didn't quite make it to the dealer's room. No big deal, tomorrrow's my big day in the dealer's room, sometime between the second meetup, the Steve Blum autograph session and some weird panel later in the day. I'm looking forward to the second meetup, hope to see everyone there!
  7. I just wanted to let everyone know, the panel was awesome! I had a great time, and very much enjoyed myself. Don't forget about the meetup tomorrow (Saturday) as well. Today's meetup was fun as well, I had a good time. Also, if anyone wants to hang out with me this evening that's still at the con, feel free to find me in the dealer's room. Also, at 10pm I'm going to the Podcaster's Roundtable in Panel 1 (Rm 337-338 at the Pratt Street Entrance).
  8. I'll be doing a bit of photography at the panel. So, hopefully, I'll capture some priceless shots for one and all. No promises though.
  9. I was just curious, but where's everybody staying for Otakon? I'm staying at the Rodeway Inn off of route 95 (for those that know, it's a truck stop, but was the most economical place to stay) But yes, that's where I'm at. I was just curious where everyone else is staying. Also, I'll be at the panel in the morning and then be with for the subsequent meetup after.
  10. I can't wait. I'm already in Baltimore, my friends and I have our badges. We are SO ready. I'll be going to the panel, and then I'll be joining the group for the meetup and lunch. Though I'm looking over the materials from registration, I haven't had a change yet to decide what else I want to do since this is my first Otakon. Anyway, see you all there!!!
  11. The OCR Panel is Friday, July 20, at 10:00am. I forget where in the BCC, but be sure to get your info packet, it'll have all the information you seek. I'm going friday night to pick up my badge.
  12. Welcome to the fold. Please keep your hands inside the ride at all times. And for the sake of your safety, and personal welfare, please observe all rules of this wonderful rollercoaster we call OCRemix. In other words... WELCOME! Pleased to meet you!
  13. Just wanted to let everyone know, the current schedule of events has been posted on the Otakon web site, I encourage everyone to check it out! Otakon.com
  14. Aww, c'mon Wes, you just gotta come! DO IT FOR THE HENT...I MEAN GIPPER!
  15. Awesome Xaleph! Anybody else going to come join the fold? We've got just over a week left til Otakon, so if you haven't decided, make up your mind! It's gonna be a TON of fun! There's plenty to see and do, don't forget about Baltimore Harbour and the Aquarium! See you there!
  16. Very, very cool Zircon. I'll have to make it a point to check it out.
  17. Off to confer with the CO, huh? (I wish I had a gif of that particular moment in MGS2.) Anyway, it would be good to see you there Xaleph. I hope you can make it.
  18. Well, I think aiming for this coming weekend, since we've got at least 4 days until then would be the best time right now. Still, people are on vacation, and others might be unable to get together. Still, it's going to be hard the weekend of Otakon. So, either this coming weekend, or the weekend after Otakon. I'm thinking 8:30pm EST, or maybe 10pm EST this weekend. Nothing too late, nothing too early. Gives everyone a time frame to shoot for.
  19. Well, my friend's fiancee's mom like to go to NYC now and then, maybe if I'm up in the area sometime, I'll give you a shout ahead of time.
  20. That would be cool if it was. I'm looking forward to playing again, but I'm most interested in playing friday nights and saturday nights since those are the only nights I can stay up late because I don't work the day following.
  21. Getting married isn't the end of life as you know it. Or so I'm told. It's the beginning of something new and special. Also, all of your future wife's friends will probably want to go out for a "girls night" occassionally. On those occassions...the kids can go to the 'rent's place! Also, before anyone asks, no, I'm not married. I'm not even seeing anyone.
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