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  1. Sad
    Dyne got a reaction from Lampje4life in An OverClocked Christmas v.XVI   
    You know, when this got started I never imagined that this project would continue on for so long. I thought it would go for a year or two and then folks would lose interest. And that would've been okay, because I knew someone else would've picked up the torch and kept it going, or started a different project around the same themes. But sixteen years is a long time. I was 25-years-old when this project started. That it's still going now that I'm 41, and with so many folks still contributing year after year, it's really a special thing here. Even though I only build the page for each new volume, I'm still proud of the work being done by everyone, especially The Coop, who keeps it all going and manages to write his own songs each year.
    So, I want to thank each and every one of you. Seeing this continue, sixteen years and counting, speaks to the power of the music and to the community.
    Thank you for keeping this going, every single one of you.
  2. Thanks
    Dyne got a reaction from The Coop in An OverClocked Christmas v.XVI   
    You know, when this got started I never imagined that this project would continue on for so long. I thought it would go for a year or two and then folks would lose interest. And that would've been okay, because I knew someone else would've picked up the torch and kept it going, or started a different project around the same themes. But sixteen years is a long time. I was 25-years-old when this project started. That it's still going now that I'm 41, and with so many folks still contributing year after year, it's really a special thing here. Even though I only build the page for each new volume, I'm still proud of the work being done by everyone, especially The Coop, who keeps it all going and manages to write his own songs each year.
    So, I want to thank each and every one of you. Seeing this continue, sixteen years and counting, speaks to the power of the music and to the community.
    Thank you for keeping this going, every single one of you.
  3. Like
    Dyne got a reaction from Souperion in An OverClocked Christmas v.XVI   
    You know, when this got started I never imagined that this project would continue on for so long. I thought it would go for a year or two and then folks would lose interest. And that would've been okay, because I knew someone else would've picked up the torch and kept it going, or started a different project around the same themes. But sixteen years is a long time. I was 25-years-old when this project started. That it's still going now that I'm 41, and with so many folks still contributing year after year, it's really a special thing here. Even though I only build the page for each new volume, I'm still proud of the work being done by everyone, especially The Coop, who keeps it all going and manages to write his own songs each year.
    So, I want to thank each and every one of you. Seeing this continue, sixteen years and counting, speaks to the power of the music and to the community.
    Thank you for keeping this going, every single one of you.
  4. Like
    Dyne reacted to DarkeSword in How is Nintendo's recent music action going to affect this site   
    SynaMax's "remixes" were essentially re-creations of music from Metroid Prime, going as far as using the same hardware as Kenji Yamamoto. AFAIK, he wasn't doing the same type of interpretive, from-scratch arrangements that we do here. That may have factored into Nintendo's decision to contact him specifically. I haven't seen any instance of Nintendo contacting any other artist, so it's hard to agree with "Nintendo is going after remixes now."
    There's always the danger of a company like Nintendo coming down hard on fan communities. If Nintendo issues takedowns to us, then we'll have to figure out what to do when that happens. OCR very specifically doesn't allow submissions that sample the original game audio, but that might not mean much to Nintendo's legal team. There's an argument for Fair Use, but that's a legal defense that you present to a judge or jury, not a response you give to a Cease & Desist.
    As far as being concerned about being able to listen: once something is posted to the internet, it never truly leaves the internet. There are remixes that have been removed from this site that you can still download at various places. Nintendo has issued C&Ds against things like AM2R (the incredible Metroid 2 fan-remake) and you can absolutely still find those projects without too much effort. If Nintendo wants to play legal whack-a-mole, that's on them.
    When it comes to the music you'd like to remix and arrange: do what you want. Remix the hell out of Mario and Metroid and Zelda and Kirby if those are the soundtracks that inspire you. Even if the worst happens and we can't feature them on OCR anymore, that shouldn't stop you from making something.
  5. Like
    Dyne reacted to The Coop in An OverClocked Christmas v.XV   
    Well ladies and gents, it's the time of year again. The time when a group of ragtag remixers comes together and makes a Christmas album for everyone to freely grab and (hopefully) enjoy. This year, we're offering up 14 remixes of both traditional Christmas carols and video game songs, all done up to give that holiday vibe to everyone. So feel free to hop on over to the website and grab yourself a copy of An OverClocked Christmas v.XV. A big thanks goes out to Dyne for once again hosting the album, and to those who made the mixes this year. And of course, Merry Christmas from all of us involved in this project!
  6. Like
    Dyne reacted to The Coop in An OverClocked Christmas v.XV   
    Well, here we are. The final 24 hours. I was going to send a final PM, but most people who signed up for this have submitted something. Hell, we even had one person who didn't sign up that still submitted  something. One person had to drop out due to illness (you know who you are... slacker ), which just leaves Argle... and they haven't read any of the updates sent via PM. I'm guessing that means they're no longer involved with this, so, I'll just post in here.
    For anyone who didn't sign up that is still working on something, you have until 11:59 P.M. EST tonight to get it done and sent to me. That is all.
  7. Like
    Dyne reacted to The Coop in 'Twas XX: Head 'Em Off At The Pass   
    Another year, another Twas. Yes, it's that time yet again, where I go off on a rhyming spree and concoct a tale of Christmasy stuff. This one's a long one... seriously. It's the longest one I've written to date. If you have to pee, do it now. And if you don't have to pee, you probably will by the time you reach the end.  So get comfy and here... we... go!
    'Twas XX: Head 'Em Off At The Pass
    The Coop
    Twas two days before Christmas
    and throughout the hall,
    a small-ish group of people
    were enjoying all
    the food and atmosphere that
    had been set up for
    the big end of year party
    for Toby's Decor.
    The small hall had been rented
    just outside of town
    for the employees to
    have some fun and get down.
    The ten people who worked for one
    Toby McGlare,
    chatted and mingled as some
    music filled the air.
    Among those who had gathered
    was one Bert Deline,
    who talked with his colleagues and
    sipped on the cheap wine
    that had been provided for
    those in attendance;
    wine not too good or bad,
    so it straddled that fence.
    But as he talked to Fred,
    who he'd worked with awhile,
    Toby came up to Bert
    and gave Bert a big smile.
    “How are ya, Bert my boy?”
    Toby asked as he slid
    an arm around Bert's shoulders,
    and walked as he did.
    “I'm good,” Bert replied as
    he strolled with Toby. “You?”
    Toby said, “I'm fine, thanks.
    You know, I wanted to
    “come by and say thank you for
    helping make this year
    one that ended up being
    a truly top tier
    “stretch for my company.
    It couldn't have happened
    if it weren't for people
    like you, Bert my friend.
    “In Phoenix Arizona,
    we are the top place
    to go to when folks want
    to decorate their space!”
    “You're welcome, Toby,” Bert smiled.
    “And thank you as well
    from both myself, and of course,
    from my wife Michelle.
    “I've really enjoyed getting
    to come to work here.
    And I hope I can help
    do this again next year.”
    Toby laughed a bit and said,
    “Don't worry about
    what's to come with this place.
    Just enjoy this blowout.”
    With a pat on Bert's back,
    Toby walked away and
    spoke with someone else nearby
    as he shook their hand.
    With a big shit-eating grin,
    Bert walked back to Fred
    and took the time to repeat
    what Toby had said.
    When Michelle soon returned
    from her trip to the loo,
    Bert told her all about
    what Toby had said, too.
    But after another hour,
    the party wound down.
    Everyone said their goodbyes
    and drove back to town.
    Twas a fun night with
    coworkers that ended well
    for everyone there,
    including Bert and Michelle.
    The next morning saw Bert
    sleep in a little bit.
    But soon Michelle called out,
    “Get up you lazy shit!”
    “Yeah yeah,” Bert replied before
    he let out a yawn.
    “God forbid that I'd sleep in
    a little past dawn.”
    Michelle entered the room
    as he sat up in bed.
    She leaned down and kissed him with,
    “Mornin', sleepy head.”
    “Now you're nice to me?” he grinned
    as she did the same.
    “Get your cute butt up,” she said,
    “or it's you I'll blame
    “if we end up missing
    our flight this afternoon.”
    “We've got eight hours,” he said.
    “Why get ready so soon?”
    “Because you procrastinate,”
    she said as she stood,
    and added, “and don't give
    yourself the time you should.”
    “I'm not that bad,” he chuckled.
    “Uh huh,” she replied.
    “You couldn't be on time
    for something if you tried.”
    He repeated what she'd said
    in a mocking tone,
    making her laugh as he
    stood up with a small groan.
    The morning continued as
    they got dressed and ate,
    packed their clothes and supplies,
    then proceeded to wait.
    It was just 9 A.M.,
    and their flight was at three.
    That left plenty of time
    to kill, which Bert took glee
    in pointing out as he
    poked fun at how Michelle
    sat on the sofa and looked
    very bored as hell.
    “We could still be sleeping,”
    he said with a large smirk.
    She tried to look grumpy
    as she grinned, “Quiet, jerk.”
    As the noon hour drew near,
    she asked Bert, “Will you see
    if there's any mail out there
    for you or for me?”
    He did as she'd asked
    and found that there was indeed
    a single letter there
    for him to get and read.
    He tore it open as he
    reentered the house
    and was asked “What's that, hun?”
    by his beloved spouse.
    “A note from work,” he said.
    “Not sure what it could be.”
    “A bonus check?” she put forth.
    He replied, “Maybe?”
    With the envelope opened,
    he began to read.
    As his eyes skimmed the paper,
    she could see how he'd
    looked down with some confusion,
    and then with dismay.
    When she saw this, she asked,
    “Honey, what does it say?”
    “I've been let go,” he uttered,
    his voice filled with dread.
    “Wait, what?” she asked as if
    she'd misheard what he'd said.
    “They just... fired me,” he said with
    much disappointment.
    “And after how well Toby
    said that the year went.”
    “Did they say why?” she asked
    as she came up beside
    her husband, who continued
    to read, teary-eyed.
    He said, “They say it was
    a performance issue.”
    With ire in her voice, she said
    “That's why they canned you?”
    Bert looked over at his wife
    and saw her vexed stare.
    He said, “I worked my ass off
    each day I was there.”
    “Are you sure?” she said with
    disbelief in her eyes.
    “Because I've heard that before
    with some of your lies.”
    “I did!” he exclaimed.
    “I swear on my mother's grave!
    Everyone there will tell you
    that I always gave
    “them a hand when they needed
    it once I had done
    the work I'd been given
    by Toby or someone.
    “I didn't slack off or
    do a shit job with what
    I'd been asked to do.
    I always worked off my butt!”
    “Uh huh,” she said with snark
    as she stared hard at him.
    “The chances of that being
    true are really slim.”
    “I'm not lying!” he stated,
    his voice filled with dread.
    “If I am, you can smack me
    right upside my head!”
    “Don't tempt me,” she said as
    she turned and walked a bit
    away from him and uttered,
    “I'm sick of this shit.
    “It's barely been over
    two years since you got hired.
    And now right before Christmas,
    you got yourself fired!”
    “I didn't!” he yelped.
    “So they lied?” she hollered back.
    “It's the truth!” he pleaded.
    “Can't you cut me some slack?”
    She said, “I told you that
    if you got fired once more
    for slacking off at work,
    that I'd walk out the door!”
    “Baby, please!” Bert said as
    he came up to her and,
    with an almost panicked look,
    took hold of her hand.
    She pulled her hand from his
    and went to their bedroom,
    where he could hear her
    as she continued to fume.
    She was swearing a lot,
    all directed at Bert.
    And some of what she said
    had clearly left him hurt.
    She called him a screw up.
    That she didn't know why
    she continued to stay
    with him or even try.
    It took her a minute
    before she came back out
    with her luggage in hand
    and said with a stern shout,
    “I'm going to my parents
    and you're staying here!
    You better find a new job
    before the new year
    or I'm kicking you out
    of my life and my place!”
    Her words pulled a puzzled
    sadness onto Bert's face.
    “But everything's closed
    for the holiday's,” Bert said.
    She spat, “Find a damn job
    or our marriage is dead!”
    She left the house in a huff,
    got into her truck,
    and drove off as Bert uttered
    a dejected, “Fuck.”
    Now alone in the house,
    Bert sat down on the couch
    with a forlorn expression
    to go with his slouch.
    All his emotions
    were reflected on his face.
    And it was clear that they were
    all over the place.
    “I don't believe this,” he said
    with confused dismay.
    “How'd it get to this point?
    Things were good yesterday.
    “And why'd Michelle talk like I
    was some kind of bum?
    Sure, I've screwed up before,
    but where'd all that come from?
    “Just cuz I lost one job
    as a parking valet
    when I parked a jeep and
    dozed off in it all day.
    “I was so tired and cold,
    and the jeep was so warm.
    It only happened twice,
    so it wasn't the norm.
    “And yeah, then I got fired
    from the diner in town.
    I didn't know egg shells
    could also be light brown.
    “I thought they'd all gone bad,
    so I threw them away.
    No reason to ban me
    from that place to this day.”
    Bert sat there for a bit
    with a sad, forlorn stare.
    “Guess I best see if I can
    find a job somewhere.”
    He got up from the sofa
    and grabbed his car keys.
    “Let me find something so I
    don't lose Michelle, please.”
    He went out to his car
    and hit the mall, where he
    checked in every store.
    From Boscov's to FYE.
    Not one store was in need
    of a new employee.
    They all turned him away
    after hearing his plea
    about the situation
    in which he was stuck.
    And he left the last store
    with a disheartened, “Fuck.”
    As he walked through the mall,
    headed for it's entrance,
    he spotted a section
    that was lined by a fence
    which had been painted to look
    like candy cane rows.
    And each of them was adorned
    by green and gold bows.
    Inside that colorful fence,
    the floor had fake snow
    through which a short path of
    golden bricks did go.
    They went in a straight line
    to a big wooden throne.
    And on it was Santa,
    who sat there all alone.
    When Bert looked all about,
    he saw no kids in line.
    Santa had no elves who stood
    at the “entrance” sign.
    The mall was pretty crowded,
    which made it seem weird
    to see a bored Santa
    just stroking his white beard.
    Bert stared at the odd scene
    for a minute before
    he went to the path that
    ran through the snowy floor.
    He walked down the gold road,
    headed for the one that
    then let out a rather loud
    yawn from where he sat.
    “Bored?” Bert asked to the man
    on the Christmasy throne.
    “I've never been this bored,”
    Santa said with a groan.
    “Where's everyone?” Bert asked.
    “Wish I knew,” Santa said.
    “The only one to come here
    in two hours is you.”
    Bert grinned with, “Guess ebay
    took some business from you.”
    Santa grinned as well and said,
    “That's probably true.
    “I guess kids don't need me
    for their holiday cheer.
    But what's on your Christmas list
    that you'd like this year?”
    Once Bert stood before Santa's
    big, fancy old chair,
    some sadness then began to
    creep into Bert's stare.
    “A new job would be nice,”
    Bert said with some dismay.
    “I just found out that
    mine's gone, earlier today.
    “Also, a way to convince
    my wife Michelle to
    not break up with my ass,
    like she's about to do.”
    Bert gave a saddened smile,
    coupled with a small shrug.
    “Those would do,” he added
    as the smile left his mug.
    Santa looked at Bert with
    a puzzled sympathy,
    then said, “That's a lot to ask
    of someone like me.
    “The folks I work with make toys
    and some clothing too.
    I'm not sure what kind of help
    I could give to you.”
    “Was worth a try,” Bert said
    with a small, unsure laugh.
    That was when a PA
    was made by the mall's staff.
    “The mall will close soon, folks”
    rang out for all to hear.
    “You don't have to go home,
    but you sure can't stay here.
    “You've got fifteen minutes
    to buy your stuff and bounce.
    If you're not done by then,
    then I'll have to announce
    “we're unleashing the dogs
    to chase you all away.
    Thanks for shopping with us.
    Enjoy your holiday.”
    Bert let out a small laugh
    and said, “Guess that's my cue.
    Have a good one, and sorry
    if I bothered you.”
    Without another word,
    Bert turned and walked away
    as Santa looked on as if
    unsure what to say.
    Bert returned to his car
    and drove back home, to where
    he plunked down on the couch
    and quietly sat there.
    Seconds became minutes.
    And as each minute passed,
    it saw him slowly get
    angrier than the last.
    He stewed in his juices
    and his stare became stern
    as his emotions clearly
    continued to churn.
    “I never slacked off,” he griped.
    “I was there each day.
    I don't care what that
    fucking letter has to say.
    “I worked hard moving all
    the furniture around,
    and getting it all there in
    one piece, safe and sound.
    “Toby always told me that
    I worked really well.
    Now they tell me I didn't?
    What the fucking hell?”
    He fell silent for a time
    as he sat alone.
    But soon, he continued
    in a still angry tone.
    “My life's falling apart
    because of that damn place.
    That prick had to know when
    he smiled right to my face
    and told me how I was
    just such a great asset.
    Toby knew that I'd
    already been fired, I bet. ”
    He tried to relax and
    calm himself for a bit.
    At times, he'd mill about.
    At others, he'd just sit
    and brood on what happened
    'till hunger made him eat.
    He had a small dinner of
    some noddles and meat.
    But as he did the dishes,
    his frustration grew.
    And once he was done, he sneered,
    “I know what to do.”
    He went into the bedroom
    and got out a box
    that was made of metal
    and tucked under his socks.
    He used a small key to
    unlock the box's lid,
    then opened it up to
    reveal what the box hid.
    The black metal of the gun,
    while far from pristine
    thanks to scuff marks and scratches,
    still gave off a sheen.
    Bert took out the gun and held
    it for a short bit,
    then said, “Let's see you smile
    when you see this, you shit.”
    He took out the clip that had
    been stored with the gun,
    slid it into the weapon,
    and once that was done,
    he made sure that he had
    his keys and his wallet
    as he mumbled, “I've got me
    some answers to get.”
    He grabbed his jacket and
    put the gun out of sight
    in one of the pockets,
    then stepped into the night.
    He got into his car and
    pulled out his smart phone.
    He dug through his emails
    until his phone had shown
    him what he had looked for;
    an old email that showed
    his ex-boss' address.
    With that, he hit the road.
    It took a good half hour,
    but he soon pulled up to
    the nice two-story home
    that Toby did accrue.
    The home's lights were all on.
    Faint music could be heard.
    Bert mumbled to himself as
    his anger was stirred,
    “I lose my job and most
    likely lost Michelle too.
    While my life goes to shit,
    what does this fucker do?
    “He parties like what he did
    was nothing to him.”
    It was then that Bert chose
    to run with his dark whim.
    He got out of his small car,
    walked across the road,
    and up the driveway of
    his ex-boss' abode.
    He came up to the front door
    with an intent stare.
    But instead of knocking,
    Bert just simply stood there
    with a look on his face
    that mixed ire and unease.
    It was then that he felt
    a light but chilly breeze
    kick up from behind him
    which gave him a small chill.
    “What the-?” he said softly.
    “It's 60 degrees, still.”
    He turned and looked at
    the dark and clear Phoenix skies,
    when a small and white object
    moved before his eyes.
    What looked like a snowflake
    drifted toward where he stood.
    “60 degrees with a snowflake?
    This can't be good.”
    He watched as the snowflake
    meandered through the air.
    Soon it stopped near his face
    and simply hovered there.
    It tumbled and turned as
    Bert brought up a finger
    and reached for it where
    it continued to linger.
    As his finger closed in,
    the snowflake moved away.
    Bert looked dumbfounded and
    unsure of what to say.
    The snowflake continued
    to move away until
    it reached the edge of the house,
    where it became still.
    It hovered again
    as Bert kept his eyes on it.
    After a moment,
    he uttered, “What is this shit?”
    He began to walk over
    toward the snowflake that
    seemed as if it was waiting
    where it hovered at.
    When he got close again,
    it drifted to the right
    around the corner,
    which took the thing from Bert's sight.
    With a little urgency,
    he quickened his pace
    and peaked around the side
    of his ex-boss' place.
    He saw the snowflake
    continue along the wall
    and followed after it,
    like a dog would a ball.
    The snowflake then drifted
    around to the home's back.
    And when Bert did the same,
    he was taken aback.
    Before him was a man,
    dressed in Santa attire.
    This caused Bert to jump slightly,
    and made him inquire,
    “Who the hell are you?”
    as the fat man dug around
    in the large sack before him
    that sat on the ground.
    “I could ask you the same,”
    the man said just before
    he looked up with, “Ah!
    Just who I was looking for.”
    Bert's surprise could be seen on
    his face and raised brow.
    What looked like the mall Santa
    stood before him now.
    “What the-?” Bert said with
    great confusion as the man
    looked back down and uttered,
    “Help me out, if you can.”
    “With what?” Bert then asked
    as he saw the fat man dig
    out an outfit that didn't
    look overly big.
    “Here, put this on,” Santa said
    and held out the clothes.
    “I need a helper tonight
    and I don't suppose
    “you'd be willing to lend me
    a hand for a bit?”
    Bert said to the fat man,
    “This a joke or some shit?”
    “It's no joke,” Santa said
    “My helper called in sick.
    The kids are waiting, so please,
    do put that on, quick.”
    Bert lifted the clothes up and
    gave them a look-see.
    His face then went slack
    as he said, “You're shitting me.”
    He held light green tights and some
    dark green, curl-toed shoes.
    There was also a dark green,
    pointed hat to use
    along with a jacket that
    looked long enough to
    reach down to his knees that was
    the same dark green hue.
    And what rested on top
    of the seasonal clothes?
    Some points for his ears and
    a long tip for his nose.
    But on top of all that,
    was the fact he could tell
    that the clothes looked too small...
    by quite a bit, as well.
    “You want me to be an elf?!”
    Bert yelped with dismay.
    “That's the plan,” Santa said.
    “So help me out, OK?”
    “I didn't come here to
    play dress up,” Bert stated.
    “I know,” Santa said, “but
    just think of how each kid
    “inside of that home will smile
    when they look at you.”
    With a straight face, Bert said,
    “Laugh at me's what they'll do.”
    “Nonsense,” Santa said
    with a small mischievous grin.
    “Just go put that stuff on
    and then we can begin.”
    Bert wasn't sure what to say
    as he looked around
    for someplace he could change clothes.
    But none could be found.
    “Not to be a dick,” Bert said.
    “or come of as rude,
    but I'm not undressing
    right in front of you, dude.”
    “Just use the bush there,”
    Santa said and pointed to
    the small bush behind him.
    “It's big enough for you.”
    Bert looked past the guy.
    And with a puzzled stare,
    he looked to the bush
    he was sure hadn't been there.
    With a slight shake of his head,
    Bert let out a sigh
    as he went to the bush
    that was about waist high.
    From behind the bush,
    Bert mumbled, “This is deranged.”
    And for the elf's outfit,
    his street clothes were exchanged.
    “Dear God, this is tight!”
    Bert grimaced as he got dressed
    and felt his junk be
    uncomfortably compressed.
    Once done, he hid his clothes
    under the shrubbery,
    then stepped out into
    the open for all to see.
    “Jesus Christ,” Bert uttered
    as he stood and looked down
    at himself and his attire.
    “I look like a clown.”
    Santa chuckled a bit,
    then quickly cleared his throat.
    “More like an elf,” he said
    and brushed off his red coat.
    “Now come on, my helper.
    We've got kids to go see.”
    Bert let out a groan
    and grumbled, “Someone shoot me.”
    With a small laugh, Santa said,
    “You'll be just fine, son.
    Put on a Christmas smile
    and let's go have some fun.”
    The two of them went in through
    the sliding glass door
    and heard the party
    farther in on that ground floor.
    The chatter of children
    and music filled the air
    as they looked around
    and saw they were alone there.
    The dining room table
    that they stood before
    had already been set
    with fancy plates and more.
    “Must be their dining room,”
    Bert said while sounding irked.
    “Can't put one past you, huh?”
    Santa said as he smirked.
    With a glance at Santa,
    Bert looked around a bit
    and said, “I can't believe
    I'm here doing this shit.”
    “Why is that?” Santa asked
    as he looked back at Bert.
    “Long story,” Bert answered,
    his reply somewhat curt.
    “That so?” Santa said.
    “I've love to hear this long tale.”
    A moment later,
    Bert spotted Toby's wife, Gail
    as she slid open the
    dividing door that gave
    the dining room privacy
    from the would-be rave.
    “Dear God I hope they don't
    recognize me,” Bert said
    as he kept his voice quiet
    and lowered his head.
    “Don't worry,” Santa smiled
    as Gail noticed them there.
    “The nose will throw them off.
    There's no need for despair.”
    Gail slid the door shut and
    walked over to the men.
    “Wonderful,” she whispered.
    “You're all set to go then?”
    “We're ready,” Santa smiled.
    “Take us to the children.”
    “They'll really love this,” she smiled.
    “Let's go gentlemen.”
    Within one minute's time,
    Santa and Bert were in
    the living room surrounded
    by Toby's children.
    The adults all smiled as
    the kids loudly exclaimed
    that Santa had come with
    an elf that was unnamed.
    Santa greeted each child
    with a big and warm smile,
    as Bert kept himself out
    of the way for a while.
    He stood off to the side
    and kept watch on the sack
    that Santa had had with him
    when they were out back.
    But soon, Bert found himself
    pulled deep into what felt
    like a whirlwind of chaos
    that made his brain melt.
    Kids laughing and yelping
    as Santa did his best
    to make sure that every
    child there had been addressed
    as question after question
    came repeatedly
    from the kids who had asked them
    so excitedly.
    But Santa wasn't alone.
    Bert too found himself
    asked many a question
    about being an elf.
    What's it like at the north pole?
    What he did for fun
    during the six months when
    the north pole had no sun?
    Did his big ears get cold
    around all of that snow?
    Do they all use toilets,
    or an outhouse to go?
    What's it like wearing tights?
    What's up with the weird shoes?
    If he could play just Dark Souls,
    which one would he choose?
    What color was his blood?
    Did he have a girlfriend?
    What happens to Santa's elves
    when they meet their end?
    Where do baby elves come from
    and how small are they?
    How do the reindeer poop
    as they pull Santa's sleigh?
    These questions and much more
    flooded Bert as he tried
    to entertain the kids
    and fight the urge to hide.
    Several of the children asked
    why was he so tall
    when all the pictures they'd seen
    showed elves that were small?
    Bert told the kids that he'd had
    a thyroid problem
    as a child, and that's where
    his growth spurt had come from.
    But that led to more questions
    from the kids because
    none of them knew just what
    the hell a thyroid was.
    For an hour, Bert and Santa
    mingled and talk to
    all those who were there;
    the children and adults, too.
    At the end of that hour,
    Bert and Santa then got
    a chance to take a break...
    which they needed, a lot.
    So Toby distracted
    all the kids with a tale,
    as Bert and Santa were
    smuggled away by Gail
    into the kitchen where
    both men could catch their breath
    as Bert uttered, “I was
    almost questioned to death.”
    Santa laughed a bit with,
    “Kids are like that you know.
    Once they get talking, they'll just
    go and go and go.”
    “Especially ours,” Gail smiled.
    “Like a chatterbox.
    But for now, just stay here
    and let your brains detox.”
    “Thank you, Gail,” Santa said.
    “We appreciate it.”
    “You're welcome,” Gail replied.
    “I'll be back in a bit.”
    Once Gail left the kitchen,
    Bert looked to Santa with,
    “I don't drink, but holy shit,
    I could use a fifth.”
    “Of what?” Santa asked him.
    “Anything,” Bert replied.
    “I feel like part of my brain
    just crawled off and died.”
    “Now now, they're just kids,”
    Santa said with a small smile.
    “They calm down over time.
    It just takes them awhile.”
    Bert said nothing for a bit
    and rubbed his forehead.
    “I have a question,”
    he eventually said.
    Santa turned to face him with,
    “And what would that be?”
    Bert asked, “Why are you doing
    all of this to me?”
    “You said you needed a job,”
    Santa said flatly.
    “So I gave you a job,
    working right here with me.”
    “So you are the Santa
    from the mall,” Bert stated.
    “You got your Christmas wish,”
    Santa smiled. “Elated?”
    “I came to get answers,
    not this,” Bert did reply
    and tugged on his green jacket.
    “I want to know why
    “I was fired, when I worked
    my ass off for Toby.
    I want to know why that
    damn prick did this to me.”
    “Calm down,” Santa said,
    his tone firmer than it was.
    “You should be glad I found you
    when I did, because-”
    It was then that the sound
    of footsteps could be heard,
    which made Santa stop talking
    almost in mid-word.
    It took a few moments,
    but Santa and Bert found
    that they were joined by Toby,
    who was kitchen-bound.
    “Ev'ning, gentlemen,”
    Toby said as he went to
    the refrigerator
    and got himself a brew.
    “My wife and I really
    appreciate you two
    coming here tonight.
    And I know the kids do too.”
    “But of course,” Santa smiled.
    “It's my job, as it were.
    Giving kids Christmas cheer
    is always a pleasure.”
    “You know, speaking of jobs,”
    Bert chimed in with some snark
    as he looked to Toby
    with a stare that was dark.
    “I would like to know why
    you took my job from me
    after you thanked me for
    helping your company.”
    Santa looked to the man
    who'd been his helper elf.
    “Not now,” he said sternly.
    “Get a hold of yourself.”
    Bert looked to Santa with,
    “And when would the time be?
    After I'm homeless and
    Michelle's gone and left me?”
    “Do I know you?” Toby asked,
    his gaze questioning.
    Bert grabbed his nose's tip with,
    “I'm sick of this thing.”
    He gave the thing on his nose
    a good, solid tug.
    But it wouldn't come off,
    as it's fit was quite snug.
    “What the hell?” Bert uttered
    as he tried once again.
    He gave it a much harder tug,
    and that was when
    he felt a pain shoot through
    his nose as he sucked in
    some air through his teeth with,
    “Damn thing's stuck on my skin!”
    He then tried a third time,
    but the pain was intense.
    It made his eyes water
    as he became more tense.
    “What's going on?!” Bert exclaimed
    as his eyes grew wide.
    The tips on his ears were
    the next thing that he tried.
    He gave those ear tips
    he'd put on a solid yank.
    When they didn't come off,
    he yelled, “Is this a prank?!”
    “Calm down,” Santa stated.
    “No!” Bert yelled in return
    as his expression filled with
    even more concern.
    Bert then tried to take off
    the shoes that he had on,
    yet they wouldn't come off
    as he used all his brawn.
    He tried to remove the
    elven jacket he wore,
    and grumbled “I'm not
    wearing this thing anymore!”
    Toby watched with alarm
    as he saw a grown dude
    and the elf clothes he wore
    get into a big feud.
    Then behind all the noises
    Bert made as he fought,
    a small creek came to be,
    which only Santa caught.
    Just a moment later,
    a loud clang could he heard,
    and Bert fell to the floor
    like a bag full of curd.
    Toby's eyes got big as
    he watched the elf-dressed man
    go limply to the floor
    just as a frying pan
    hit the floor with a clunk
    right against the man's head.
    Toby looked up a bit
    and noticed that instead
    of a shut cabinet door
    where the pan had been,
    was a wide open door
    that hadn't kept it in.
    “How'd that fall out?”
    Toby asked rhetorically,
    to which, Santa shrugged with
    a grin and said, “Beat's me.”
    Gail came in quickly
    with, “What was all of that noise?”
    When she saw the knocked out man,
    “Care to explain, boys?”
    “The pan just fell out,”
    Toby explained, bewildered.
    “It and the guy hitting
    the floor is what you heard.”
    “Well, get him up off the floor,”
    Gail said with a sigh.
    “And I'll get an ice pack
    ready for the poor guy.”
    “Tell you what,” Santa said.
    “Why don't the two of you
    go out and keep everyone
    from coming into
    “the kitchen for a bit
    while I take care of this.”
    “Are you sure?” Gail asked.
    Santa nodded, “I am, miss.”
    “Alright,” Gail replied
    before she and Toby went
    and rejoined their kids
    with a distractive intent.
    Once she and Toby had left,
    Santa then looked down
    at the unconscious Bert
    with disheartened frown.
    “Sorry, son,” Santa said
    with his voice quieted.
    “Hope you won't have too big
    of a lump on your head.”
    Santa snapped his fingers
    and the room filled with light.
    Once that light had faded,
    Bert was nowhere in sight.
    Santa waited a bit,
    then rejoined everyone
    who had thrown the small party
    for Christmasy fun.
    The next morning arrived
    and found Bert in his bed.
    His head was quite sore,
    as was to be expected.
    He opened his eyes and
    grimaced a bit at what
    felt as if the back of
    his head had quite the knot.
    He could tell that it was
    still early morning since
    sunlight still came through
    his window, which made him wince.
    With a groan, he sat up
    and could feel his head throb.
    “Dear God,” he sighed. “Feels like
    I got mugged by a mob.”
    He rubbed the soar back
    of his head for a short time,
    then out from under the
    thick covers, he did climb.
    He went into the bathroom
    and relieved himself,
    then looked in the mirror
    and saw he was an elf.
    “What the hell?” he exclaimed
    as he started a bit,
    just as his memories
    of the night before hit.
    He recalled going to
    his old boss' home and
    met a mall Santa,
    to whom he'd given a hand.
    Of questions from kids that
    seemed to not have an end.
    How he'd run into Toby,
    who Bert did intend
    to confront with the way
    he'd been fired from his job.
    But that was where his
    memories became a blob.
    He focused on his
    reflection in the mirror
    while memories of the
    night before grew clearer.
    With a hint of panic,
    he grabbed hold of his nose
    and pulled off the end bit
    as his confusion rose.
    “Oh, now it comes off,” he said
    and stared at the bit
    that wouldn't let go back
    when he'd struggled with it.
    He took off the ear tips
    he'd worn and then did choose
    to remove from his feet,
    the dark green curl-toed shoes.
    Every last thing came off
    without any issue
    as he removed the jacket,
    hat and the tights too.
    He put on his bathrobe and
    began to look for
    the stuff he'd had on
    when he went to Toby's door.
    But those clothes were missing,
    as was the gun he took.
    “Bet that mall Santa kept them,”
    he griped. “The damn crook.”
    He went out into
    the living room and sat down
    on the couch with a rather
    noticeable frown.
    “That was a fucked up night,”
    he groaned as he reached back
    and rubbed the spot where
    something'd given him a whack.
    “Wish I knew what hit me
    on the back of my head,
    or how I got back home
    and wound up in my bed.”
    It took a second before
    he saw the off white
    envelope on the coffee
    table to his right.
    “Where'd this come from?” he asked
    as he reached over to
    pick it up so that he
    could get a better view.
    It's front just said “Bert”
    in a handwriting that he
    didn't know at all.
    He asked, “Who gave this to me?
    “It wasn't here when I left
    last night, that's for sure.”
    He opened it and
    over its text, he did pour.
    “Dear Bert,” it began.
    “I hope that you're doing well.
    You're back home and safe now,
    in case you couldn't tell.
    “I'm sure that you have
    more than a question or two
    about how you got home
    and what happened to you.
    “But rather than tell you
    how all that came to be,
    here is a bit of advice,
    courtesy of me.
    “The path that you wanted
    to head down just last night,
    was one that was dark and
    born of malice and spite.
    “What you went there to do
    would not have ended well.
    The result would have been
    you being in a cell
    or worse if things had taken
    a darker-still turn.
    What laid down that dark road,
    be glad you didn't learn.
    “I know you lost a lot
    in a short bit of time.
    It was a big mountain
    that felt too steep to climb.
    “Anger, pain and frustration
    had filled up your mind,
    and the path to get out
    seemed much too hard to find.
    “For as bad as it seemed,
    it could still have been fixed.
    Yet there you were, set to
    make sure that chance was nixed.
    “I know you lost your job
    by means that felt unfair.
    Your wife got angry and left,
    like she didn't care.
    “That was a lot to have
    dumped on you in one day.
    But it's no solution to
    throw your life away
    “or take someone else's
    in a bid to strike back
    at the world when it felt
    like it cut you no slack.
    “Last night, you came too close
    to losing any way
    of regaining some of
    what you lost yesterday.
    “I get you felt anger,
    along with great despair.
    That what happened had to
    feel so very unfair.
    “It was bad, what your ex-boss
    decided to do.
    It was callus, unfeeling
    and cold-hearted too.
    “But if you had done what
    you'd been thinking about,
    you'd have found yourself
    in a hole, with no way out.
    “Take this chance to learn from
    what nearly cost you all
    of your future plans,
    and the upcoming phone call.
    “Your clothes and gun are gone,
    so don't bother to look
    for them in your home.
    And please, don't call me a crook.
    “You're home despite how
    you'd tried to cause a ruckus.
    And rest assured that last night
    will stay between us.”
    A moment later,
    the letter he held was lit
    like a hundred light bulbs
    had turned on within it.
    The bright light made Bert gasp
    as he turned his head so
    he was not blinded by
    the letter's intense glow.
    With a pop, the light vanished
    and Bert looked at how
    his hands were empty,
    which made him cock an eyebrow.
    “Um, what the hell?” he muttered
    as his phone began
    to go off from his bedroom,
    into which he ran.
    He couldn't find it
    as it continued to ring,
    which prompted him to blurt out,
    “Where is the damn thing?”
    And once he found it
    where he kept his underwear,
    he grumbled, “How the hell
    did this thing get in there?”
    As he shook his head,
    he pressed the green button on
    the screen and brought the phone
    to his face with a yawn.
    “Hello?” he said as he tried
    to fight the yawn down .
    “Hi,” came a woman's voice,
    which made him sadly frown.
    He could hear how pensive
    her voice sounded as he
    uttered, “Michelle?” and
    she answered with, “Yeah, it's me.”
    His face was a mask of
    wariness and unease
    as he remained quiet,
    and in place, seemed to freeze.
    At first, neither spoke,
    as if unsure what to say.
    But in time, it was Michelle
    who asked, “You OK?”
    “Um, yeah, I am,” he answered
    with uncertainty,
    before he asked her, “So uh,
    why did you call me?”
    She said, “I wanted to talk
    with you this morning,
    before we both got busy
    doing anything.”
    “I'm still looking for a job,”
    he said with dismay.
    “I must have checked four
    dozen places yesterday.”
    “It's not about that,” she said.
    “I called you to see
    if you'd be willing
    or able to forgive me.”
    Bert looked like he didn't know
    how he should reply.
    But Michelle continued,
    “I didn't mean to fly
    “off the handle or to
    threaten you with divorce.”
    “You still want me?” he asked,
    and she answered, “Of course.”
    Bert said, “But the all things
    you told me, made it sound
    like you wanted to burn
    our marriage to the ground.
    “I was telling you the truth,
    but you didn't care.
    You just seemed to be
    done with me, right then and there.”
    “I know, and I'm sorry,”
    she said remorsefully.
    “I overreacted and
    it was wrong of me
    “to shit on you after
    what had happened that day.
    The thing is, I'm sorry's
    not all I need to say.
    “Last night, while I was
    lying in my bed alone,
    all I wanted to do
    was call you on the phone.
    “'Cuz the more I thought
    about the things that I'd said,
    the more I felt like I
    wasn't right in the head.
    “How I'd left you behind
    began to eat at me.
    It just bothered me
    to a serious degree.
    “I knew you were asleep,
    but still wanted to call.
    See how you were and
    apologize for it all.
    “But above all, to say
    that I really miss you.”
    Bert began to smile and
    replied, “I miss you too.”
    As they talked on the phone,
    they began to work through
    what had happened and how
    that moment went askew.
    She told him that tomorrow,
    she would book a flight,
    after he told her what
    went on Christmas Eve night.
    He left out the part where
    he'd brought along a gun,
    and instead focused on what
    had been strangely fun.
    The questions the kids asked,
    the outfit that he'd worn
    which made his dignity
    something he had to morn.
    He smiled as he listened
    to who he ' nearly lost.
    He thought about his life,
    which he had nearly tossed
    away with his actions
    due to where his mind went.
    Of how grateful he was
    for the Santa-like gent
    that he'd run into
    at Toby's the night before.
    And how he still had
    the woman he did adore.
    So much went so wrong
    in just a few minute's time.
    Like his life hit the brakes
    and just stopped on a dime.
    He'd gone to a bad place,
    filled with disdain and rage;
    almost brought someone's story
    to it's final page.
    But now he could see that
    his actions almost cost
    him the chance to regain
    what he'd felt had been lost.
    And as Bert and Michelle
    worked to make all alright,
    Merry Christmas to all.
    And to all, a good night.
  8. Like
    Dyne reacted to Lampje4life in An OverClocked Christmas v.XV   
    @Dyne and @The Coop you're awesome! Let's keep the tradition going even though we all get older and busier. Please know it's much, much appreciated.
    Sending my track now in DM.
  9. Like
    Dyne got a reaction from FermionAce in An OverClocked Christmas v.XV   
    You know, I almost entirely forgot about this. It's...it's been a long year. That said, I'll be ready to build the new page and update the site. Though, to be honest, it's really time to update the design, too. I've been rather lax with it. Maybe I'll add a sidebar. Maybe not... Anyway, It'll be fun to post the project again this year. I'm looking forward to it.
  10. Like
    Dyne got a reaction from Lampje4life in An OverClocked Christmas v.XV   
    You know, I almost entirely forgot about this. It's...it's been a long year. That said, I'll be ready to build the new page and update the site. Though, to be honest, it's really time to update the design, too. I've been rather lax with it. Maybe I'll add a sidebar. Maybe not... Anyway, It'll be fun to post the project again this year. I'm looking forward to it.
  11. Like
    Dyne got a reaction from The Coop in An OverClocked Christmas v.XV   
    You know, I almost entirely forgot about this. It's...it's been a long year. That said, I'll be ready to build the new page and update the site. Though, to be honest, it's really time to update the design, too. I've been rather lax with it. Maybe I'll add a sidebar. Maybe not... Anyway, It'll be fun to post the project again this year. I'm looking forward to it.
  12. Like
    Dyne got a reaction from HoboKa in An OverClocked Christmas v.XV   
    You know, I almost entirely forgot about this. It's...it's been a long year. That said, I'll be ready to build the new page and update the site. Though, to be honest, it's really time to update the design, too. I've been rather lax with it. Maybe I'll add a sidebar. Maybe not... Anyway, It'll be fun to post the project again this year. I'm looking forward to it.
  13. Like
    Dyne got a reaction from colorado weeks in An OverClocked Christmas v.XV   
    You know, I almost entirely forgot about this. It's...it's been a long year. That said, I'll be ready to build the new page and update the site. Though, to be honest, it's really time to update the design, too. I've been rather lax with it. Maybe I'll add a sidebar. Maybe not... Anyway, It'll be fun to post the project again this year. I'm looking forward to it.
  14. Like
    Dyne got a reaction from Wassup Thunder in An OverClocked Christmas v.XV   
    You know, I almost entirely forgot about this. It's...it's been a long year. That said, I'll be ready to build the new page and update the site. Though, to be honest, it's really time to update the design, too. I've been rather lax with it. Maybe I'll add a sidebar. Maybe not... Anyway, It'll be fun to post the project again this year. I'm looking forward to it.
  15. Like
    Dyne reacted to The Coop in 'Twas XIX: One Night At A Time   
    Thanks. Yeah, nearly 20 years of this. I may have to try and come up with something special for 'Twas XX.
    Heh. Sure, blame it on me
    To all those who made their way through this 25-page beast of stanzas, hope you enjoyed it. And of course, Merry Christmas
  16. Like
    Dyne reacted to The Coop in An OverClocked Christmas v.XIV   
    With Christmas Eve nearly over, and Christmas Day about to hit, hope everyone enjoyed the music this year
  17. Thanks
    Dyne got a reaction from The Coop in An OverClocked Christmas v.XIV   
    I have uploaded the corrected version of the back cover as well as updated the .rar file as well. 
  18. Like
    Dyne got a reaction from Wassup Thunder in An OverClocked Christmas v.XIV   
    I have uploaded the corrected version of the back cover as well as updated the .rar file as well. 
  19. Like
    Dyne reacted to The Coop in An OverClocked Christmas XIV   
    And with that, this album project is finished. I've sent it to Dyne to put on the official website, so now it's just a matter of waiting. Once he has it all set, I'll post a link to the thread for the album release in here. While we wait, for those who didn't get their tracks done, feel free to continue working on them and send them to me. They can go on AOCC v.XV next year. You'll just get them done waaaaaaaaaay early .
  20. Like
    Dyne reacted to The Coop in 'Twas XIX: One Night At A Time   
    And here we are again, good people of OCR. It's December 18, one week before Christmas, and the next poem in this little tradition of mine is ready to go. So relax, grab a stiff drink, and something to munch on. Here... we... go!

    Twas XIX: One Night At A Time
    The Coop
    Twas the night before Christmas
    and from where she stood,
    Liane stared thoughtfully at
    her old neighborhood.
    The bridge that she stood on
    stretched across a river
    that was running some
    one hundred feet below her.
    It was just outside of town,
    not far from the mall.
    It gave her a good view
    so she could take in all
    the sights and colors that
    lit up the cold night air
    as she looked off with a
    somewhat despondent stare.
    Yet for a brief moment,
    she let a small smile come
    to her, 'fore it went back
    to where it had come from.
    Her eyes left the scene of
    distant colorful lights,
    for she wasn't in the mood
    for such thoughts or sights.
    Her stare lowered a touch
    as she stood in place and
    looked at the falling snow
    as she held up her hand.
    The snowflakes landed on
    her dark jacket and she
    took in the six-sided flakes
    she could clearly see;
    each flake's lovely design
    and tiny, fragile form,
    created by the impending
    winter snow storm.
    She watched as more flakes
    collected on her dark sleeve;
    something that gave her a
    brief moment of reprieve
    from the thoughts that had been
    taking root in her mind;
    ones that were not of the
    “merry” or “good cheer” kind.
    It was then that she heard
    footsteps off to her right.
    She looked over and saw
    a peculiar sight.
    A man in a long coat
    that was colored deep red,
    with black boots on his feet
    and white hair on his head,
    was walking toward her
    with a smile on his round face,
    from which hung a white beard
    that was not out of place.
    He had quite the belly,
    and deep wrinkles that told
    of the many years behind him,
    in each one's fold.
    “Good ev'ning young lady,”
    the man smiled as he neared,
    bringing up his right hand
    and stroking his thick beard.
    He turned his head and looked
    off at the same lights that
    the woman he'd spoken to
    had been looking at.
    “Lovely, aren't they?”
    he added. “They're such a sight
    to behold as they glow
    so brightly on this night.”
    “Usually,” she said,
    her voice rather subdued.
    The man asked, “Why are you not
    in a jolly mood?”
    “Don't you have something else
    to be doing?” she spat.
    “The last thing I want is
    any idle chit chat.”
    “My apologies,” he said
    as his good cheer fell.
    “I was just on my way back
    from my work, and well...
    “I saw you standing here
    and just wanted to say,
    that I hope you have a
    wonderful Christmas Day.”
    Liane looked him up and down,
    then nodded a bit.
    “You a mall Santa?” she asked.
    “You'd be a good fit.”
    “Something like that,” he smiled.
    “But, if you would prefer,
    I'll leave you alone and
    give you space, as it were.”
    “I'd appreciate that,”
    she said in a flat tone.
    “I really just want the chance
    to be left alone.”
    “Then I'll be on my way,”
    the man said quietly.
    Without another word,
    he left and let her be.
    It wasn't long before
    the man was out of sight,
    which left her as she felt;
    all alone in the night.
    Her thoughts about him
    gave her pause for a moment.
    Her gaze drifted down,
    and a grin came as it went.
    But this pause did not last
    and soon she began to
    revisit dark thoughts of
    what she'd gone there to do.
    With it just shy of midnight,
    no one was around.
    Just the slowly falling
    snowflakes that were abound.
    She remained there, alone,
    as she stood on the bridge
    motionless until both
    her feet moved just a smidge.
    Her grip on the cold handrail
    soon grew more intense
    as she continued to stand
    in complete silence.
    No one was there to see
    the resigned look that grew
    in her saddening stare,
    and her expression too.
    It was then that Liane
    climbed over the handrail,
    then felt dizzy enough
    that she began to flail
    one arm in the air as she
    used her other hand
    to steady herself with
    the rail where she did stand.
    Her face filled with panic
    as she looked down below
    at the dark void where she
    could hear the river flow.
    With one hand on the railing,
    she let out a sigh.
    She looked to the colored lights,
    then uttered, “Goodbye.”
    Liane leaned toward the void,
    let go of the handrail,
    then fell through the cold air
    without a word or wail.
    The wind rushed past her,
    growing louder as she fell
    for what felt to her like
    an impossible spell.
    But soon the cold water
    was approaching her fast.
    She then took in a breath;
    one she hoped was her last.
    A moment later,
    a hard slap rang out and she
    felt a flash of great pain
    as she thought, Now I'm free.
    It was for just a moment,
    that all had flashed white
    and taken what she'd seen
    on this Christmas Eve night.
    But soon, that white began
    to fade to a deep gray,
    one that surrounded her
    and did not fade away.
    It was like a dense fog
    that shifted and slowly
    swirled all around her,
    and made all seem quite murky.
    She looked down at her feet
    that saw what she stood on.
    It was the only spot
    where the fog was all gone.
    In its place, was what looked
    like a deep frozen lake,
    covered in ice that seemed
    too thick to ever break.
    She took a small step and
    heard the ice give a CRACK!
    which startled her and made
    her take that step right back.
    “Where am I?” Liane asked.
    “Did I survive the fall?”
    She heard her echo,
    as if off a distant wall.
    “Hello?” she called out.
    “Is there anybody here?”
    “Just me,” came a reply.
    “I'm here with you, my dear.”
    Liane looked around at the
    ever shifting mist.
    “Show yourself!” she cried out,
    then heard, “If you insist.”
    From off to her right,
    she could see a shape start to
    come through the thick fog,
    and she asked, “Um, who are you?”
    “You don't know me?” came the voice.
    “You should. After all,
    you've known about me since
    you were just two feet tall.”
    With each step, the figure
    began to grow clearer.
    More details stood out
    as each step brought it nearer.
    Red and white fuzzy patches
    began to congeal
    into someone that
    seemed familiar, yet unreal.
    A red coat with white fur
    that lined its waist and cuffs.
    Shiny black boots that had
    no dull spots, cracks or scuffs.
    A red pointy hat that
    had white fur on its base
    and a fuzzy white-balled top
    that hung by his face.
    His gloves were pure white.
    His black belt hugged his belly
    that jiggled as he walked,
    as if made of jelly.
    His long hair and his beard
    were as white as fresh snow.
    She knew who it was and
    let out a baffled, “Whoa.”
    “Hello, Liane,” the man said,
    he tone soft and kind.
    “This isn't real,” she said.
    “I think I've lost my mind!”
    “I'm quite real,” he said
    as he walked up to her and
    gave her a wistful smile
    as he held out his hand.
    “We've met before,” he smiled
    with a warmth in his stare.
    “It was on the bridge, yes?
    I'm quite sure it was there.”
    She took a step back and
    kept her hands at her chest.
    “Don't touch me!” she uttered
    to the man who was dressed
    like a rented Santa
    from some nearby big store.
    With a panicked stare,
    “Who the fuck are you?” she swore.
    “Do you really need to ask?”
    he said with a wink.
    “My attire make's it pretty
    obvious, I think.”
    “You're not him,” Liane spat.
    “There is no way in hell.
    You're some kind of mind trick
    that came from when I fell!”
    She took a second step
    and again heard the CRACK!
    of the ice, which brought her
    to stop taking steps back.
    “About that,” the man said
    as he moved up to her.
    “Don't move too much, please.
    You're on thin ice, as it were.”
    “I'm what?” she asked as she
    looked utterly confused
    at the analogy
    that the man had just used.
    He took her right hand and
    held it up in the air.
    That was when Liane noticed
    the bad bruising there.
    “This isn't a dream,” he said,
    “or some kind of ruse.
    I'm very much real,
    just like what's causing this bruise.”
    “Wait,” Liane said. “The fall.
    Does this mean that I'm dead?”
    “Not yet, but that time isn't
    far off,” the man said.
    “I don't understand,” she said.
    “What the hell is this?”
    He gave her a sad smile
    and asked, “What happened, Miss?
    “What brought you to this point?
    What went so very wrong?”
    When she gave no reply,
    “Please, I can't stay for long.
    “Your time's running very short,
    so please talk to me.”
    She pulled her hand away with,
    “Look, just leave me be.”
    She looked down at her hand
    and she was clearly pissed.
    The bruise there was bigger
    and it spread to her wrist.
    “What the hell?” she uttered
    with a vexed, puzzled tone
    as she began to feel pain
    that dug to the bone.
    She looked to the man
    with some panic in her eyes.
    He said, “This is what happens
    before someone dies.”
    “I'm dying?” Liane asked
    as she watched the bruise grow
    over her whole forearm,
    then up to her elbow.
    “You are,” the man said.
    “And your time is running out.
    Please talk to me, Liane.
    What brought this all about?”
    Liane watched as the bruise
    slowly grew larger still.
    And panic in her, this
    sight did greatly instill.
    “Who the hell are you?” she asked,
    her voice filled with fear.
    He then simply smiled with,
    “You know who I am, dear.”
    For a moment, her words
    could no longer come out,
    and she winced as the pain
    that continued to sprout
    from the growing bruise
    that had covered her whole arm.
    “Where am I?” she asked,
    her voice filled with much alarm.
    “You're in the last moments
    of your life,” the man said.
    “That final bit before
    you're gone and truly dead.
    “I know you're growing scared,
    but I'm right here with you.
    But before our time ends,
    what I'd like you to do
    “is to tell me what pushed
    you to reach this moment.
    What made you seek this out
    as if you were hellbent?”
    Liane stood dumbfounded,
    unsure of what to say.
    But after a second,
    she turned her gaze away.
    “This is some nightmare,” she spat.
    “It doesn't make sense.
    You're lying to me
    like I'm ignorant or dense.”
    “I wish I was, Liane,”
    the man said with remorse.
    “These are your final moments.
    Your life's run it's course.”
    “If that's true,” she said with ire,
    “then just let me die!”
    The man looked heartbroken
    and asked her simply, “Why?”
    She turned away from him,
    as she winced in pain and
    looked at the massive bruise
    on her right arm and hand.
    “My husband cheated on me,
    then shifted the blame
    and said that I had done it.
    So ev'ryone came
    “to his rescue as if
    I had been the bad guy.
    No one believed me,
    regardless of how I'd try
    “to show I was the one
    who been cheated on.
    But ev'ryone believed him.
    My friends were all gone.
    “Then in the divorce,
    my husband said that I had
    abused my son daily.
    Then things got really bad.
    “He accused me of being
    an alcoholic,
    then made up all these lies
    to help make it all stick.
    “I pleaded and swore what
    he said wasn't the case.
    But somehow, I had it all
    blow up in my face.
    “The judge took ev'rything.
    My ex-husband had won
    the house and full custody
    of my only son.
    “I was barely allowed
    to visit with my son.
    Then I lost that too
    once that Covid had begun.
    “I was just hanging on
    with my job as it was.
    Then back in November,
    I was let go because
    “the store I worked at
    chose to cut my position.
    One day I had work,
    and the next day, I was done.
    “I tried for unemployment,
    but I was turned down.
    So I took a hotel room
    on the edge of town.
    “I got that check for
    1,200, but it went fast.
    I tried to stretch it out,
    but it just didn't last.”
    “I was broke and lonely.
    I had nowhere to turn.
    The world was against me
    and just watched my life burn.
    “My friends all turned away.
    My family did the same.
    I really needed someone,
    but nobody came.”
    Liane brought her bruised hand up
    and covered her eyes.
    “I was someone they came
    to completely despise.”
    The man stood quietly and
    watched as Liane fought
    with ev'rything inside her
    that made her so wrought
    with sorrow and anger
    from all that she'd been through.
    In a soft voice he said,
    “So you chose this for you.”
    “What else could I do?” she asked
    through a fought down sob.
    “My rent is past due and
    I've got no goddamn job.
    “I got a note from my
    landlord that says I'll be
    evicted on the second
    of January.
    “My family hates me,
    and my friends feel the same.
    My life went to complete shit,
    yet I'm not to blame.
    “No one gives a damn and
    I can't take anymore
    of ev'ryone thinking
    I'm some abusive whore.”
    With a grimace of pain,
    she unzipped her thick coat
    with a hand that looked like
    it was starting to bloat.
    With concern in her eyes,
    she pulled up her shirt some,
    as she noticed her hand
    had started to feel numb.
    The large bruise on her arm,
    was not just forming there.
    She could see it spreading
    seemingly ev'rywhere.
    It was on her belly
    and growing on her side.
    And the pain she felt was
    impossible to hide.
    “What's happening?” she asked
    as she looked to the man
    she had been speaking with
    as her bruised arm began
    to feel as if it were
    starting to fall asleep.
    And into her eyes,
    more panic began to creep.
    “Where we are is like limbo,”
    the man said calmly.
    “Time is much slower here,
    but not stopped completely.
    “It crawls forward so that
    things still happen in here
    that mirror what happens
    in the real world, my dear.”
    “I don't understand,” she said.
    “What does that all mean?”
    The man gave a sad smile
    with, “We are in-between
    “life and death in this moment
    that we briefly share.
    You're not dead yet, Liane,
    but you are nearly there.
    “What you see is a slowed
    version of what happened
    the moment you hit
    the water just one second
    “before I brought you here
    so we could have a talk
    and see if from your life,
    you're still wishing to walk.”
    “So, I'm not dead, but I'm
    not alive,” Liane posed.
    “No,” he said. “But you life's book
    will shortly be closed.”
    “Let it close” she sneered.
    “I just don't care anymore.
    Just leave me alone and
    let me walk through death's door.”
    “I can't do that,” he said.
    “It's not in me to do
    something as callus as
    turning away from you.”
    “Why should you care?” she asked.
    “No one else gives a damn.
    They're just as sick of me
    as I sure as hell am.”
    The man looked at her sadly
    and said with remorse,
    “If that's your choice, Liane,
    you can make it, of course.
    “But while I know you're in pain,
    in more ways than one,
    is what others did reason
    enough to be done
    “with the world around you
    without fighting back for
    the chance to reclaim some
    of what was taken, or
    “to find a way for you
    to start your life over?”
    He stepped up to Liane
    and placed a hand on her
    shoulder as his eyes
    were filled with much sympathy.
    “But please, let me say this,
    if you'll listen to me.
    “What happened was unfair
    and heinous to go through.
    It hurt you very deeply.
    I know this is true.
    “But of those that you lost,
    some are not gone for good.
    Your life may be painful,
    but I think that you should
    “not let the man you loved
    or your own family
    push you out of this world
    for all eternity.
    “You ache and you're tired.
    I understand this too well.
    But there's one thing to you,
    I can truthfully tell.
    “As bad as all of this
    has been feeling to you,
    I believe that you still
    have the strength to get through
    “the mess that's swirling
    around you at this moment.
    You have already survived
    so much as you went
    “through a divorce and
    all that followed after it.
    You have made it this far,
    taking hit after hit.
    “I know things feel much too dark
    to continue on.
    But I promise, others
    will miss you if you're gone.”
    “Oh, like who?” Liane spat.
    “My landlord or that guy
    who peaks out his door,
    and gives me the evil eye?”
    “I can't really say,” he said,
    as he cupped her chin.
    “If you want to get back
    at them, don't let them win.
    “Don't let them define you
    and tell you who you are.
    Don't allow their vile actions
    to push you this far.
    “Turn away and just leave if
    they won't let you be.
    Write them all out of your life
    and get yourself free
    “of all the reminders
    of what they put you through.
    Don't worry about them
    and just focus on you.
    “You were a good person
    before things went so wrong.
    That much hasn't changed, Liane.
    You need to stay strong
    “and see that this world,
    despite all it's put you through,
    would still be a lesser place
    if it loses you.”
    Liane said nothing as
    she stood while what he'd said
    hung over them both as it
    echoed in her head.
    Her body ached more as
    the bruising continued
    to spread under her clothes
    where it couldn't be viewed.
    He took his hand from her chin
    as the bruising spread
    up her neck and continued
    slowly toward her head.
    “They tried to hurt you,” he said,
    his voice soft and kind.
    “Show them your great strength and
    leave this outcome behind.”
    “I don't know if I can,”
    she said in a meek voice.
    “I do,” he said warmly.
    “But you must make your choice
    “now if you hope to
    take back what you will soon lose.
    So please tell me Liane,
    what is it that you choose?”
    Liane grimaced again
    as the bruise reached her jaw.
    Pain shot through her body
    as she looked down and saw
    that her hands were swollen
    and split open as well.
    She couldn't feel her legs
    and had started to smell
    a strange odor that was
    not unlike rotting meat.
    Her body had grown cold
    and she felt her heartbeat
    had started to slow and
    get weaker with each hit.
    She knew what was coming
    and soon uttered, “Oh shit!”
    “Make your choice,” the man said,
    his voice filled with unease.
    Liane looked to the man,
    then said, “Send me back, please!”
    With a flash of white light,
    she no longer felt pain
    and found herself on
    that cold, snowy bridge again.
    Then a wave of dizziness
    swept over her too,
    which gave her a powerful
    sense of deja vu
    as she gripped the rail firmly
    and looked down below
    at where the cold, dark river
    continued to flow.
    “I'm back where I was?”
    Liane said with some surprise
    as her sense of bewilderment
    shown in her eyes.
    For a moment, she stood
    on the handrail's wrong side,
    but quickly stepped over it
    while she was wide-eyed.
    She looked about at the scene
    that surrounded her.
    At the falling snow and
    the distant lights that were
    filled with dots of colors
    like blue, red, green and more.
    At the old neighborhood
    that she used to adore
    back when her life was
    filled with joy and family.
    But that stuff felt like such
    a distant memory.
    She lowered her gaze
    and stared down at the river
    that she thought would be
    some kind of release for her.
    Her stare drifted a bit
    as her mind did the same.
    She then turned and walked off
    back the way that she came.
    She left the bridge behind
    and went back to her pad;
    an old run down apartment
    that housed all she had.
    She looked very drained as
    she got herself undressed
    before she climbed into bed
    with such little zest,
    it was almost as if
    she wasn't really there.
    But she was far too worn out
    to pretend to care.
    It took barely a minute,
    but sleep came for her
    and took Liane away
    to dreamland, as it were.
    The alarm soon went off,
    which pulled her from her sleep.
    She slapped its snooze button
    and didn't make a peep
    as she rolled onto her back
    and laid there a bit
    with a drawn look that told
    of her beaten spirit.
    But in time, she got up
    and got herself some food,
    as she tried to shake off
    her melancholy mood.
    As she sat at the table,
    she heard the small squeak
    of the mail slot in her door,
    which brought her to peak
    from where she was sitting
    to see if she could tell
    whether or not from
    that small slot, a letter fell.
    And sure enough, there was
    a letter on the floor.
    She got up from the table
    and went to the door.
    She reached down and picked up
    what someone had slipped in.
    She saw that the envelope
    had nothing written
    anywhere on its front
    and not on the thing's rear.
    She then muttered, “Now who
    in the hell put this here?”
    She went to the sofa
    and sat down before she
    opened the envelope with,
    “Who gave this to me?”
    She took out a folded
    sheet of old, thick parchment.
    When she opened it up,
    she picked up the faint scent
    of peppermint candy
    that was mixed with the smell
    of burning wood, like from
    a fireplace, as well.
    “Dear Liane,” she uttered as
    she began to read.
    “I hope that you're better,
    after your time of need.
    “We spoke for a short time
    while you were in such pain
    from how life had become
    far too much of a strain
    “on your broken heart and
    on your world-weary mind.
    So much so, that it left
    you in a horrid bind.
    “I know things seem hopeless
    at this point in your life.
    That ev'ryone and -thing
    is out to cause you strife.
    “But please do not forget that,
    just like each new day
    these bad moment's will pass
    and start to fade away.
    “Their pain will lessen
    bit by bit as time goes by.
    And though at times it will seem
    far too hard to try
    “to push on through it all,
    please don't give up the fight.
    A new day will follow
    each dark, harrowing night.
    “It may seem as if there's
    no way for you to win,
    but don't let those thoughts rule you.
    Don't let those thoughts in.
    “You're stronger than you know,
    even if you don't feel
    as if you can face the world
    when it makes you reel
    “back in anguish or sadness
    when it comes at you.
    And I hope that last night
    showed you what not to do.
    “Don't let liars and those who
    wrong you have their way.
    Don't let those who hurt you
    get your life's final say.
    “It won't always be easy,
    but please, don't give in.
    Take last night's dark moment as
    a chance to begin
    “the next chapter in your tale,
    not the final one.
    See it as a sunrise
    and not a setting sun.
    “New days bring new moments
    that can be good or bad.
    Some will be wonderful,
    while others, will be sad.
    “But face them all, and know that
    you can make it though.
    Even if you doubt yourself,
    I believe in you.
    “I wish you all the best
    on this bright Christmas Day.
    Stay safe, well and healthy,
    and don't forget to say
    “'I love you' to her when
    she calls you up, my dear.
    And say 'yes' when she asks
    if Santa Claus was here.”
    Liane was confused as she
    looked at what she'd read.
    There were quite a few questions
    that ran through her head.
    A moment later, the phone
    let out a loud ring
    which gave her a fright and
    brought her to quickly bring
    her attention to her phone
    that was sitting on
    the table by the couch
    as she let out a yawn.
    The next moment saw
    the room fill with a white light
    that made her gasp from how
    it was blindingly bright.
    It lasted just a second
    before it winked out.
    She blinked a few times
    and said, “What was that about?”
    She looked down at her hands
    and saw the note was gone.
    That was when she uttered,
    “What the hell's going on?”
    Her phone continued to ring
    as she sat with a
    confused, annoyed look,
    'till she said, “Yeah! OK.”
    She reached over and picked up
    her phone's receiver.
    With it next to her face,
    a “Hello?” came from her.
    “Hi Liane,” came a voice
    that Liane hadn't heard
    in quite a few months.
    It was one that quickly stirred
    her emotions as she sat there,
    taken aback.
    “Mom?” she managed to say
    with her face a bit slack.
    “It's me, honey,” came
    a somewhat subdued reply.
    In just a few seconds,
    Liane began to cry.
    “Hi Mom,” Liane said,
    with her voice cracking as she
    let out a sob while her
    tears began to run free.
    “I've missed you,” she added
    as she tried to regain
    some control of what was like
    a runaway train.
    “I've missed you too, honey,”
    her mom said as she too
    had her own stirred up feelings
    begin to shine through.
    For an hour and a half,
    Liane and her mom spoke.
    At first, it was quite rough as
    their words did evoke
    a lot of bad moments
    and feelings in Liane.
    But slowly, that had faded,
    and over the span
    of the time they'd been talking,
    some things did improve.
    They laughed here and there
    and the mood began to move
    from one of unease and
    uncertainty abound,
    to one where some comfort
    had finally been found.
    It was as they talked about
    all things Christmasy,
    that Liane grabbed the remote,
    turned on the T.V.
    and soon found herself watching
    the city's parade
    as she took in the floats
    that volunteers had made.
    Her mother was saying
    how her father had been,
    when the cam'ra on T.V.
    began to zoom in
    on a float that looked much like
    a big Santa's sleigh
    as the announcer said,
    “And Santa's on his way!”
    The cam'ra continued
    to zoom in closer still.
    As it did so, Liane's mind
    had begun to fill
    with a strong feeling of
    One that brought her to utter,
    “Are you kidding me?”
    There, on her T.V.'s screen,
    she could see Santa's face.
    She recognized it well,
    which made her freeze in place.
    It was the same man she'd seen
    on the bridge last night
    and in the void after she'd
    given up life's fight.
    That was when the man
    on T.V. turned his head and
    looked at her with a smile
    and brought up his right hand.
    He waved and winked as if
    somehow, the man could see
    Liane as she sat and watched
    him through her T.V.
    Her bewilderment swelled,
    but after a short while,
    her face became graced
    with a warm, genuine smile.
    She turned off the T.V.
    and brought her focus to
    what her mother was saying
    when she said, “And you?”
    “And me what?” Liane asked
    as she realized that
    she'd missed what her mom
    recently said in their chat.
    “Did Santa visit you?”
    her mother repeated.
    Liane smiled a bit and said,
    “He certainly did.”
    Liane continued to talk
    with her mom a while.
    They touched on Liane's
    ex-husband's spouted revile.
    Of all that Liane had
    gone through when ev'ryone
    wrote her out of their lives
    when the divorce was done.
    Of the pain, abandonment,
    and many a tear.
    Of how she felt so alone
    for nearly a year.
    Her mother then stated,
    “This is long overdue,
    but I'm deeply sorry
    I turned my back on you.
    “We walked away when
    you needed someone so bad.
    We left you on your own
    when we were all you had.
    “I hope you'll be able
    to forgive us someday.
    Until then, just know that
    we'll help in anyway
    “that we can to make up
    for all that you've endured.
    We'll be there for you.
    On that, you can rest assured.”
    “Thanks mom,” Liane smiled,
    then added, “I love you.”
    Her mother replied with
    a heartfelt, “Love you too.”
    As they continued to chat,
    Christmas Day rolled on
    until hours later,
    when the daylight was gone
    and like the night before,
    colored lights shined anew
    as the night came alive
    with their many a hue.
    At times, the world can feel
    very cold, dark and cruel.
    Like it revels in things
    that only seem to fuel
    the darkest of thoughts in
    the minds of some people,
    and makes a problem that
    feels like a huge steeple
    that's too high to jump over
    or climb past somehow.
    As if it were a cliff
    that would never allow
    that person to get by
    and find some way to heal
    from what caused them to endure
    a tragic ordeal.
    Just when Liane's life was
    about to reach its end,
    she was given one last chance
    to let her heart mend.
    To withstand what had been done
    to her and her world
    and give more of her life
    a chance to be unfurled.
    This steep cliff had been climbed,
    yet still more lay ahead.
    Her moment of weakness,
    now gave her strength instead.
    This step could have never
    been taken if her life
    had been left to be claimed
    by dark moments of strife.
    And as her life's new start
    gave off its growing light,
    Merry Christmas to all,
    and to all, a good night.
  21. Like
    Dyne got a reaction from The Coop in An OverClocked Christmas XIV   
    In case anyone was wondering, I'm still alive, and I'm still watching. I'll be authoring up the page for the new album this week and will be looking forward to finishing it up once the album is finished. As always, I'm happy that folks are participating and I look forward to hearing your tracks as always!
  22. Like
    Dyne got a reaction from Dj Mokram in An OverClocked Christmas XIV   
    In case anyone was wondering, I'm still alive, and I'm still watching. I'll be authoring up the page for the new album this week and will be looking forward to finishing it up once the album is finished. As always, I'm happy that folks are participating and I look forward to hearing your tracks as always!
  23. Haha
    Dyne reacted to The Coop in An OverClocked Christmas XIV   
  24. Thanks
    Dyne got a reaction from HoboKa in An OverClocked Christmas XIV   
    In case anyone was wondering, I'm still alive, and I'm still watching. I'll be authoring up the page for the new album this week and will be looking forward to finishing it up once the album is finished. As always, I'm happy that folks are participating and I look forward to hearing your tracks as always!
  25. Like
    Dyne got a reaction from HoboKa in Signatures disabled   
    I did not realize this. I've not been on the forums nearly as much as I used to be. I wanted to suggest link icons that folks could click to go to an artists site or bandcamp page or some social network profile/site/etc. with placement of such under their user name "card" at the left of the posts they make, but, after reading other comments here, that might be a worthless idea anyway. Guess even I need to get with the times.
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