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Dash Myoku

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Everything posted by Dash Myoku

  1. Why thank you SleepyFroggy! The Violin is from EWQLSO: Gold Edition (East West Quantum Leap Symphony Orchestra). So, I'd say that definitely rules out the live-recording...though I wish I could play the Violin. Such a beautiful instrument.
  2. And here we have...a post! Check out the first post for...ya know, stuff.
  3. Arthur is beast in MvC3, I'm so happy they put him in. I'm not sure about MMX, though...I'd prefer Mega Man Trigger, if anything. Yes, I know he was in TvC, but that game sucked. >.> Either way, has anyone been playing with Jill? I haven't been able to play for a good little bit and she was going to be apart of my A-Team (Felicia, Arthur/Jill, Morrigan).
  4. OC...don't do drugs.

  5. You know, that was pretty awesome. It definitely needs to be longer... And I didn't want to have to say this...but it needs more Cowbell man.
  6. I actually enjoy it...though I will say that your melodies are pretty drowned out by the 8bit-ish synth you have going throughout the track. That, and there was no real bassline...but then again, my headphones suck. It's very clean, however. So props on that. It also wouldn't hurt to add a breakdown section somewhere and then come back with a doubled melody of some sort. I dunno, just stuff I hear in muh head. Good work overall though.
  7. I like this...a lot, actually. My only gripe with it is the EQ stuff. The higher ranges are dull and could use some sprucing up. Other than that, I'm content with this. :3
  8. ...I had to stop at 1:56. It was getting to be a chore to continue listening, unfortunately. I really can't say much, Rozovian pretty much got the nail...ya know, right there on the head.
  9. lol Thanks...it's 3 years old and I like to think I've progressed as a composer, at least. I hope Brandon can make something epicly awesome...or I will be disappointed. NO PRESSURE!
  10. Alright, don't let the title of this throw you off...this ain't a remix from RE3...as it, you know, states in the title. >_________> *Ahem* Anyways, my RE2 safe room remix is on the "To Be Judged" list right now and I have a feeling it won't pass. So, I decided to write up a new remix that would possibly have a better chance of succeeding. The source? RE1's Safe Room theme! http://tindeck.com/listen/iwyq This is currently what I have. I've spent a good bit of my night already getting this to sound exactly how I want it to. Don't mind the low volume, it's suppose to be that way. The later part of the track is suppose to build. Dynamics, yay! I also switched the time sig from 3/4 to 4/4...just cause, ya know...I can. (Source: )Um, this remix may be too loose for the Judges to potentially accept and that's my only real concern at the moment. Either way, please give it a listen and possibly leave some feedback. I hope you guys can enjoy this...uh, WIP. But don't expect it to be staying as such for very long.
  11. Wait, what? I'M SO CONFUSED!
  12. lol Not really, no. But just to give you an idea of what you'd be going against if I were... http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/117753 As you can see, I'm probably no match.
  13. I would totally submit my WIP for Vampire Killer to this... But I wouldn't be able to finish it. I no longer have my guitar gear to re-record anything.
  14. I'm being cheated on, ya hear? CHEATED ON! lol
  15. Cool beans. I've sent you some of my work so you can get an idea of what I'm working with, software-wise, and the kind of soundscapes and feelings I can produce.
  16. Interesting. I find myself to write things with a slight sadness to them, but it's not overly sad. I'll write something up, or just send you something I've written, to see if you're interested in having me.
  17. To be completely honest, I've never heard of the show or know anything about it's music...but I'm really wanting to do more work with music so I can build somewhat of a resume. This is just a quick post, but I'm interested in this. I will check out the source in a little while when I have another minute to sit down. ...And yes, I write original compositions. lol
  18. Oh...my...god. I can't believe I ever forgot about Crash! D: He was one of the first games I played for the PS1, GOOD TIMES! T_T I really want to remix the main theme for the first game. MIRBY! You're challenge shall be met, good sir.
  19. Dreambliss: I've heard things about Eletri6ity, infact I'm pretty sure I saw a Youtube video about it. My complaint at the time was that you could tell that it had a bit of MIDI-ish sound to it. But after hearing your track, it makes me have second thoughts about my initial opinion. $2,500? Damn dude, that is a lot of money my friend. Money I wish I had to spend... xD And thanks about my track, I'm usually quite good at creating soundscapes...and sometimes good at actually writing songs with them. This time wasn't the case, but we'll see have it unfolds with some more work. ShadowBlade: lol I knew someone was going to hate on the Synth and after listening to the concept a few more times...yeah, I pretty much agree with you there. The concept worked when it was mostly electronic in the beginning, but now it's evolved from that into Orchestra. Speaking of, the Orchestra sounds are from East West Quantum Leap Symphony Orchestra - Gold Edition. Very very VERY handy little piece of software. The Choir is apart of my Kontakt Library, though I don't remember the name of the original library when I had initially found it. But, I'm glad I DID find it none-the-less. Percussion? Quite possibly, to be honest. Though my percussion work usually isn't too amazing, so I tend to save it for last if I can help it. Well, alright...my percussion work is usually hit-or-miss. I played Trumpet in Highschool, not percussion...so I never found the grasp on them. ; mickomoo: Thank you thank you. This track could definitely use some breakdowns and the like for sure, I've just been lazy and getting the general idea I wanted down. Your track...yes, definite timing issues. What program are you using to write your compositions? If it's FLStudio, then you can get a nifty little program called "ASIO4ALL" (Though I think FL has this included with it's install, I can't remember). But either way, if you have it and set it as your soundcard in FL, then it literally halves the MIDI latency. If you don't use FL, then I would suggest you look around Google to see if ASIO can be used in your program of choice. The track as a whole is vey dark and menacing, really. I like what you have, but you do have some balancing issues that can be worked out, not to mention dynamics as well (the Cello is way too strong, it doesn't need to overpower everything else, for instance). The Trumpets definitely sound a bit cheap, but if you're working with limited resources, then I can't fault you on that. And the only thing I have left to say is maybe to add a little more percussion. A military-esque Snare part wouldn't hurt this. Hell, even a simple drum kit would work for this, imo. Regardless, I like this and want to see you improve it. And just for fun, here's another track I started work on shortly after the one I posted in this thread. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=34065
  20. lol Thanks man. I was probably going to do a genre shift at some point to bring that Synth back in, but also use it as shock treatment. "Oh, this is nice orches~OMFGWTFTRANCE?!" lol
  21. Shadowblade: Definitely some good stuff there. I think the lead synth you have could be replaced with something better. The guitar is perfectly fine and feels right to me. You could probably introduce some new sequences of the voice clip you're using. Switch it up and come up with different variations of it so it keeps peoples interest. :3 Dreambliss: The opening instrument thing in "Starless Night"...it's alright. I don't necessarily like the gated effect you have on it. If you had it do tiplets in any shape or form, I would probably enjoy it more. I <3 the Guitar...the drums sound pretty damn amazing as well. What are you using for them? I must have them. Either way, that's all I can really say about that particular track. It's good and make me jealous. I need to work on more rock-based tracks. ManniganMusic: The sounds you use are meh...but I understand that not everyone can have the amazing sound libraries they would want to use. Composition is solid, I like what you did on the whole. FLSlayer isn't doing this any favors though. I think you'd be better suited finding something else to play the Guitar parts. You never know, something else might sound 10x than you had originally thought. You should also work on your dynamics a little bit. Everything sounds fairly mechanical outside of the Horn Section. Overall though, a great little Airship theme. Here's my track. It isn't finished right now and can definitely use some improvements here and there. As the title would imply, this is a random concept I wrote...so there's really no purpose behind the track right now. I was just writing to write.
  22. This track really started off as something being made out of boredom. After about an hour of messing around, I finally decided on the feel I wanted. I wanted it simple, dark and slightly mysterious. Personally, I think I accomplished that fairly well, but what I think doesn't matter here. Honestly, the track can be swung either into a game or into a film. If it's the latter, the lead sections would more than likely have to change. The track isn't finished yet, but I would definitely love to hear some feedback from other people to see if there's anything I can improve on with what I have...and maybe some ideas to potentially make it in the later parts of the composition. Anyways, I hope you guys and girls can enjoy this. Happy listening. (Instruments used: Viral Outbreak VST(Space Glider), Sytrus (Pulstar 2), Kontakt 4 (Some random choir libraries I found), EWQL-RA (Mandolin), FPC's default drum kit settings and the DBlue Glitch Plugin.)
  23. Well, if I were a performer I would definitely get on board with this. But unfortunately, I do not perform, nor do I sing. I'm horrible when it comes to practicing my instruments and my voice. I definitely find composing my ideas to be much more satisfying, but my work usually incorporates the use of orchestra sounds. I wish I had a live orchestra sitting in my backyard, ready to perform my ideas live. But...yeeeah, that definitely isn't the case. However, if you ever find the need to use my particular services, I'm more than willing to get some work done.
  24. - WIP Heya guys, been awhile since I've been around. But I'm back with a new track at least! Real quick, the idea behind this track was to create something similar to John Murphy's infamous track from the movie "28 Days Later." I love that track...a lot. ._. Either way, I know I have some balancing and EQ issues. My main thing I'm really wanting to know about, is if the drums fit in this. Of course, you're welcome to point out anything else if you like, constructive criticism is ALWAYS good. Right-o, I hope you guys can enjoy this at least. Keep it classy peoples. ---------------------------------------- - Finished BOSS FIIIIIIIIGHT! Seeteufel is a Bonne Mecha design that was made for the "Bonne Mecha Event" for the MML3 Project. If you don't know wtf I'm talking about, go check out www.capcom-unity.com and look for the MML3 Dev Room. :3 Either way, I had no real direction with this. The boss fight is a little hectic as there is water constantly rising while you're having to fight Tron. I just kinda started writing and ended up with this. Lemme know what you gives think, eh?
  25. o.o *Bows down to Jewbei* Dude...seriously. This is pretty damn amazing. So why isn't this finished yet? As for what Gario said about over-decorating the lead? I wouldn't worry to much about that. I'm very fond of the soft lead you've got going. But later on, when you're expanding more, I'd love to hear the soft lead meet with a hard/ruff lead. Tastefully, obviously. Maybe have each play off one another in some way, or just have one of the two double the other. That's just me, however. Whatever you do, I'm sure I'm going to love. Keep it up man, definitely keeping my eye on this bad boy.
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