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Dash Myoku

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Everything posted by Dash Myoku

  1. lol Way ahead of you on that one Rozovian. Not unless I can remember everything I did for a specific sound...let alone several different sounds. But yeah, saving will be a top priority.
  2. Sweeeeetness. Thanks a lot Kirby. ^^
  3. I've been trying to do this recently with Sytrus...but I'm failing pretty hardcore. Can anyone offer any advice or a "Custom Synth Creation for Dummies" reference? It'd be very much appreciated. <3
  4. lol Maxed out Ice Cap sounded like a bunch of crap over crap. xD
  5. ReMixanator, remixing for n00bs. I think OCR might be officially dead to me.
  6. lol Thanks estaples. I love doing water-esque theme's...but this one's unique as it actually fits for what it's made for. Also, fighting the urge to layer more stuff over what I have is no fun. Maybe I can add in little things to give it that extra feel? And yeah, the fun one is fun. I might actually add more on to it and get it developed further just to have a seperate version of awesomeness. It could even possibly turn out to be the battle music for this particular ruin...but the project leader doesn't want anything sounds "electronic." Me? I like some electronic-ness mixed with some real-ish sounds. Oh well, I'll more than likely have to force the electronic-ness on him. xD
  7. Very awesome stuff right here. I'm definitely gonna have to get this soundfont, I love the sounds they used for sonic. And when implemented the way you did it...guh, it's just auto-win. Good work man.
  8. Started on this last night. It was suppose to be something creepy and ominous...but turned out being more serene and calming more than anything. And for lol's, I did an alternate version with a really awesome section. Which might actually turn out to be the battle theme for this ruin. At any rate, it isn't finished and honestly...the top link is kind of null, seeing as how I forgot to save it after making the third section. I will either try and recreate that section, or go a different route. Let me know what you guys think. ------------ Somewhat of an update. Decided not to recreate what I had and went in a different direction...mostly. ------------ Not much, just added in a new section. It's somewhat bare at the moment. I actually have a harp section to go over the new section, but since I'm not sure I really like it right now, I left it out. The drum groove I have will probably be taken out as the boss doesn't really care for the hi-hat stuff. The new section was meant to give off a "heart-beat" sort of feel.
  9. Wow, this is epic win. I think you capture the vibe of the source extremely...possibly even better than in-game. Great work my friend!
  10. Wow, so many ways to do it. Thanks everyone, I'll be sure to explore all these different options and see what works best for me (or rather what I feel more comfortable with).
  11. Alright, I'm working on this remix and it has some pretty nice sounding strings swells. But, since the remix is mostly a chill electronic (I guess?) style, I wanna add some stutter effects to said strings. (The remix is in the remix section of these forums) Now, I don't want the strings to stutter constantly...cause that'd be retarded. No, I want them to stutter a few times whilst building and dying. But also not so plain as that, either. Say one swell happens and it stutters a bit upon building...but it doesn't when it dies. The next doesn't stutter upon building, but it does as it dies...sort of thing. Anyways, if you understand wtf I'm talking about and can help or point me in the direction of where I can read up on this, please let me know. Thanks guys.
  12. lol Yeah...11th Hour would've been hilarious. xD And I listened to it...very interesting. I got some-what of a jazz/fuck type feel, at least for a bass line. I'll see what I can do with it though.
  13. loooool Silent Hill I could understand...but 11th Hour?! Just to clarify, you ARE talking about Lamb of God, right? XDDD Yeah, I definitely favored that pad over the original I had. It's not too over-powering, but it's enough to give off a nice effect with everything. And yeah, I 'll try my hand at some Silent Hill. Any particular track you had in mind for me to do? Thanks for the response though, I was giving up hope there for a minute. x]
  14. Which, ironically, were all meant for a game. Not the same game, but none-the-less. First, we have the Acid Dungeon track. Originally meant for a Zelda game. I don't really remember what was going through my head when I wrote this, but the project leader really liked this. He left it on repeat...and ended up thinking the song was longer than it really was. It apparently loops very nicely...or something. Next up, we have a boss theme. Also meant for the Zelda game mentioned above. I wrote this out of boredom one day, so I can't really say what inspired me to write it. Personally, this doesn't sound very Zelda-ish to me, but it was intended for a progressive boss fight. Currently incomplete. Last, but not least, a water ruin theme. Really, it probably doesn't work for what it was meant for, but I had fun writing this out. Then re-writing it...and then re-writing it for a third time. I know I made this...but I absolutely LOVE the second part of the track and I hoope you guys do as well. Also incomplete. Well, those are my 3 random originals. Hope one of them tickles your fancy. Happy listening.
  15. Wow...horrible. It sucks. Wtf did you DO! ... lol I'm kidding. This is purely epic. I love EVERYTHING about it, but I'll have to agree with fixing up the choir a bit. But even with something as minor as that, it doesn't hurt the remix in any way. I officially <3 you for this. xD Keep up the amazing work man.
  16. I've never played the game, or heard any of it's music. But I have to say that I like this. The only thing I would say I didn't like was the organ that comes in around 4:16. I felt like it didn't really blend that well with the rest of your instrumentation. But other than that one little bit, this remix is solid. Good work man.
  17. Hey um...there's an update (after 2 months of nothing). I hope it doesn't disappoint, the update is explained in the first post. OH! And I gave this thing a title finally. As soon as I figure out how to change thread titles, I'll change it.
  18. Wow, I'm really lovin' this. I especially like when those horn sounds come in. It just blends really well to me. Can't really say much other than work the ending a little bit. Don't get me wrong, I like the way you ended it, but the sound getting cut off at the end sucks. If you just let the last two synths ring into nothingness, then I think you'd be pretty straight with this remix. Good work. ---- lol Didn't see Pac's post until I had already posted.
  19. Thanks for the reply Kenogu. lol I'd love to flesh it out...but I guess I really didn't have a direction in the first place, just an idea. I can either start a new project with the same idea, but with better direction...or keep working on this one and see what happens. Of course, the original plan was to have it "mainstream" sounding. Something that you'd hear on the radio or some singing with. Can you tell I'm a little bad at those? lol
  20. Alright, so I had this idea a little while ago to mix various genre's into one. The genre's were Rock, Hip-Hop (Originally Krunk), Trance and a hint of Symphony. Well, it wasn't until about a week or so ago that I finally decided to try puttin' something together...and obviously, I did. Or else I wouldn't be posting. Either way, I really want some opinions on this, as I have no real idea where to make this go. The initial idea was nice, but the after-thought left me hanging. Criticize to your hearts content, my friends. Anything is welcome and appreciated.
  21. Got an update for you's guys. I think it's funny, inbetween playing Phantasy Star Online, I've been workin' on this bit by bit. Making small changes and adding in small, but new things. I know that Spoon liked the original synth that played before everything gets all big and synthy. That DID change, but it can definitely come back by popular demand (the original synth is in the initial mp3, just for reference).
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