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Everything posted by Dash Myoku
Well...if you had a save file before it happened, then simply load it up. If not, then I've no idea. That's never happened to me before. Um, you could try the "Undo" button and see if that does anything for you. ^^;
Well, I like a lot of your ideas, Pippi. I'm going to try and implement a few of them and try them on for size, possibly give my own spin and see what happens. I was actually a little ify about the triplet-synth, but I left it anyways. I guess it works fine for that part of the remix...just maybe not when it's introduced so earlier on in that particular section. Thanks for the feedback/ideas!
Awesome, thanks Spoon (if I can call you that lol). Since that last update on there, I actually changed that one synth. I'd upload that, but it'd be a waste to do that and not work on the other things you mentioned. I'll go ahead and rework some things, see how I can add in some original sections and then onward-forth with the climax of the remix.
Well, this was turned down on the Judges Board, but they want me to resubmit with some changes. So now I'm in the process of going back over this to fix it up and hopefully get it to pass in Round 2. This is update #1 of the Resubbed version. So far, it's just the beginning half of the remix. There wasn't much that they wanted me to change, instrumentation-wise, but this remix is probably over a year old by now and I've acquired better sound libraries, so I'm trying to use those in this. So far, it feels a little rocky to me. I'm not sure that I want to re-add the delay setting I had on the Piano and I'm really trying to get away from the stock drum-loop I used, hence why that was changed to FPC drums. Either way, the Piano feels the same, as in mechanical (or at least to me anyways), but I'm not quite sure how to remove that from the equation. The Pad in the background is still the same, though it bores me, so I'm looking to replace it with something that fills the space better. Um, I removed the synth bass and added in a more realish souning bass (Scarbee, if anyone knows it)...and that's really about all I've done with it. Between the issues I've stated, I'm also trying to figure out a better way to transition to the latter part of the remix, probably add in a different drum sequence there as well so it doesn't get boring, like in the first version. But yeah, give this a listen (older versions are below) and let me know what you think so far. I'll probably have another update tomorrow at some point. (Link to Judge stuff HERE) -----------------------OLDER VERSIONS---------------------------- Click here to download RE2 SafeMix.mp3 Yeah, I'm bad with naming remixes. But whatevs, I'm a little stuck on where I should take this. I kinda want to get more electronic or trance-y with this, but the current feel I have for it feels...well, pretty good. Maybe I ought to branch off and do some original composition, then have a big lead up to a tranced version of the theme? I just don't know right now... --------------- Semi-finished remix. Let me know what you guys think and enjoy! ----------- Update#1: Changed a few things. I haven't added any original sections just yet, or messed around with the background stuff (Sorry Spoon), though I did add a couple of Pippi's ideas with the percussion at the intro 'n such. I also left out a few things towards the end, such as the Triplet Synth that played. I still don't know that I like that enough to keep it in. I'm feelin' like somethin' stronger should be in-place of it, so we'll see how that one turns out. So basically, still just a shell until I add in some original sections and a big, strong finish. ----------- Update#2: Well, I didn't get to do what I really wanted with this. Couldn't really come up with any original sections to add in or anything. So, the best bet for me was to keep it simple and chill. As is, I think it works for what I originally wanted, minus a big trance-y section. Let me know what you guys think! ----------- Update#3: Not a very big update, but I added in some sweet string swells for the second part of the track. When I was rendering this, I forgot to unmute a NES synth I had playing. Also, I realize the low-end of the song gets a little distorted towards the end, but I've already fixed that. I would've rendered the better version, but it takes forever on this computer. Another note, I realize the swells are a little overpowering, but not to fear, I already fixed that as well. Also, I really would like to add a stutter effect to the strings. Nothing that would overtake the strings, just as a little something for when they're building and dying. Sort of like just playing between which times they happen. I use FL, but I'm not exactly sure on how to pull that off. If any one knows how or can direct to me to something that can help me, please let me know.
Retro styled music, comin' up!
Dash Myoku replied to Dash Myoku's topic in Post Your Original Music!
The game is a typical top-down shooter. Basically, you have your ship and you move side to side to dodge enemy fire while firing on them to kill 'em. Pretty basic as it IS retro based. lol I guess there's not much I have to say about 01, since it's good to go. 04, I can see your point. I can slow it down just a tab and nix out a lot of the drum stuff just to mellow it out. And the melodies...I'm not sure. I like 'em, but I know that doesn't mean a whole lot since this isn't for me. lol And you're right about the boss track, I'll have to spend a little more time on that one. Thanks for the feedback though. I'm gonna go ahead and put the "finished" version of 01 in the first post, just so you have an idea of what I mean when I say "they have one more step before 8-bit goodness." -
...Simply and purely awesome. That's about all I can really say. Great work man, great work.
So, I'm on a game project, obviously composing music. The game is retro based...it pretty much has a complete NES feel. Minus the music, obviously. Now, the tracks won't be goin' in the game as they are. There's one more step for these things to go through to achieve 8-bit goodness. At any rate, 01 is Stage 1's theme. 04 is an undecided stage theme and...the last one is pretty self-explanatory. 01 and it's boss them aren't finished. 04 is just about finished, just need to make a section that loops back to a previous point in the track. So, how do these sound to you guys? Is there anything you dislike or would like to hear differently? Any kind criticism is welcome. Also, if you wanna read up on the game, or check us out, visit www.9bit-productions.com ---------------------- -Final Versions- 01:
Mm, maybe I oughtta find a BPM detector some where. And yeah, constantly having to change the tempo to match the WAV's seems annoying...but doable, to say the least. Thanks Patrick. Thanks for the equation, Moseph. I hadn't actually thought of the mathematical relevence with BPM, but it seems like it'd be helpful if I wanted to figure out the BPM of songs when I'm not at home. I'm using FL7 and I don't think I've really come across anything that similar to doing that, like Reaper. Maybe...something to definitely look in to. Thanks Luke.
Ok...so, lets say I have a WAV that's of a song. Something that plays on the radio, but it's just vocals. No background music or anything. Now, what I want to do is compose music around that, but I find that I have BPM problems later on. Measures don't line up right and by the end, it's a big mess of crap. So, is there any way to have the WAV play at a certain BPM so I can arrange music around it without it getting off track?
Sorry, keepin' this up. I need moar opinions.
lol, Thanks Panther. I did hopefully fix that problem with the kick drum for ya. Glad you like what you hear, though. At any rate, this remix is hopefully done. Now lets see if we can get some comments and more critquing for it. lol
Nothing? C'mon guys... lol
Got an update up. Lemme know your thoughts!
HoboKa: Yeah, from what I understand, movie-music doesn't count. If the music is made specifically for the game, then it's fine for remixing...or atleast that how it was last I checked. lol Alright, so basically lower the bass volume just a tad and work on the Hats to make them fit in, rather than stick out. Thanks for commenting on that cymbal thing I had going. What did you think of the whole "reverse" section back to the main section? I was a little ify, but I liked it. BlackPanther: Well I'm glad you like it, can't wait to hear what you have to say about it. Anyways, sorry to both for the late response, kinda stuck without internet at my house. I DO have an update, though. It's not much of one, worked with what I had with the trance section to help it flourish a bit more. I'll get that uploaded in a few minutes.
Sounds like that work out, I look forward to hearing what ya do in future updates.
SSB Brawl Main Theme WIP - orchestral breaks/big beat
Dash Myoku replied to Sole Signal's topic in Post Your Game ReMixes!
Nicely done, I love it. Since it's final, it'd be pointless for me to critique it. -
Oi, the link isn't working for me for some reason. I "saved link as," but still nothing. x.x
Sounds pretty solid...maybe a little empty? Though that could just be me. Not a very helpful reply, but I figured this deserved some kind of reply. Keep up the good work man.
Pretty good, imo. Everything fits with eachother...though, I never played Sonic Unleashed. I played the demo, but that was about it. So I can't really say whether it sounds similar or not. If it were me, I'd probably add another supporting line to go with the guitar, or atleast work with the guitar. That way you gain a little more depth with the composition. The drums are...alright. lol I'm not a big fan of breakbeats, because drums can certainly accentuate a lot with music. But breakbeat has it's upsides. For this, the breakbeat works, atleast. But another way to go is to switch between actual drums beats to breakbeats, just to give a little variety. But oi, that's just me. lol Anyways, not bad for your first post, keep up the good work.
Mm, I see what ya mean. I'll change the sound and see if that helps it. If it doesn't, then I'll go with altering the kick-drum patterns a bit. I won't lie, I like the drums as they are, but for the sake of distracting, I'll do what I have to to change that. Glad you like it, though. It sounds pro? That'd be a first for me, but thanks for that. Anyways, I'll try and get an update asap. I've got no internet at home atm, so it probable won't be til next weekend before I get another update uploaded. x.x
Yeah, sorry about the title. I don't exactly have a name for this just yet. I'm open for suggestions, to say the least. Anyways, this originally was something I made a year or so ago. Started messing around with it and then decided to make it 8-bitish. Then I started adding more parts and a new section to take place of an old one that...well, sucked. Unfortunately, I don't have the original track to put up for download so you can compare 'n what not. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy. Lemme know your thoughts and what you think could be improved. --------------------------- Update #1 Added in a solo, I'm very ify about it, so lemme know your thoughts. And since this is something that's meant to loop, how does the looping seem? Does it seem like it'd get too boring after a few times? Should I added in one or two more sections? Anything is helpful!
Alright, been awhile since I've been here, but hey! I actually feel confident about this remix o' mine. And what do ya know, it's something other than MML stuff! lol Anyways, can't really say my whole idea with this one, just kinda went with it really. I think it came out nicely for just a wip, but I'll let you guys be the judge of that one. -------------------------------- Update #1 OH SHIZZ!!! An update already? lol Yeah, I worked on this earlier today. Some people like to hear previous versions to compare, so, there ya go. -------------------------------- Update #2 Not much to this one, I changed the strings for intro and outro purposes. Added a lower bass line for the trance section, gave some grit to the bassdrum in the trance section and leveled everything out to make sure nothing was being ignored. Overall, not a big update, but a good update. -------------------------------- Update #3! Hopefully the last one! Alright, not much to say. I messed with some EQ to help balance everything out. The kick drum in the trance section no longer has any "grit" to it. Changed the lead synth in the trance section, added a die-out section and...well, yeah. That's about it. Let me know what you think, cause this biotch is DONE! -------------------------------- But alrighty then, hope you guys enjoy this. Anything you can dish out, I'm more than welcome to receive. Criticize to your hearts content. ALSO, here's the source track if you've never heard it before. Sorry, it's a youtube video, but hey...it works.