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Everything posted by V___

  1. aww daym, now we're gonna be flooded by judge wannabes...
  2. *screenshot of the page as I read this post*
  3. I'm going to try a new track, or see if I can revise my Scumball track... Iv REALLY improved since my last submissions (as LT would see if he read my PMs ;_; to everyone else, wait for the Tales project to come out, mines the Colette mix) Hmm what style am I up for today....
  4. You have become my favorite person on this forum for that line I've found that I'l usually work on 6-7 songs at once: I'l write down the meat of all the songs in around 2-3 weeks, and then keep working on it occasionally for the next while to get it to where I want. Sometimes it backfires and I get sick of hearing the same songs over and over and never quite getting there, and so I scrap all of em out of frustration, but usually I enjoy hearing the halflife of the imperfections in my songs. I guess its just what you want to take from the music your writing, wether its for show or sale, pride or popularity, expression or entertainment, cliche or cliche, etc or etc....
  5. FUCK YOU ALL you just dont know art....
  6. I'm in back, bitches and I have a mic now
  7. Ok, so next weekend (2nd) I'l be preped to send this up. Thats a promise from the heart. KA LI MA style! Sorry bout the delays dudes, life is killing me
  8. Theory of Non-Existence is joining?! This will not do, no sir it will not, I must sign up so I can challenge him and finally beat him at his own game yes his own game and then AND THEN the golden cup of glory will be mine and the world will not be able to oppose me, Lord Sik Ghastly Jnr the 3rd, as its supreme chess chamipion HAHAHAHA broom broom! quick switch cameras I MUST RACE! *plays speedracer theme* ie - I'm in
  9. My track is ready for upload imo (balanced the piano that little bit more) and now I just need to name it and upload. That'l require me to read how and where and what and all that shit and I havn't got time. Seriously. Thats how swamped i am... *sigh*
  10. From the demo tune not a bad sample set. Good to know NZ has finally done SOMETHING useful....
  11. I started a mix of Red Sector, thought I'd pimp this out while the albums still hot (crappy headphones, and I havnt touched any DAWs in 2 months, so quality is slightly lower than my usual) http://vmeissner.googlepages.com/Skryp-RedSectorVmix.mp3
  12. oh Skrypnyk!!! How I miss yee and IRC!... We shared some good tunes.... We were going to make music together. Sweet, sweet music, oh... .... But then you had to collab with ANSO.... ... Downloading your tracks now, hope to catch ya on IRC some time dude, later!
  13. Ok, so Iv moved house, had life happen, and kept my day job, BUT (!!!!!) I did finish my mix. Gonna get some final comments, but I really cant imagine changing too much from it... both cos of preference and limitation of skills.... ONE TRACK CLOSER Y'ALL!!! (i think)
  14. Sorry, I'v been in limbo with my track... work killed time, and I decided to move, plus general lack of inspiration... BUT I'm getting back into it! Gimme another week and you should have my next 'final'
  15. *hate* Naa, just wanted a chance to redeem myself for the crappy sound quality... My Tales project track should do just that!! [/pimpout]
  16. I hope to HELL I get given an opportunity to try and fix my track *listens to tokyo slapdown* *shivers*
  17. DJ Ham - Be Happy Other than that... acouple of personal favorites: Recon - Right Here Heaven7 - Dance Me CLSM - Free Your mind UFO and Hixxy - Welcome 2005 (Hixxy Mix) CRW - I Feel Love (Mauro Picotto mix) (oo and recently, this one) CRW - Feel Love (Breeze and Styles mix) Cosmicman - I Love You GEOS - Power and Glory Recon - Enjoy Dougal and Gammer - Testing 1 2 Hixxy and Recon - Love Comes And too many more to mention. I recently found a Ferry Corsten - Digital Punk happy hardcore remix sample, but Iv lost it... havnt got the mixer name or anything... if anyone knows who it is, tell me plz
  18. KRK Rokit 8s Seinheiser HD25
  19. .... What? Iv never used a spectrum analyser properly (i thought it was just for fun pretty colours in FL) You can actually 'use' it?!
  20. hmm just tried on mine (3.0) and nothing faded during a 12 second sample Try switching from |\- decay mode to the |-| one, and make sure the length is really maxed at 127 (its like 100, but that little bit more. Kinda like these amps we got that go up to 11)
  21. I'ld drop in some of my combi templates, I especially love my drum setups. Shame I dont know how to use em....
  22. I find a global EQ of +12db@330hz and -12@1.2ghz is perfect, and then I run it through a distortion and reverb unit, 100% wet. I listen to all my music like that.
  23. Just posted my WiP in the forums, run and check it out if you have access
  24. Huh? I had R3 and R4 beta installed on the same machine....
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