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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. all the more it made me go and Although the more bullshit I'm hearing and seeing about the PS3 (loss of backwards compatibility especially) the more I'm beginning to believe it's truly a waste of time. Thank goodness some of the games I want that suppose to come out of it will be ported
  2. http://www.next-gen.biz/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=7422&Itemid=61
  3. So yeah I recently decided to get TF2. After getting it installed and updated I tried playing it. Low and behold... This pops up... So yeah I can play ET:QW perfectly fine but when it comes to TF2 this happens..? OKAY problem solved... For some damn fucking reason Steam had its compatibility set on Windows 2000... wtf..? So I unchecked it and now runs perfectly Mods please delete this unless you think this post will help others...
  4. Why not try out AVG Anti-virus, barely notice it on my system and that's when I'm either playing anything, watching a movie, or anything basically.
  5. Either the devs/vendors will create a patch to allow DX9/XP users to play them or simply isolate the user base. Personally though I don't care about CoD, or UT3 lol Crysis though... idk...
  6. I've always thought that particular track was more of ambiance of the fact of it being the last dungeon... Then again there have been remixes for music from Castlevania - 64/Legacy of Darkness which arguably was very ambient... So I think some one ought to be able to make a good remix
  7. Also got a boot screen that initially shows the Umbrella Logo the words Umbrella Corp at the bottom (No more old windows boot up screen yay) with thea red bar sliding across as its booting up as well as yet again Umbrella Corp themed Log On screen. Heck I modified the start up theme to play a small song that was part of RE:CVX OST ending/credits track where a woman or young girl sings a song as the programs I want turned on at startup... starts up Alot of these things any one can do, I just happen to go for a semi industrious/classy motif...
  8. I actually use stardocks' "Windowblinds" app which does a pretty good job. Here's one I used for Halloween a couple of years ago. http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b94/Schwaltzvald/SGdesktopscreenshot.jpg Another dark motif http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b94/Schwaltzvald/WBpica1.jpg I'll make some more example pics later on if there's interest... edit - the pic itself does not show the major changes but the hint of the taskbar being different gives a very slight idea... I got to make better examples lol...
  9. If ya got the money to go for all that good for ya, otherwise it's still aint worth switching to just yet imo... functionality/practicality over asthetics kthxbye
  10. You really haven't tried looking if thats a serious result of your search... I have something well over 50 variations of Dancing Mad and more which I can't remember off the topic of my head... Most of them either I've deleted because the variation sucked wet donkey balls or were not what I was looking for. Regardless, there are quite a few around here as well on the net that are good. I think the main issue in your search is that the ones you have found did not meet your standards...
  11. Enough to make an encyclopedia britannica set... Gonna check out the series
  12. Idk I've always made it a habit to copy whatever cd keys I get for a game onto a notebook/notepad file... I like the idea of having a second set of keys in case I lose the originals... Just my $0.02
  13. I have doubts "double-dash" play will be there, but would make for an awesome addition to the main game. One group of players wanting solo racing while the other group of racers can play the DD version. One of the biggest, and sadly least likely, addition to the game would be the option of players creating custom race tracks with treacherous obstacles if desired. The custom maps would be saved on a save card or something... As for Kart Rider, ROFL on the race blocking!!
  14. I say the criticism on the game is more or less unfair as nintendo seriously had years to try developing Mariokart Online like this game for online play. The closest being Mariokart DS which even then could have better done for the PC due to how many players would have loved to join a racing game at the same time. They didn't take the chance and look what happened. At least Nexon didn't actually use the likeness of Nintendo's characters and items... Edit* It was posted just after megadave, I didn't hear about that news lol.... When did that news come out..?
  15. Protip, DO NOT Bother with modDB... It's less reliable than Win95... As for Metroid Revolution, yes it was cancelled but it's not in any way connected to the Three Month Mod... As for describing the mod, I couldn't call it an HL2 mod because its only using the source engine along with materials from both HL2 and CS:S in their demostrations such as jumping and the armcannon that uses the Gravity Gun as the current model for it. Next time something like this comes up I'll just say a Source engine-based mod For all their info, their main page site is the only real place to look up on info. At least they;re active.
  16. http://www.blackened-interactive.com/threemonthmod/ Don't really know what to say except, I can only imagine what will be done with it and how much potential it has. Something to see to believe.
  17. Harry Potter? okay okay seriously... Gordon Freeman look in an HEV suit..?
  18. If you're willing to be creative, to make Toad's mushroom cap-hat try getting some old umbrella no one would miss, open it up and hack-saw through the base short enough to make a sizable mushroom cap. From there using some fishing wire and some small coat hanger wire and have it hang from the umbrella points so it adds depth to the mushroom cap. you can exchange the fishing wire with coat hanger wire if you prefer. From there cover it with a cloth of your choice with patterns you desire and voila, a mushroom cap. I forgot to mention that you MUST ADD A BASE just so you don't end up impaling your head with the pointed end of the umbrella piece --- You can do all that or get some one else to do it... or get an oversized, widen turban...
  19. I don't but the guys where my sig link goes to that do have it have made their thoughts. Over all TF2 in beta kinda blows mainly due to the long respawn times. Though that could/should be fixed in the full version, the game is well recieved. Just the cartoony affects give it a fresh breath of air as well as changes in game play mechanics. Pyros are much more fun than in the old TFC (arguably the most popular version of TF mods) as well as being a spy and skulking about is fun as well. The sniper's fishbowl view when scope make things feel wonky when sniping but I personally welcome it. HW guy still as fun as ever. Engy's pretty cool and its nice to see how the scout has a chance in fighting back now unlike in TFC. Medics finally can stick to the role of their namesake instead of being the ultimate balance. Soldiers are always fun too. Demomen being the only ones with explosives can be interesting.
  20. That is a problem I've noticed; in my case, there have been plenty of albums I would have bought but could never find them because either they are "Out of Print" (In bold red letters) or simply be sold on ebay over priced... the money going to the overpriced copy isn't going to go to the artist that's for sure >:{
  21. That's cool, consider I almost posted the link about it on the musician thread. As for downloading music, my only real issue on buying cds from indie artists is simply not being able to find them physically and have to rely on the few shops that do accept a check or money order... Heck I once tried buying a copy of Quake IV way back and the shop that sold it only accepted credit cards... fuck that. MY CC will be used on important purchases like bills I can pay immediately so they can't bull shit me on "not recieving the check/cash from the mail"
  22. Prefer torrents myself... Regardless, I thought it was rather interesting Amazon's trying it out now after so long, not to mention trying something partially different...
  23. LMD Mode = Link Must Die Mode Complete with complicated but enjoyably fun sword techniques but controlled entirely by the player instead of something done automatically... Damn it now you got me icthing to go back to play DMC3 on DMD mode, without previous skills completed.
  24. Moved..? Didn't I post this in Off Topic..? I didn't realize how bad Amazon's policies are when it comes to something like commissions...
  25. http://yro.slashdot.org/yro/07/09/25/1951219.shtml For those that do not wish to visit the site... ~~~"Amazon this morning moved their DRM-free music store into open beta. According to the release, 'Since all our digital music downloads are DRM-free, you can play them on anything that plays mp3s including PCs, Macs, iPods, Zunes, Zens, iPhones, RAZRs, and BlackBerrys. Plus, our Amazon MP3 Downloader application makes it easy to add your downloads to iTunes and Windows Media Player, so you can sync up your devices or burn your music to CD hassle-free.' Not to mention Linux."~~~ good or bad...? I say good because it would allow less popular artists get out there and be noticed under a big name shop like Amazon.
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