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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. I actually still play on and off, and the update patch in fact was launched last night. I haven't reboot my pc after the update because I was running utorrent. I'm lucky so I'm just gonna see once I get back from work if I can repair my PC; assuming it's affected. Luckily I built my pc so I still have my Windows XP Pro OS disk if I need it. In the event that you've already rebooted before being aware of this epic fail... I'm searching for answers. edited
  2. from /. Here's a fix for those that have not rebooted their PC's yet and still play EVE... here is a normal boot.ini file: How to edit the BOOT.INI file from M$ Corp http://support.microsoft.com/kb/289022 IMO one of the biggest epic fails I've ever seen. Edit* I realized I didn't post links to info about this issue directly http://myeve.eve-online.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=651679 http://games.slashdot.org/games/07/12/06/1312254.shtml
  3. I would be too if she's still hot
  4. Didn't you know..? Wouldn't be complete without talking animals
  5. I believe what's really flawed is the word choice as well as clarity behind what he meant. I believe he meant that no martial art can be judged critically based on a few bad. or even good practicioners of said MA; especially by those whom have may not have, or have a different perspective of a particular MA... Course... I could be wrong... I think it's just best to say that no matter what, you will use whatever you're very good at. For example, I am best using my fists, but I will use my whole body if I must, be it sparring/gym/dojo practice, or real life situations. I believe the same could be said for all practicioners of any MA...
  6. I thought the high supply on Ninja Gaiden (shadowwarriors) had been because of the SNES cartridge, which has all original 3 games, were abundant. The SNES version had shitty (thats right shitty!) sound in comparision to the original nes versions. The sound effects just didn't sound right at all and it often had sounds that were piercing to ears... offtopic* Megadave Did get that thing I sent ya..?
  7. depends on how much you value your copies... On the one hand, nintendo sells their nes titles on the virtual console at what, $5 these days..? On the other hand, with nostalgia, as well as personal interest in making a worthwhile investment, you could easily sell it for $50 if it's very much demanded... Honestly for Ninja Gaiden (Shadow Warriors), I wouldn't sell it or sell it for something like $200... Yeah I still think it's THAT awesome...
  8. This is something that must be emphasized, as any practitioner mustn't ever underestimate the potential of an opponent... also I actually like your new sig, brings me a good laugh
  9. That man that. First time I saw that I cracked up so bad; It just reads and sounds so wonky it was hilarious to me.
  10. Damn you Damned, I loled so hard I sprayed sprite all over my monitor. as for your wiimote issue try this before sending it to the big N...
  11. The only time I've ever had a problem with that statement is when the time comes when you have to defend yourself. IMO there's nothing not allowed when it comes to life & death situations. In example, I'll more likely use my fists in self-defense but I'm not gonna let m,y own style hinder my chances of surviving, expecially if I can expand my skills. I believe it was Bruce Lee himself that stated how he hated the rigid fighting styles back then and how he came about creating his own style which he tried to emphasis on creativity with practicality.
  12. From my experience I was able to convert a (then maxtor) external hard drive by voiding my warranty and taking out the hard drive. Had some spare pata cable and gave it away to a friend who needed an internal one badly. That said... I think you can... But spend the gift card on something better... http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=2010150014+4026&name=%2450+-+%2475 that's a newegg listing for hard drives at $75 and below; check it out. While you won't be able to use ur gift card on it at least u can get a much better deal there than at radioshack...
  13. That's pretty much how I'm built. I'm more of a boxer by fighting style than anything but I have had some experience in various martial arts. Can take a good beating for good while before I even get mad lol. The trick is to know how to absorb hits as well as weaken them as you make your own assault without having to turtle often in case you feel as if you're getting in trouble. in essense, if you're not really careful, chances are you'll get fucked up in the worse way by me. I like how some fighters think they can try finishing me fast at the gym when they more often than not just tire out and get all weak.
  14. As I rewatch both trailer versions, if you get motion sickness easy, you may get MS... There were a couple of moments where it seemed like the camera guy was too jostled and that scene with the helicopter... yeah...
  15. My thing is though if it's another attempt to bring back Godzilla, I may be less interested. Basically I want something that hasn't been touched such as anything from HP Lovecraft, except War of the Worlds...
  16. Check out Noroi as it uses a similar style. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GW2umYbQRA
  17. It better be something from Lovecraft damn it... I honestly would love it to be an actually good live action version to Urotsukidoji aka "Legend of the Overfiend" but that's asking way way too much... Meh I'd settle for an awesome Cthulhu flick
  18. I've never used super so I can't comment on that, however I can say that foobar2k does a good job in converting my .OGG files into mp3s for my mp3 player...
  19. You're referring to the "Snatcher Battle Perfect Selection" album right..? It's a very awesome album... My favorite track is "blow up tricycle".
  20. Some ISO's of games will not work on the latest version on whatever emulator you're running; which you have yet to say which one you're using. Assuming you're using ePSXe chances are you may need an older version of ePSXe to run it. Examples of games that will not run properly on the latest version are Legend of Mana, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, & Chrono Cross...
  21. The funniest thing I've ever read. Just like the time some one told me I "absolutely" needed an Ageia's PhysX card to play games like FEAR, Quake Wars, and any other game that's will come out
  22. First off have you tried asking on communities that focus on emulators more so...? Second... Which ps emulator did u get...? I use ePSXe as my main choice and it recommends you to have the scph1001 bios file... From there running the wizard ought to be much easier for you to set it up...
  23. Unless you've somehow soldered the burner to ur PC it's never too late... Just open ur case and take it out, replace it with a new one that fits within the case and voila. Just need to make sure you've removed any unecessary drivers/software... Look on the bright side of this... At least you're not running Vista, where as if you did it would have cried "FOUL" if you replaced the burner. Correct me if I'm wrong
  24. Could have replaced the DVD-+RW burner..?
  25. Unless the site actually promotes does not mind posting links for such things... I'm not gonna risk it... The most you'll get from me now is this link... www.google.com
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