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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. On Samurai Jack: As for Invader Zim, from what I've heard, parents complained alot as "it had alot of subversive content, including condemnation of humanity". I don't know what got them BAWWWWWWWING and whining about it to get it kicked off... Any one with a reliable source is welcomed to fill in the gaps
  2. I'm surprised no one mentioned the Dwelling of Duels page where there are tons of remixed game tracks that utlizies the e-guitar http://dod.vgmix.com/ OCR is a great resource for tracks but tends to have a mix of all genres, where as DoD tends to have alot of rock/metal reinterpretation/covers... Couldn't hurt to ask them to use their tracks...
  3. I won't use my meme again (there is a thing of too much of a good thing) but that is a thing most guys like me need to adapt. Cartoons these days are more often meant for a young audience. As we've noticed shows like Avatar: TLA can easily be compared to other shows like Pokemon or even in some cases Naruto. (elemental/mysticism based abilities, improvisations of said abilities etc). Hell, Captain Planet was BIG on teaching about preservation of earth and its natural resources Also most of them repeat a lesson that's usually hidden or in-your-face. Such as not giving up too easily/strive for a higher goal etc. Then you have shows that of course had no such intentions and merely created for entertainment purposes such as Bleach, Teen Titans (though I have this odd feeling its trying to tell us NOT to become weeaboess by showing what it can be exxagerated) Metalocalypse, Home Movies... It's simply the advancement of remixing everything from Aesops Fables to drama/comedy for an audience where animation is the preferred medium. Edit: shit I had a great idea in mind and it didn't exactly come out on the post as I liked... The point is, they (new generation) are seeing all the great things we've seen in our old shows remixed into shows of today... May not agree on design, but so long as they entertain, that's all that it should matter...
  5. 1 - Yeah bad example and I wasn't trying to put words in your mouth. 2 - I actually do agree with you in respects that as I said on that same post, there were times that while an idea looked very good or at least interesting, when it was done the results were either very poor or lackluster/could-have-been-done-better.
  6. One more as this will be the last one from me. The Real Ghostbusters - Ragnarok & Roll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1JANez8_I0 (Part 1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15sJK6Fh_Ys (Part 2) Somewhat of a personal favorite, a bit emo as I look back on it but still it point at the end is straight forward; as it actually has meaning but made so right in front of you instead of trying to be cryptic or incredibly profound like in other mediums.
  7. The first half of the final animation sequence in Fantasia(1940) featuring "Night on Bald Mountain" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8Ca_edg6RE Is this shitty..? imo no What was really prevalent during the 60's, 70's, and even partially the 80's cartoons is that there were alot of "Scooby-Doo" clones and vice versa... Also there were shows that had awesome cover animation intros, but when it came to the actual shows themselves, they tend to be shit or poorly/lazily done...
  8. In the spirit of Nostalgia and Halloween... The Real Ghostbusters - Knock, Knock http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chBeYfzY4Zk (Part 1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Md3vU1S3g1o (Part 2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPHtl_ZhBAo (Part 3)
  9. QFE That is what I was referring to earlier...
  10. well... you can try importing the bookmarks to Opera until firefox is fixed...
  11. Well from what I understood about the trick, it had something to do with memory management. In my case, after applying the trick it allowed my source based games be playable with high vid quality settings with no crashing... I honestly can't explain it fully well as some one else who may know more about the issue, but I do know I haven't experienced any negative effects from it.
  12. When you uninstalled firefox to reinstall it, did you delete EVERYTHING related to firefox before you reinstalled it..? Aside from saving the bookmarks, it could have left some files that remembered whatever settings you had that for some reason did not allow downloads to occur...
  13. a couple of things... One choice, which is usually reserved as a last resort, is a complete format of your hard drive. reinstalling windows and everything else you had... Next, you probably have a hijacker/trojan that is residing deep within the bowels of your pc that is giving you a hard time. so programs that deal with trojan/hijacker termination is a must here... This could be the reason why anti-virus would be ineffective as its not dealing with virii persay... anti-spyware apps usually helps but not as effective against trojans as it usually gets rid of a major bug, but not where the god damn critter keeps regenerating. Kind of like attacking Cell and only leaving a hand or foot behind for it to regenerate all over again to give you grief... Personally I tend to rely on AVG for my anti-virus/spyware needs http://free.grisoft.com/doc/5390/us/frt/0 rarely do I get a trojan problem, but when ever I do I usually go for Trojanhunter --> http://www.misec.net/ for a free variation --> http://www.emsisoft.com/en/software/free/
  14. The same could be said of all cheap cd players... But enough talk~ HAVE AT YOU!
  15. Ya know it would be funny if the trick I posted in the Portal thread actually alleviate the stagnant fps issue... This is however based on Windows XP, as I'm not sure of its effects on a Vista rig... SHOOOOMP A while back I kept getting errors to where when I have the high quality settings turned on for the games they would crash in a matter of minutes. ESPECIALLY HL2: Ep1 So in my search to find a solution I found this on another forum which for me actually worked. --- --- --- Start Menu > Run > regedit Surf down to this key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management Double click on "PagedPoolSize". Hexadecimal is listed first. Change the "Value Data" to one of these below: (Note: You only need to enter EITHER Hexadecimal or Decimal. They both are the same.) Megabytes Hexadecimal Decimal 192Mb 0c000000 201326592 256Mb 10000000 268435456 384Mb 18000000 402653184 I went with the 384Mb option Once I was done I made sure to reboot my computer. --- --- --- When I tried the game again it ran flawlessly as well as all of the source games. If any of you guys encounter an error referring to something about DX8 Index buffer or something like that, try that solution as it may help
  16. From what I'm seeing, sometimes no matter how powerful ur graphics card is, some apps (games especially) won't run as great as they ought to unless the cpu is not being used fully. Is the game/demo design to take advantage of dual core tech? Crysis it self may actually need something like 3.0GHZ or more to run the ai along with other things that I've not factor in... example: FEAR recommends a 3.0 GHz CPU to run on full settings. My rig utilizes a 1.86GHz Conroe Dual Core. It looked great and ran rather perfectly but there were times where there would be hang times and had once in a while crashed after long periods of game play. evidence A: http://fear.dasmirnov.net/info/systemreq.php evidence B: Crysis System requirements on MINIMUM settings. Further proof it being a CPU issue in your case CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.8 GHz (3.2 GHz for Vista), Intel Core 2.0 GHz (2.2 GHz for Vista), AMD Athlon 2800+ (3200+ for Vista) or better RAM: 1GB (1.5GB on Windows Vista) Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GT, ATI Radeon 9800 Pro (Radeon X800 Pro for Vista) or better VRAM: 256MB of Graphics Memory Storage: 12GB Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c Compatible ODD: DVD-ROM OS: Microsoft Windows XP or Vista DirectX: DX9.0c or DX10 Edit: Holy fucking shit Crysis makes FEAR look like a modest eater of resources... One game I won't be touching, bootlegged or retail bought...
  17. Meh I stopped liking winamp after WA3. Stuck with foobar2k as it does the job for me; playing music files ranging from mp3 to lossy.
  18. You may want to go for a PC considering how flexible it is with hardware, especially with soundcards depending on what you're doing. Aside from the flexiblity with hardware, you'll also have the option to choosing your OS, being either windows or the countless flavors of linux distros... In the end though select which OS you're familiar with and go from there...
  19. Here this is what you're looking for http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/sp2/default.mspx
  20. It's an odd issue as it has to do with how memory is managed, in particularly with games that run on direct3d more so than ogl. My rig has about one gig of ram, plays Quake Wars, Quake 3A, Quake 4, FEAR+expansion beautifully, yet when it came to games that are dependant to direct3d, unless I was running on very low settings, would crash on me after a while. I could be wrong, but my vid card was more or less catered to playing games likw Quake Wars (ogl) although it can play games like HL2 beautifully after I did the trick. If any one else with more knowledge about the issue and how the trick alleviates the problem are more than welcomed to give more info. Edit: Dunno, what's your system specs..? You might even have a hardware issue for all I know.
  21. What do you mean crashed..? Meaning it went downhill...? what..?
  22. I find myself relying on Insignia's products For me I personally use the sports variety of mp3 players they have http://www.insignia-products.com/pc-290-22-insignia-pilot-4gb-video-mp3-player-with-bluetooth-technology.aspx This version is able to play videos but, like you, I have no plans to watch videos and it was just $125 for 4GB. Carries for me a nice small collection of my stuff to listen to during the day. There's another version without video play back but with the 4GB of space http://www.insignia-products.com/pc-275-22-insignia-4gb-bluetooth-mp3-player.aspx I've beaten the shit out of it, dropped it on concrete, and besides the scuffing and occasional scratch it still plays just like the day I bought it. Best buy carries it to my knowledge, considering thats where I got it. I usually just chuck the software, but this one utilizes rhapsody for management of music files for putting it in the mp3player. More or less useful as it didn't fuck up my organization unlike the time I tried itunes.... Edit: I just realized in a few hours, I misread your post; read it saying you didn't need in excess something like 37GB of space If you want an mp3 player that has alot of space, go for the iPod Classic --> http://www.mp3.com/apple-ipod-classic-160gb/hardware/258/summary.html It supposedly holds about 200GB of music.
  23. Try this trick as it may help you... - - - - - A while back I kept getting errors to where when I have the high quality settings turned on for the games they would crash in a matter of minutes. ESPECIALLY HL2: Ep1 So in my search to find a solution I found this on another forum which for me actually worked. --- --- --- Start Menu > Run > regedit Surf down to this key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management Double click on "PagedPoolSize". Hexadecimal is listed first. Change the "Value Data" to one of these below: (Note: You only need to enter EITHER Hexadecimal or Decimal. They both are the same.) Megabytes Hexadecimal Decimal 192Mb 0c000000 201326592 256Mb 10000000 268435456 384Mb 18000000 402653184 I went with the 384Mb option Once I was done I made sure to reboot my computer. --- --- --- When I tried the game again it ran flawlessly as well as all of the source games. If any of you guys encounter an error referring to something about DX8 Index buffer or something like that, try that solution as it may help
  24. http://apcmag.com/vista_activation I'm crying and laughing at how annoyingly bad this issue is... Way to cripple your OS M$ and screw your consumers yet again.
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