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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. Speaking of connecting movie to game... This was around a while before I've made the post about the GB game... http://www.i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=26156 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fb2A-MtheE&feature=related Did an explanation ever come around to it..? Also just tonight I was flipping the channels and saw on Larry King one of the guys from "Ghost Hunters" on the show... I'm beginning to think its some huge elaborate marketing campaigne; or some huge fucking coicidence.
  2. The turtles movie, while very well done, felt like a two, maybe three half hour shows for TV rather than something I'd expect for a movie. Despite that, I was entertained. As for the GB movie being CGI, they better have a good script for it.
  3. QFE & T MMX with the old SNES Pad played fluidly with me. Never had any complaints on it.
  4. My problem is if it has Ben Stiller in it, I won't enjoy it as much... I hate Been Stiller with a greater passion that Dr. Doom towards Reed
  5. Upon further searching here's something though probably already seen. From http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/?p=587
  6. Or an elaborate ruse..? http://www.gameinformer.com/News/Story/200711/N07.1114.1221.16217.htm
  7. If you have a relatively strong PC, go for the PC version of the Orange Box... Much more use out of it as time marches on... Can't speak for the other titles though...
  8. On the super soakers.. All I had was the original Super Soaker 50, that's it and it was awesome for its time. As for the ultimate bedroom... Queen Sized bed (For me and my woman) Custom-made cherrywood desk with hidden conpartments for my laptop & important documents already inside a firebox. Surround Sound system with widescreen TV over a fireplace that can be hidden away when not needed... Book cases for my books... Of course my woman as well There are many things I would add but I'm at work...
  9. I'd be simply happy with just the DS, Wii, PS2 and my PC to be left with emulating... Although the systems of old days gone by do bring back good memories...
  10. You're better off building your PC rather than buying a pre-made PC. As for OS... If you have a lot of programs that run on XP and that are essential, you may want to go for XP Professional. As for Vista, go for it if you are feeling experimental as well as if you want access to DirectX 10 right now.
  11. For imagery: Heroes and House are of course very different and yet neither entertained me... As for how I supposedly clumped them together, I just said "or" not "and"; Kind of like if I were to say, "Get me a can of hash, can of hash and some coffee". Neither two items are alike but are items I requested. In this case I mentiooned Heroes and House on how they do not entertain me and then I added in tv reality shows because just like how the two mentioned dramas don't entertain me, I'm not entertained by TVRs. That's pretty much what they have in common; they just do not entertain me. also as for the Transformer's movie, this comic sums it up http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=241
  12. I can't help but :lol: Not laughing at you or the show, just the reaction. All I ever really watch is the occasional jeopardy, Discovery (health, science) History Channel and CN when there's nothing else that catches my interests... Yeah I don't care much for Heros, House or any tv-reality shows... *Equips Flame Shield* -Negates all flame/fire-based attacks
  13. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LostMagic With that out of the way... The way you describe it makes me want to choose to play Quest 64 over Lost Magic.
  14. Hey I was reminded at work for this one. Why not something from Dethklok's Dethalbum such as "Castraikron", "Briefcase Full of Guts", "Thunderhorse", or "The Lost Vikings"..?
  15. Wow wtf :lol just about to leave work to get home. Since you're using a dell, there ought to be a program that relates to ur printer, (usually the one that comes with said printer) from there you should have access to settings, yet this seems to be more odd issue. Find an option referring to cleaning your ink cartridges nozzles... I'll explain more when I get home. Edit: After some searching, I've come to the conclusion that... Maybe it's time you got a new printer... How long have you had it..? I want to say it's a hardware issue with how the printer is not being sent information correctly and is causing that weird result... Sorry I'm not much help after that point... imo Lexmark has never failed on me...
  16. I'd say it's a requirement, if only to become aquainted with classic moves like Shoryuken, spinning bird kick etc...
  17. What are the settings on the printer currently? Is the ink relatively new or old? Have you tried an alignment test? Have you updated the drivers to your printer? Is the website you're trying to print from known to have issues from simply printing..? Is there any debris (old ink scraps, dustbunnies, paper debris) within the printer? Have you tried a thorough cleaning of the ink cartridges..?
  18. imo you're limiting yourself of some great tracks. When you say heavy, I tend to think of not only Painkiller+BooH, but also other tracks that could serve well such as from Castlevania, Devil May Cry, Sonic Clang's Classic DOOM OST. Depending how you are putting your varation of MUGEN, heavy tracks will not always work; at the very least depending on the types of stages you plan to use, characters (not usually a deal breaker as there ought to be a good variety), as well as atmosphere (Special effects from the stage itself). Hell I can even name three tracks from "Okami" that would be good to use depending on what stage is used.
  19. What he said, though for me it gave me that good old feel of simpler days...
  20. http://camstudio.org/ I assume this is the program you're referring to..? Looks interesting
  21. It'd be great if you can eventually. What can I say except I'm a fan
  22. the images are only small when u see them here, if you download them and use your viewer on windows you can enlarge it to see its true size. My friend is picky about quality when it comes to digital copies...
  23. So yeah on a whim I decided to spend a good hour early in the morning observing through my artbook collection; eventually I came upon my imported copy of the Okami Official Art Book. I forgot how awesome it is though I soon noticed there was a couple of pages that had music sheets along with an 8-bit variation of Okami and its characters. I refused to destroy it to scan it. I decided to instead meet up with a friend of mine that collects art books as well but digitally instead. He gave me a copy and here is the couple of pages that I was referring to... & has this been discussed before and if so what came out of it..? If not then do the sheets mean anything to some remixers/artists here..?
  24. god damn 10 character limit... is it beyond human comprehension to get rid of the 10 character minimum requirement?
  25. Watched them way back when I stayed home from being too sick to go to school to inbetween summer days. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grimm's_Fairy_Tale_Classics I don't suppose you've check this out..? Did you want to know the stories specifically rather than the show in general?
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