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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. The way bombs are collected are just like back in the th06-08 series in that you just collect them. However I assume you can only actually collect them from the ufo's. As I tried again earlier when I've completed a couple of ufo collections I had about 4 or 5 bombs at the ready. basically bombs don't use ur actual strength, as they act just like in the older titles pre th10
  2. I see it as another way to beat seemingly difficult bullet hell moments by utilizing the ufo system. Once you've succeeded in collecting the required 3 which ever way, it takes away a lot of bullets from the screen all the while rewarding you.
  3. we can talk more about it later as im currently leaving work to get home atm :)!!

  4. How much for BoFIV..? Since I can play my old PS1 games on the ps3 easy and can save data on it I'm cool with them.
  5. I suppose I'm the only one that was surprised by the bro-fists. I'm definately adding the latest one to the set soon as it comes out
  6. You can always try out ...
  7. Make a search for the graphical update patch and put in the hitbox option. Beaten the game myself on hard mode but not lunatic mode yet. It's only as difficult as you make it so long as you don't have the patience. I used to get frustrated on Extra mode on EoSD but that's changed since then. Still many challenges I've yet to complete. beating this guy's run by not using focus fire is one of them damn it.
  8. The one thing disappointing about the series is that generally, none of it is "officially", to my knowledge at least, translated/ported to any other language. Thus fans of the series have made "patches" and "updates" to the games that change the Japanese dialogues/text into English. A shop online sells the games for about $20 each, though EoSD sells for $16 seeing as it's the first of the series to be playable on a Windows platform. On a different note - My current challenge is to complete stage 5 on lunatic mode in "Imperishable Night" with no bomb use or focus fire using all the playable characters.
  9. That would make things too easy Although recently a fan-made graphical update for EoSD (TH06) includes the option of having a visible hit box. In fact (TH06) is the only game in the Touhou series that didn't have a hit box being visible at all. In the later games after TH06, when you used focused fire, you would see the hitbox on your character. Example - in this video if you pay close attention to the character being used and utilizes focus fire, you can see the hitbox being displayed. Regardless, even if you were to have the hitbox displayed constantly, that doesn't stop the games having an, imo, "enjoyable difficulty" throughout the game. It's emphasized that you graze the enemy's bullets and attacks. You also earn more points when you dodge and graze the bullets without using the hitbox display. There are some times where in fact the main goal of certain attack is that you must outlast the timer of the spell card and simply survive it till it runs down.
  10. If you time your bomb use right in certain situations this along with many past titles of the series allow you to emerge unscathed. However there an incentive to getting through it all without any bomb use (bombless runs). Mainly its a higher score, but also in more later titles it's capturing spell cards. The brofists however make me both laugh and rage.
  11. a while back and while there some new stuff added to the game play (ufos for extra points) one thing from the game demo blew my god damned mind. Third stage of the game gave a whole new meaning to me to the term bro-fist. I did not expect it to happen. The vid shows what I'm talking about...My first reaction to it when i saw it was "WHAT THE SHIT!? BULLSHIT!!" makes me wonder how the full game will be...
  12. All the more sweeter victory becomes when I use him. You can excuse Vega style and Gen's, but a "boxer" of all styles... Then again I'm a fan of good ole boxing
  13. Wish I could fight ya as I think you'd like my Vega, Balrog, & Gen
  14. Some fun Gen action here --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSetP6QMslg&feature=related &
  15. I always found Abels kinda funny in terms of them grappling you. Sure it's a pain of getting air/overhead shots at him as he seem's to have the perfect antiair. However, I've always noticed right before he does anything annoying, he'd roll to the other side and then grab doing the combo, same with first over head then leg hit. If you can dodge/block them you're good as gold to punish them. Especially with a super if timed right. As for Abel's super, much like Ryu/Akuma/Gen/Dan(?), just jump to avoid and get him dizzy with cheap hits; unleash a super if possible afterwards.
  16. psst~ Brotip, he didn't actually make tetris hd. Nonetheless still awesome
  17. It was only huge because I messed up but it did make it fun. I actually had to clear it out on my own before the war with the french started. There's much more money to be had out in 0.0 space but unfortunately I'm waiting for my alliance to get my "essentials" out of ES via jump freighter. Too risky to pass through the infamous "EC-Gate" with it all.
  18. takes too damn long to even make a single line
  19. You're not the only one at war, we got the frenchwing to deal with...
  20. How about a Megaman Legends 3 HD and throw in the other games as downloadables on the PSN as well as the new game..?
  21. B and/or E
  22. Go back in time to create a steam punk mecha suit and rampage all over feudal Japan or terrorize the UK. I better see something akin to that damn.
  23. Eh... I bought my PS3 with cold hard cash, the games/PSN cards though on credit among actual essentials. :3
  24. So yeah I kinda fucked up and had myself and overcoat face stupid odds that forced us to retreat . Was fun nonetheless
  25. His review gave me a couple of nice lols
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