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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. Clocktower on the SNES translated with no censorship plz kthx
  2. I love it when people don't take the time to read the thread from the beginning. Continuing the thread tradition... 7th Saga Brain Lord http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYjyQjWfLMk
  3. This is actually a good thing, a progression where the first one is incredibly enjoyable to where its sequels give more enjoyment. Basically a series where each game gets better and better is often lost upon the industry except for a few titles. In any rate Disgaea 2 Persona 3:FES http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Drs140-CIf8
  4. Not really, he just has to be open-minded and go without expectations and let his judgement come naturally. I never imagined I would enjoy Eureka 7 when I saw it. I was just looking for a mecha anime and while it did have that, it had much more to where its now part of my library.
  5. Just as well, went to the shop because I needed a microsd card. Didn't see it there anymore; instead it was hanna montana being whored out in it's place. As for Disgaea 2, I think I can find it...
  6. Sorry for the extra post but, no one interested..? Disgaea - Hour of Darkness Morrowwind http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5wf_2usTIQ
  7. IMO not really, they're just the biggest douchebags when it comes to used games/consoles. I know of a couple of cheaply named shops (Game-Junction ftw ) that do better business than gamestop. For fucks sake the cheaply named shop got games from the old atari, nes, snes, gen, ps1, ps2, dreamcast, xbox/360, gb/gba/gbc that actually work! Plus the shop also do disc repairs.. Also I've seen a couple of the old consoles on display, including 2 dreamcasts, an nes, snes, an n64 and the old fat ps2
  8. In other words, don't ask what it is, just go and watch it. If you enjoy it, good, if you don't, oh well you became a little more knowledgable about your preferences.
  9. I suppose it's a regional thing. In gamestops, FYE's and most other game shops in my area I would rarely see some good used ps2 games. I'd more likely find xbox games that I would have kept had I had an xbox/360. Also speaking of Disgaea, I'm not sure if I lucked out when I bought "Disgaea - Hour of Darkness" on the PS2 a couple of days ago. I was visiting a local bestbuy and I noticed the game all alone. There were only two and decided to pick up a copy. So far I'm enjoying it though I think I'm gonna restart my game as I'm not sure if I want to keep the "prinnys" or replace them as I gain enough mana... Edit: Assuming this is the rare game that Injin posted of, if I go back , see the second copy, then buy it. Would some one be interested in buying it from me..? I don't take paypal (fuck paypal) but I think money order is fine with me... I'm not greedy so I think $22 bucks is fair including the shipping and handling... Better respond soon as I have a lunch break starting at 11:30AM EST and thats when I go to the shops...
  10. That's cool because when I first saw the acronym for Touhou 6 (EoSD) I read it as BSoD the first time Terranigma Soul Blazer Xenogears http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WP3eHBhwv3I
  11. To be fair, It's still a good recommendation, HOWEVER, considering atmuh, he's probably found a way to bypass the securom bullshit. IMO nothing wrong with that and, imo, it's fair as he paid to own a copy of the game not rent it.
  12. HOLY SHIIIIIITTTTTT THIS IS A MUST SEE, LOOK AT THE RATINGS!!! http://www.amazon.com/review/product/B000FKBCX4 I only have so much restraint not to laugh out loud... HAHAHHAHHAHAHA :lol:
  13. Much like you Atmuh I played the hell out of Megaman X4 though I think your time is faster than mine. I'd often just play through it as X then the next day I'd go as Zero. Two very different styles yet always enjoyable. Megaman 4: I enjoyed not only the "megabuster-only" challenge, but the music; especially when I go to Skullman's Stage and Dr. Cossack's Stages. Legend of Zelda: Just to play the 2nd time around, loved the challenge. R-Type series: I just love SHMUPS and the epic feeling I sometimes derive completing Super R-Type in the hardest mode... Punch-Out: I love boxing and have fond memories of playing PO along side with gramps when he would take a try. Still play it though now on the Wii. Super Castlevania 4: Most gothic of the series and awesome tracks. Lost count how many times I've beaten it. I still play it to this day, though now on the Wii. As of late: Persona 3: Messing around with the large variety of "Personae" along with the challenge of killing the Reaper/Nyx Avatar/Elizabeth on hard mode. Any Touhou Game: That bitch Remilia Scarlets' been robbing me of an awesome score in EoSD; not to mention the extra mode along with the other titles within the series awesome challenges.
  14. It's probably THAT guy that always buys Madden or NBA-2KX whenever they come out.
  15. For those that missed out getting it for the PS2 and held out from getting the Wii version, the "Greatist Hits" edition of Okami is out for $20... Just thought others would like to know...
  16. Where the hell do you live? I've been trying to find the 3rd act for a good while now and I've only ever seen it on amazon (fuck ebay) for something like $50... Also all gamestops where I am ever have are xbox games in the cheapo bins, except for that one time I managed to get a copy of "Castlevania: LoI" still wrapped in its plastic.
  17. Ultima (NES) Wizardy (NES)
  18. That keyboard/mouse combo better be a wavebird hardhack to make you flail them enough to unplug them.
  19. You tool you're not allowed to download roms regardless if you owned the actual game. Doesn't mean it would stop any one from downloading them or creating them to begin with... In any rate Shining Force II (sega Genesis) Tales of Phantasia
  20. May as well add it to the rest, not that I dislike it as I played the hell out of it way back then. Just that too many posters are being redundant. Unfortunately I'm going to be redundant here as well. Chronotrigger (SNES) (With unused battle music ) Earthbound Gameplay (SNES) (It's one of those games that you'll have to play to get it and even then that may not happen. Still good nonetheless)
  21. Wut he said... Also I wouldn't be too concern about securom, something to break it will come out eventually Oh hey for those that feel shitted on by these so called "Anti-Piracy" methods check this out One's rant that could voice the many of those that can't think of a way to rant. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-uulRB1OmY
  22. Last set before bed Golden (motherfucking) Sun Persona 1: Revelations Upon further research the absense of the Snow Queen Quest actually does affect the storyline of the game... GOD DAMN IT..! I BETTER SEE A REMAKE SOME TIME IN THE NEAR FUTURE ATLUS~! ATTTTTTTLLLLUUUUUUUSSSSSS~!
  23. You just posted music from the game not actual game play Just edit your post for future references A personal favorite Valkyrie Profile (PS1) Oh right can't forget going over the top so...
  24. I'm the 10% that don't use USB connected Mice and Boards. The PS/2 Sockets are there for that and not only do the job nicely but frees up my USB ports as well as bandwidth. Atmuh's PC shouldn't have this problem especially since I got around 6 or 8 devices connected to my PC and it's recieving data from them just fine.... If atmuh doesn't have anything else except for the mouse and board, considering they are wireless, they may be sapping away the bandwidth. If you (atmuh) can try finding PS/2 socket recievers for your wireless stuff, it may give you space for the eyetoy; and anything else for that matter. Or as Effef said, your USB Controller could be taking a shit...
  25. 7th Saga Dragon Warrior IV http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGvj_m5Btj4&feature=related Phantasy Star II
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