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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. It's called having standards But I will say the kid will have something of a future, be it pigeoned holed in the same role or some how getting a mix of roles...
  2. Maybe later I can find it, I got a squealing but overly easily entertained tot to laugh at on another thread But hey is this new or was I slow to learn about this and it's old news now..? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VuwagwupX8
  3. You sure that's not what you've seen there when Speed racer came on, because that's what I saw. Perhaps I was expecting some awesome racing bullshit that occured in the old cartoons but done better on the movie. Sad to say I didn't see it and instead got garbage. Glad it didn't make any real money; now if only the douche bags who's making "Another Disaster Movie" would die off already...
  4. This it..? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gn5Ct6BsROU&feature=related Also on a related note, I found another version where.. I can't help but laugh real hard... The opening and ending credits with Koh Ikeda (I know it's classic now but cmon...)
  5. What the hell are you talking about? Speed Racer's not meant to be thought provoking as it's meant for entertaining; in particularly with pulling off awesome shit with the mach 5 to gtfo of trouble. Not to mention win races... The whole thing was a joke, the kind that ends with some fat guy wagging his ding dong at you demanding you stare at it longer just because it knew it felt you wasted your cash so it wanted to rub it in some more.
  6. Perhaps I'm just not impressed by the vomiting technicolor eye candy..? The whole thing just felt annoying, like a cross between 2Fast2Furious with ADD combined the annoying kid that hops all over you just to piss you off thinking you get your jollies busting your nuts on that. I've watched the old cartoons a long time ago, I knew the movie wouldn't be something "thought-provoking"; but I at least expected to be entertained. I sure as hell was not. I would even dare say I'd rather watch "The Love Bug" over speed racer if only because there's something utterly fucked up about a Volkswagen Beetle outracing top racers and their high performance cars.
  7. Givin time, you'll see the logic behind that post of his... Out of all the threads started by LuketheXjesse, there's not one that didn't make me want to do pull off some crazy beat down on him. Of course that's just me... Oh ya the speed racer movie was shit, made the old cartoons look a lot better.
  8. I thought Boomerang covered that... Then again I wouldn't ask for the channel when the net is in existence... Also Venture Brothers is still ongoing
  9. Nieces & nephews were asking me the same thing. I thought the show was on hiatus...
  10. May as well go with the deleting the malfunctioning games and redownload them. I was not aware that you couldn't save your smash Bro data. >:L
  11. If you go to the settings and with enough searching you can reformat the Wii. Settings --> Click The Right Icon (Forgot The Name) --> go on to the 3rd Page ---> At the bottom bar, It should say system Reformat
  12. have you rebooted your Wii? Also all else fails... reformat and redownload it..? Can't say I've ever experienced that... This article doesn't give much help but... in case your Wii took a shit and died, it's comforting... http://www.joystiq.com/2007/03/20/miis-virtual-console-games-transfered-to-replacement-wii/ OH SHIT I FORGOT HAVE YOU TRIED RE-SYNCING THE WIIMOTE?! Try that in case....
  13. QFE Also I want to be able to do this if the final mix ever comes out to the US... If only for the shits and giggles...
  14. Next thing you know we'll soon start seeing ads that cut inbetween Yahtzee's criticisms.
  15. You forgot "No More Heroes" already..? If NMH can get past with what content it has, I don't see why not D:DoC would be left intact, langauge and all..
  16. Slashdotter here, but you can also try www.neowin.net. Ars Technica - http://arstechnica.com/index.ars
  17. So hey I was just browsing on google shopping and noticed SW:TFU is on the 360, PS3 and the PS2... What the fuck... :lol: I know where the rental will go to NOW
  18. Alright for all the times I've allegedly made ya sad/cry here's a mac image, though I couldn't seriously decide if its insulting or just humorous; so for the gamble, to me it's just humorous and that's what I was trying to go for.
  19. If plot had been the issue, I would have never been playing games in the first place... It actually had more to do with how it's one huge oblong hodgepodge... Plumbers going down the pipes stomping on a prehistoric turtle to save a race of fungus and the only human being a princess is workable. A speedy hedgehog capable of destroying huge armies of death-dealing metal monstrosities created by a mad megalomaniac/roboticist works. But this... wuuuuut? Some nobody fightin terrorists all the while the entire earth going to shit? Is he gonna be Mike Roark with the natural disasters while at the same time being John McClane fighting this terrorist group..? Okay then... let's see it~!
  20. Next time provide something other wise I'm just gonna assume you're one of those crackpot end of days conspiracy theorists... From what I could gather... Um.... okay...?
  21. I'll pm you.
  22. You can't take Darwinia+Multiwinia on the 360 to class now can you..? I'm a gamer as well but I've shun the 360 on account my PC does the same thing and much better, TF2+custom maps/more content ftw. Not to mention no RRod.
  23. Good news I hear it's gonna be available for the mac as well as on the PC/Xbox360
  24. I heard nothing about this until just this morning... Nice to see they are continuing Darwinia. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6z-UlbOeuok&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKBmXbjgF40&feature=related Dare I say... Low-Res version of Warhammer Online..?
  25. Just get the regular dvd and save your self some cash.
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