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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. Sorry for it being semi-offtopic, but what is Odin Sphere..? Is it any good? All Ive heard about it is that it had massive slowdowns during boss fight...
  2. Damn expensive supplement I'll save the cash for the Valkyrie Profile DS thank ye sa..
  3. The following excited me - Valkyrie Profile DS - Nintendo will re-release Cube classics in a new ‘Enjoy with Wii selection’ lineup - Sin and Punishment 2 for Wii - Punch-Out!! Wii confirmed I'm also surprised, based on one of the vids, that it seems that they're remaking Rune Factory? Some other rather awesome looking titles. Still hesitant on the Castlevania fighter game... Also it seems that Street Fighter's gonna make its way to the Wii..?
  4. Yeah I was just feeling a bit nostalgic
  5. I take it because it sounds vaguely close to pronouncing "horny man"..? why not call him the "Waspinator" I fucking hate plug man's and Concrete man's stage... >:L
  6. uh... so long as they sell it at a cheaper price than it was before when it had the bonus stuff I don't see much of a problem to it. I can sympathize though the hardcore fans going apeshit about it...
  7. Understandable, I just became more curious if it's possible at all. Nonetheless thanks for the info Now to see if there's a way to make the side bar disappear just as one can with making the task bar disappear on a windows pc via plugin.
  8. Just how intrusive would a change of coding on the site would be if it gave the option to block a particular poster's sig? I recall on another thread one poster made a statement where he/she had blocked another poster. While I understand this may just be refering to PMs, in the thread it seemed as if he/she had the option to not even see the offending poster to begin with once blocked on any thread. If this is the case, wouldn't simply copy/pasting the same coding except changing it to refer to individual posters only be a clear fix rather than disturbing the site's coding altogether..?
  9. Games are always artistic as, imo, it takes a certain passion to create them; especially from scratch I would even classify the DOOM series as an example of it. Shadow of the Colossus and Okami are excellent examples of art + gaming combined. Okami Shadow of the Colossus http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGO5XEjEp_M&feature=related Both very different artstyles, yet both are amazing.
  10. Think of the thread as a reminder, as I recall another thread about this issue but which it was eventually deleted/disappeared...
  11. Considering I have a PC/PS2/Wii and DS that does already what I want them to do, yeah I wouldn't mind it. Perhaps I'm just jaded by Pandora, but unless it can do what I've mentioned earlier as well as perhaps other things, such as burn dvds on the fly/vid record as well. I'm not impressed. But for those that don't have much in hardware/gadgetry/are tinkerers, knock yourself out. I love any great multitasker as much as the next person, but its bad enough there are times I'm buying the same game over again, I don't really feel like buying the same hardware capability again until my original stuff had died... (namely most of the SNES titles/Sega I have )
  12. Also this doesn't seem too bad for those starting out... http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/CollegeAndFamily/MoneyInYour20s/9waysToBuildAKillerCreditScore.aspx http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/Banking/CreditCardSmarts/WhyYouNeedMultipleCreditCards.aspx
  13. To be fair I did find this... http://www.bankrate.com/brm/news/credit-management/20080114_reasons_multiple_credit_cards_a1.asp A good reason may be because credit cards are prone to identity theft. Using one card exclusively for online purchasing the other for regular use. For now though in my case, I'm content with just one and you can technically say it never leaves my side; exception being showering...
  14. It's Peter Molyneux you clod, and not every game requires a review ala Zero Punctuation. Do remember Yahtzee detests jrpgs and if you're into them, don't expect anything good coming from him on them. I do however enjoyed his take on "Painkiller". IMO it truly is the "true" continuation to the DOOM series; just instead of a marine doing the killing its some joe schmo wanting nothing more than to be with the wifey after redeeming himself from a fuck up You must be refering to the creators of games rather than the companies, as companies can easily adjust themselves to adapt when a series had shitted on itself and died, creators though...
  15. Only if you fuck up and don't pay attention, especially since my credit is quite good. Plus it helps to have friends on the inside.
  16. Wii lightsabering is more likely appear than actual fencing... Only game that barely comes close would be that olymics game and it pales in comparision to actual fencing...
  17. So... an overpriced brick that's capable of doing all the things of which I've already have in its place but in seperate shells..? It's cool and all but I don't see myself bothering with it unless it can play PS2/PS3/Wii/xbox360/dreamcast titles as well as play touhou on it...
  18. Steam's probably the most customer friendly of all DRM formats out there. If Damned needs to complain about drm, let it be about Securom, starforce, anything else that are like them. As for the game, it seems to play more like the Resident Evil: Outbreak series based on what I'm reading. I will say however I don't see it being a TF2 killer at all, more like a compliment to TF2 when your favorite server is already full and will be for a good while... Then again I still play QW: Enemy Territory on some select servers...
  19. The whole trick behind credit cards is just have only one card, Keep track on what you purchase with the card and don't spend more than what you know what you're able to pay...
  20. Not really dissing it, but I don't see it any different from brain bread except for the obvious ones... I do however seeing it having a good chance of suffering the same problems that older survivor horror mods that shared similar ideas to Left 4 Dead. Namely when you're zombified you're technically at a disadvantage and yet not... Plus not many are willing to wait till the round ends to restart (I'm looking at you TF2 Arena Mode) While Valve have worked on it, the same can be said for the other zombie mods as it's valve's materials/tools/sdks that are being used by modders... Doesn't mean they literally had hand in making other mods, just gave them a chance to flourish on their own.
  21. I wasn't referring to fable having long loading times I meant towards another game. Also while loading times are not necessarily a big issue with a game like fable, any strategy rpg (Think Fire Emblem or Disgaea) in particularly when you're issuing commands that have long loading times is something to be worried about... as for the growing trees thing...
  22. More like I bet the retail fuckers at the time hid their copies behind "barbie's horse riding adventures" and other shit shovelware... In fact ever since that day, whenever I'm search for a title in a retail shop, I ALWAYS look past what I see first in case I missed it. Not to mention shove the shitware behind the actually GOOD games for the good of gamers in my area...
  23. I've never seen that happen on the OCR forums myself but I wouldn't be too surprised if some one tries that some day. All the more reason for an option to block a particular poster's images of their choosing...
  24. The problem with that though is when the person chooses to change his/her sig everyday only to spite people, it gets to where the offended will be too lazy and would wish to simply block the sigs from a member altogether no matter what rather than having to set the block up every single time...
  25. Isn't it possible for him to just select who's sig he chooses to not display or is it universal throughout the forums..? Nohbody's sig earlier made me want that option at the time if was around...
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