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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. Try using compressed air on the lens, may be able to do the trick for ya if you don't want to take it to a shop to get it fixed/clean... ITT: I fix my own shit.
  2. I don't think he has much of a choice when it comes to the advertisements... Then again I could be wrong..?
  3. The slim models, from my experience are rather durable. Have had one since it first came out, and despite all the rough shit it's gone through. It's still kicking strong and playing my games. Seriously 1. Dropped it seven times from its spot, 3 from me 4 from my girl, butter fingers... 2. Soda semi drenched, waited 2 days, works just as before. 3. Of one of the times it fell, it landed where the ps2 mem card was. To this day I have to nudge the card a bit to the left in a crooked fashion to make sure the PS2 picks up the memory card. No mysterious wipes though. 4. Lent it to a friend once who took it to a friend of his which, for fucking sakes had a god damn roach infestation... Soon as I saw it back I swore I wanted to fucking strangle him for that shit.... Wrapped it in plastic and waited the fuckers out. 2 weeks later I'd taken the ravaged slim ps2 out and shook it wild; roach carcasses & body parts floating out from its exhaust. Used Compressed air to further clean it. Works like a charm. Moral of the story... NEVER GIVE YOUR CONSOLES TO YOUR FRIENDS, EVER! UNLESS YOU'RE SELLING IT! >:L
  4. The 60GB with the hardware PS2 compatibility or the 80GB version with the software emulation of the PS2..?
  5. Man... Makes me wonder how long will the PS2 live on, considering it's still getting ports and some new titles... Can I called it the Atari 2600 of its generation...?
  6. Yeah the gaming console merging thing is a bit different. It just seems pointless, to me at least, to bother with a mac unless the mac had some amazing, exclusive app that I would NEVER find on a windows and would depend on very heavily...
  7. I'm surprised no one mentioned mediafire...
  8. Gifts never expire, I've held onto them ever since they started the gift thing. Would you like them or were you just curious..? In addition, when you get HL:2 you'll of course have access the the freeware mods that are out there. Though not as abundant as the old HL, there are some that are pretty good. Dystopia is actually a very good mod and though older than TF2, I'd called it a cyber punk version of TF2. IMO it's one of the most overlooked mods for HL2
  9. I think I do... my story's TL;DR-ish so I'll spare the, once again, hijacked thread. Another Soundscape, do at least considering getting a cheap ole laptop or desktop reserved for light gaming and leave the Mac to do what it does best, music/web construction/art designing... Nothing inherently wrong with getting a Mac but... it's futile especially when apple is secretly just as bad, if not worse these days, than microsoft...
  10. I'll have to try it
  11. Coop saves the day!; even though sadly I thinking more of the Megas XLR Coop instead of Alice Cooper... But also... Upon my search to try finding a way to make Touhou games cooperate with macs...
  12. While I don't have guest passes I actually do have Half Life 2 and Episode 1 as gifts; considering I bought HL2+1 when they first came out. I'd be willing to send them to those that really would like them...
  13. Once again OCRemix uses torrents, I'm not about to sit on my ass all day downloading one song at a time while I can get it all in a torrent... But hey back to the game, haven't tried playing lunatic mode, probably would feel like fending off Zerg swarms on steroids.
  14. One more thing, Ran will fuck you up But seriously give VMware a try if you're not keen on using bootcamp/wine... Also cool wingless, I'd like to try it when it's complete This is however assuming it's not gonna be stuck in developement hell. Nonetheless goodluck on making it awesome
  15. If you want I can guide you to them, the music used in the vids aren't actually in game but are covers/remixes of the original tracks. PM me for more info Edit: I'd also like to apologize to Another Soundscape for semi-hijacking his thread and possibly making him tear up a bit.
  16. Actually this and many others are direct downloads. Free to access if you know where to search. Thanks again for continuing being a total tool throughout the forums. Especially since OCRemix itself uses torrents
  17. You can tell how out of touch I am with macs right..? But considering the reasons behind needing bootcamp just to run window apps..? I'm kinda surprised there were no lawsuits about it when it came out. Then again I recall in a vid that a console called the Colecovision (or intellivision I forget) had an add-on module that allowed Atari 2600 (its competitor at the time) games to play on its system... That;s kinda like Sony saying it will have an add on that would allow xbox360/Wii games be playable on the PS3...
  18. Nothing really wrong with that as he can get the mac for whatever his needs are, and reserve the windows laptop for menial/general work/gaming as I mentioned before... Again, soundscape, you really want to pass up on and simply because you don't even want to touch a 3rd party app..? Well good luck on your search finding alternatives...
  19. What's wrong with using a 3rd party app to play games that are Touhou..? For goodness sake, why not get a windows based laptop for menial/general work & gaming..? Touhou does not take a whole lot of power to run and play... Macs have their merits, but generally, not seriously taken when it comes to computer gaming... I can... provide you the Touhou games but, take the plunge into using bootcamp... Are you willing to pass THIS up because of your laziness..?
  20. So yeah still on a touhou kick... I loled hard when I found this and tried it out. Very simple and good time-waster of a game when you got nothing better to do or just waiting on a torrent to complete. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxDKzkzBlLw&feature=related
  21. I just realized something, for those having real problems actually getting through Megaman 2 (really shouldn't), go play Megamari, comparing the bullshit the characters Marisa Kirisame and Alice Margetroid got to go through and Megaman in MM2, MM2 is much easier...
  22. Go Atmuh, use glare~! *Atmuh's loafing around* Use simple retort~! *Atmuh's targeting JCvgluvr* *go play pokemon fgt* *Simple retort is super effective!* *JCvgluvr fainted*
  23. If the price (which is actually fair in this case) and the strings that are attached to it (which is total bullshit which outweighs the price of the product)... Then I say YES...
  24. You pussies who can't even handle the simplicity of the old MM games are the cancer of good games... >:L I also like to add that despite 2's fun factor, I'd say 3 was the turning point as mentioned earlier, especially since MM3 arguably is the longest of the series as well as possibly the hardest if you don't know what you're doing... 4 (personal favorite) just tweaked it a little more with the addition of a charged shot as well as nearly impossible to beat bosses without the right weapon. (1 or 2 of them at least) I can still beat pharoah man with just the buster cannon though...
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